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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 3433His of Medicine00000
HIST 6750History and Film00000
HIST 2112American History Since 186500000
HIST 3090The American South00000
HIST 3570HRel Nat Rev M East00000
HIST 6755Oral History Methods Theory00000
HIST 6025Amer Mat Cult Ure00000
HIST 4125The New Jim Crow00000
HIST 3101Early Afr Ame Exper00000
HIST 4400The Age of World Wars I and II00000
HIST 2302West Soc Since 150000000
HIST 4000Studies in Am Hist00000
HIST 6373Eur Intel 1815-191400000
HIST 3323Women Earl Mod Eur00000
HIST 4020Food And Power00000
HIST 4383Britain Since 190100000
HIST 8112US Coll 1865-Pres00000
HIST 6365Microhist Mod Euro00000
HIST 3372England Since 166000000
HIST 351219-20 Cent E Africa00000
HIST 4374Intell His Mod Euro00000
HIST 3220HHistory of Mexico00000
HIST 3443Spain of Cervantes00000
HIST 3711Atlantic World II00000
HIST 4710Atlantic World00000
HIST 2040Latinos/Latinas in the U.S.00000
HIST 4068American Revolution00000
HIST 6090DEATH: A Human History00000
HIST 3030History of Canada00000
HIST 3720HSem Comp His00000
HIST 3215Gender in Latin America00000
HIST 6420Holocausts00000
HIST 3371Tudor-Stuart Eng00000
HIST 3324His Women Mod Europ00000
HIST 4130HSlav Fact Fict Film00000
HIST 8001Teaching Hist00000
HIST 4530His of Orientalism00000
HIST 4071Antebellum South00000
HIST 6073Reconstruction Era00000
HIST 8712Colloquium Atlantic World Hist00000
HIST 6410Nazism and Fascism00000
HIST 3100Intro to British Culture I00000
HIST 7900Theory and Pract His00000
HIST 2702World Civ II00000
HIST 3060Colonial Rev Amer00000
HIST 3400Modern Italy00000
HIST 3160Amer Environ Hist00000
HIST 4382Britain 1780-190000000
HIST 3311Ancient Greece00000
HIST 3140HU.S. Hispanic/Latinx History H00000
HIST 3661China's Imperial Age00000
HIST 4520Islam in Africa00000
HIST 3752War and Soc 1500-200000000
HIST 3545Hist of the Sahara00000
HIST 4029Capitalism Snc 187700000
HIST 4800History Internship00000
HIST 8860Seminar in History00000
HIST 4082Pop Music Amer Hist00000
HIST 6068American Revolution00000
HIST 2112HHist of US 1865 to Present Hon00000
HIST 3662The Chinese Renaissance00000
HIST 2701World Civ I00000
HIST 6220U.s. and Latin Amer00000
HIST 3055HEarly America00000
HIST 3270Hist Argentin/chile00000
HIST 3140U.S. Hispanic/Latinx History00000
HIST 639220th Century France00000
HIST 3245World History and Fiction00000
HIST 3760History of Racism00000
HIST 336119th Cent Europe00000
HIST 6580Arab-Israeli Confli00000
HIST 3390Germany Since 178900000
HIST 3051Am Indians Snc 184000000
HIST 4090DEATH: A Human History00000
HIST 7300Master's Thesis00000
HIST 4300Studies in Eur His00000
HIST 4050American Lives00000
HIST 4410Nazism and Fascism00000
HIST 8030Sem Recent US His00000
HIST 4755Oral History Methods Theory00000
HIST 3361H19th Cent Europe00000
HIST 6060Amer Legal History00000
HIST 8323Coll Mod Eur Hist00000
HIST 6214His Caribbean Relig00000
HIST 4110HMulticultural Ga00000
HIST 6383Britain Since 190100000
HIST 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000
HIST 6530His of Orientalism00000
HIST 2600East Asia in the World00000
HIST 7005Grad Student Sem00000
HIST 2501Africa to 180000000
HIST 8020Sem US 19th Cent00000
HIST 4235Pirates of the Caribbean00000
HIST 8321Premod Eur Colloq00000
HIST 4373Eur Intel 1815-191400000
HIST 3073Amer 1945-Present00000
HIST 3115React to the Past: Amer Hist00000
HIST 3120History of American Business00000
HIST 4365Microhist Mod Euro00000
HIST 3210Race and Slavery in Americas00000
HIST 3432History of Modern Science00000
HIST 3242Disasters in Latin America00000
HIST 439220th Century France00000
HIST 3562Mid East 1453-191800000
HIST 2702HWorld Civ II Hon00000
HIST 3579Ancient Egypt00000
HIST 4420Holocausts00000
HIST 3663Modern China00000
HIST 3540Afr in World Wars00000
HIST 3725Env Hist Mod World00000
HIST 4580Arab-Israeli Confli00000
HIST 3775History of Crime Punishment00000
HIST 3170Hist Amer Cities00000
HIST 4025Amer Mat Cult Ure00000
HIST 4750History and Film00000
HIST 4055Surv Afr Am Thought00000
HIST 3564Mid East Since 191400000
HIST 4072U S Civil War00000
HIST 6000Studies in Am Hist00000
HIST 8711Atlantic World Seminar00000
HIST 8111Coll Am His to 186500000
HIST 6055Surv Afr Am Thought00000
HIST 9010Adv Doc Study Hist00000
HIST 3602Modern Japan00000
HIST 2111American History to 186500000
HIST 6072U S Civil War00000
HIST 2221Latin Amer to 180000000
HIST 3240The Caribbean Area00000
HIST 2502Africa Since 180000000
HIST 6125The New Jim Crow00000
HIST 2710Disease and Human History00000
HIST 3690East Asian Cities00000
HIST 3050Am Indians to 184000000
HIST 6300Studies in Eur His00000
HIST 3071The US 1877-191700000
HIST 3020US Foreign Relation Since 191400000
HIST 3102Mod Afr Amer Exper00000
HIST 6382Britain 1780-190000000
HIST 3160HAmer Environ Hist00000
HIST 3740Disease and Human History00000
HIST 3230History of Brazil00000
HIST 6400The Age of World Wars I and II00000
HIST 3312Roman Social Hist00000
HIST 3321Women Ancient World00000
HIST 3330Middle Ages00000
HIST 6520Islam in Africa00000
HIST 336220th Cent Europe00000
HIST 3777History Behind the Headlines00000
HIST 3381Old Reg and Rev Franc00000
HIST 6710Atlantic World00000
HIST 3412History of the Soviet Union00000
HIST 2312HWest Soc Since 150000000
HIST 3490Euro Encountr Islam00000
HIST 7000Master's Research00000
HIST 4120Civil Rights Mvmt00000
HIST 4027History of American Museums00000
HIST 4220U.s. and Latin Amer00000
HIST 7500History and GIS00000
HIST 4380City of London, 1590-161000000
HIST 3333Mediev Christianity00000
HIST 4394Age of Imperialism00000
HIST 8010Sem Early Amer His00000
HIST 4445A Global History of Drugs00000
HIST 4060Amer Legal History00000
HIST 4625Life Ming China00000
HIST 8050US State and Society00000
HIST 4990Senior Thesis in History00000
HIST 3072Us 1914-194500000
HIST 6050American Lives00000
HIST 8220Coll Lat Amer Hist00000
HIST 6071Antebellum South00000
HIST 4073Reconstruction Era00000
HIST 6120Civil Rights Mvmt00000
HIST 8705Coll World History00000
HIST 6235Pirates of the Caribbean00000
HIST 3362H20th Cent Europe00000
HIST 6374Intell His Mod Euro00000
HIST 9000Doctoral Research00000
HIST 6394Age of Imperialism00000
HIST 4112History for History Teachers00000
HIST 6445A Global History of Drugs00000
HIST 2111HUnited States Survey to 1865 H00000
HIST 6625Life Ming China00000
HIST 2112EAmerican History Since 186500000
HIST 6960Directed Readings in History00000
HIST 2301West Soc to 150000000
HIST 7400Professional Development00000
HIST 4214His Caribbean Relig00000
HIST 8005Colloq in Afam Hist00000
HIST 2701HWorld Civ I Honors00000
HIST 8040Colloq in Sohist00000
HIST 3382Mod France Snc 179900000
HIST 3040Latinos/Latinas Usa00000
HIST 2100Introduction to Africa00000
HIST 2222Lat Amer Since 180000000
HIST 3010U.S. Immigration History00000
HIST 3220History of Mexico00000
HIST 3572The U.S. and the Middle East00000
HIST 6027History of American Museums00000
HIST 8700Col Loq in Comp His00000