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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ERSH 6600EApplied Educational Assessment00000
ERSH 8320App Corr and Regres Mth Educ00000
ERSH 8610Theory Ed Meas00000
ERSH 8620Item Respons Theory00000
ERSH 8750Structural Equation Modeling00000
ERSH 8770Multilevel Modeling00000
ERSH 9210Quant Dsgn in Ed00000
ERSH 4600EApplied Educational Assessment00000
ERSH 6200EMthds Rsch in Edu00000
ERSH 7800Topics in Educational Research00000
ERSH 7610Questionnaire Based Res in Ed00000
ERSH 8140Diagnostic Meas00000
ERSH 8350Mulvar Mthds in Ed00000
ERSH 8640Computerized Adaptive Testing00000
ERSH 8740Exploratory Factor Analysis00000
ERSH 8800Rasch Measurement Rating00000
ERSH 9800Qual and Quant Research00000
ERSH 8320EApplied Correlation and Regression Methods in Education00000
ERSH 7500EAction Research00000
ERSH 6510EApplied Quantitative Analysis00000
ERSH 6200Mthds Rsch in Edu00000
ERSH 4200EMthds Rsch in Edu00000
ERSH 9700Internship in Ed Research00000
ERSH 8790Rasch Measurement Theory00000
ERSH 8760Advanced Sem00000
ERSH 8630App Item Resp Theor00000
ERSH 8360Cat Data Ana in Ed00000
ERSH 8310App Anova in Edu00000
ERSH 7600Const Ed Meas Insts00000
ERSH 6600Applied Ed Assesmnt00000
ERSH 6300Applied Statistical Methods Ed00000
ERSH 4600Applied Ed Assesmnt00000
ERSH 8321EAdvanced Foundational Quantitative Analysis in R00000