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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOG 4040Global Environmental Change00000
GEOG 6570Advanced Gis00000
GEOG 6571LGIS for Health and Environ Lab00000
GEOG 6590Programming for GIS00000
GEOG 6631Race and City00000
GEOG 6690Adv Pol Geog00000
GEOG 6860Agro-Food Systems00000
GEOG 6910Geographic Research Methods00000
GEOG 6990Internship in GIS00000
GEOG 3130Atmospheric Hazards00000
GEOG 3633Cities and Nature00000
GEOG 3690Intro Pol Geog00000
GEOG 6460Field Methods Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 4111LAtmos Thermo Lab00000
GEOG 4116Intro Data Assim00000
GEOG 4120Synoptic Meteorol and Climatol00000
GEOG 4150Physical Climatology00000
GEOG 4160Applied Climatology Urban Envi00000
GEOG 4180Topics Atmos Sci00000
GEOG 4300Data Science in Geography00000
GEOG 4350Remote Sensing of Environment00000
GEOG 4370LGeographic Info Science Lab00000
GEOG 4385SCommunity GIS00000
GEOG 6111LAtmos Thermo Lab00000
GEOG 4410LCartog Visualization Methods L00000
GEOG 4460Field Methods Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 4570Advanced Gis00000
GEOG 4571GIS for Health and Environment00000
GEOG 4630Adv Urban Geogr00000
GEOG 4635The City and Film00000
GEOG 4720Geography of Latin America00000
GEOG 4890Aufc Service Learng00000
GEOG 4911Collab Rsch Atm Sci00000
GEOG 4970RUndergraduate Research II00000
GEOG 6040Global Environmental Change00000
GEOG 4410Cartog Visualization Methods00000
GEOG 6116LIntro Data Assimlab00000
GEOG 6121Weather Forecasting Seminar00000
GEOG 6150Physical Climatology00000
GEOG 6170Mesoscale Radar Meteor Climato00000
GEOG 6271Field Studies in Natural Res00000
GEOG 6330LAerial Photos Image Inter Lab00000
GEOG 6370Geographic Information Science00000
GEOG 6380Transport GIS00000
GEOG 6385SCommunity GIS00000
GEOG 6410Cartog Visualization Methods00000
GEOG 8550Prob Remote Sensing Environ II00000
GEOG 6630Adv Urban Geogr00000
GEOG 6680Gender Geography00000
GEOG 6810Political Ecol and Environ Gov00000
GEOG 6890Aufc Service Learng00000
GEOG 6921Dir Topics Ind Rsch00000
GEOG 7005Grad Student Sem00000
GEOG 8020Sem Geomorphology00000
GEOG 8120Sem Climatology00000
GEOG 8290Dir Prob Phys Geogr00000
GEOG 8350Machine Learn Geospa Big Data00000
GEOG 8355Labr Class Politics00000
GEOG 6571GIS for Health and Environment00000
GEOG 8590Dir Prob Geog Techn00000
GEOG 8630Sem Urban Geography00000
GEOG 8690Dir Prob Human Geog00000
GEOG 8900Proseminar in Geogr00000
GEOG 8910Seminar in Geographic Thought00000
GEOG 9000Doctoral Research00000
GEOG 9300Doct Dissertation00000
GEOG 6385LCommunity GIS (Service Learning)00000
GEOG 4385LCommunity GIS (Service Learning)00000
GEOG 6635The City and Film00000
GEOG 6116Intro Data Assim00000
GEOG 4470Adv Geospatial Spatial Stat00000
GEOG 4570LAdvanced Gis Lab00000
GEOG 4590LProgramming for GIS Lab00000
GEOG 4631Race and City00000
GEOG 4680Gender Geography00000
GEOG 4810Political Ecol and Environ Gov00000
GEOG 4890SAthens Urban Food Collective00000
GEOG 4920Special Problems00000
GEOG 4970HDirect Proj H00000
GEOG 6111Atmos Thermo00000
GEOG 4385Community Gis00000
GEOG 6140Satellite Meteor and Climatol00000
GEOG 6160Applied Climatology Urban Envi00000
GEOG 6260The Black and Green Atlantic00000
GEOG 6305Qualitative Methods00000
GEOG 6350Remote Sensing of Environment00000
GEOG 6370EIntroduction to GIS00000
GEOG 6380LTransport GIS Lab00000
GEOG 6390Small Satellites00000
GEOG 6450Digital Image Analysis00000
GEOG 6470LAdv Geospatial Spatial Lab00000
GEOG 4921Dir Topics Ind Rsch00000
GEOG 4370Geographic Information Science00000
GEOG 4380Transport GIS00000
GEOG 4390Small Satellites00000
GEOG 4450Digital Image Analysis00000
GEOG 4470LAdv Geospatial Spatial Lab00000
GEOG 4571LGIS for Health and Environ Lab00000
GEOG 4590Programming for GIS00000
GEOG 4632Urban Social Movements00000
GEOG 4690Adv Pol Geog00000
GEOG 4860Agro-Food Systems00000
GEOG 4910Capstone in Geography00000
GEOG 4330LAerial Photos Image Inter Lab00000
GEOG 6020Fluvial Geomorphology00000
GEOG 6060Fld Mthds Env Mon and Assmt00000
GEOG 6112Atmospheric Dynamics00000
GEOG 6120Synoptic Meteorol and Climatol00000
GEOG 6155Hydrometeorology00000
GEOG 6180Topics Atmos Sci00000
GEOG 6300Data Science in Geography00000
GEOG 6330Aerial Photos Image Interpret00000
GEOG 6350LRemote Sensing Environment Lab00000
GEOG 6370LGeographic Info Science Lab00000
GEOG 3120Weather Analysis and Forecast00000
GEOG 1111Intro to Physical Geography00000
GEOG 1112Intro to Weather and Climate00000
GEOG 1113Introduction to Landforms00000
GEOG 1125Resources Society and Environ00000
GEOG 1200Natural History of Georgia00000
GEOG 2010DHuman Geog Hon Disc00000
GEOG 2011LIntro GIS Lab00000
GEOG 2110HIntro Phys Geog Hon00000
GEOG 2250HResources Society and Environ00000
GEOG 3110Climatology00000
GEOG 6385Community Gis00000
GEOG 3180Global Climate Change00000
GEOG 3620Globalization and Modern World00000
GEOG 3640Geog Human Rights00000
GEOG 3990Internship in Geog00000
GEOG 4060Fld Mthds Env Mon and Assmt00000
GEOG 4112Atmospheric Dynamics00000
GEOG 4121Weather Forecasting Seminar00000
GEOG 4155Hydrometeorology00000
GEOG 4170Mesoscale Radar Meteor Climato00000
GEOG 4271Field Studies in Natural Res00000
GEOG 3290Mountain Geography00000
GEOG 1103Cultural Geography of the US00000
GEOG 1111LIntro Physical Geography Lab00000
GEOG 1112LIntro Weather and Climate Lab00000
GEOG 1113LIntro Landfms Lab00000
GEOG 1130Intro Wrld Geog00000
GEOG 2010HIntro to Human Geography Hon00000
GEOG 2011Intro GIS00000
GEOG 2100Introduction to Africa00000
GEOG 2120HIntro Wea and Cli Hon00000
GEOG 3010General Geomorphology00000
GEOG 3120LWeather Analysis Forecast Lab00000
GEOG 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
GEOG 3630Intro to Urban Geography00000
GEOG 3660Geography of Food00000
GEOG 4020Fluvial Geomorphology00000
GEOG 4111Atmos Thermo00000
GEOG 4116LIntro Data Assimlab00000
GEOG 4140Satellite Meteor and Climatol00000
GEOG 4260The Black and Green Atlantic00000
GEOG 4330Aerial Photos Image Interpret00000
GEOG 4350LRemote Sensing Environment Lab00000
GEOG 4380LTransport GIS Lab00000
GEOG 8111EIntegrative Conserv Internship00000
GEOG 6410LCartog Visualization Methods L00000
GEOG 6470Adv Geospatial Spatial Stat00000
GEOG 6570LAdvanced Gis Lab00000
GEOG 6590LProgramming for GIS Lab00000
GEOG 6632Urban Social Movements00000
GEOG 6720Geography of Latin America00000
GEOG 6890SAthens Urban Food Collective00000
GEOG 6920Special Problems00000
GEOG 7000Masters Research00000
GEOG 7300Master's Thesis00000
GEOG 1101Human Geography00000
GEOG 8130Model Earth's Climate System00000
GEOG 8305Sem Quali Methods00000
GEOG 8390Dir Prob Quant Geog00000
GEOG 8450Geospatial Landscape Analysis00000
GEOG 8570Seminar in GIS00000
GEOG 8620Space Place Capitalism00000
GEOG 8680Sem Fem Geog00000
GEOG 8810Sem Human Env Rel00000
GEOG 8901Proseminar Geog II00000
GEOG 8920Soc Theory in Geog00000