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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
INTL 8395Contemp Chin Pol00000
INTL 4410Terrorism00000
INTL 4380Latin American Politics00000
INTL 4360East Asian Politics00000
INTL 4340Post-Communist Politics00000
INTL 4330HPost-Indus Democ00000
INTL 4316Democratic Erosion00000
INTL 4305Comparative Public Opinion00000
INTL 4290Modern Warfare Terr Ideol Iden00000
INTL 4280Nationalism Ethnic Conflict00000
INTL 4255Nuclear Politics00000
INTL 4230Intl Pol Economy00000
INTL 4210Intl Law00000
INTL 4000Research Design and Analysis00000
INTL 3200Intro to Intl Relations00000
INTL 1100EIntroduction to Global Issues00000
INTL 4430US National Security Policy00000
INTL 8365Com Pol Viol00000
INTL 8315Comp Pol Middl East00000
INTL 8292Counterterrorism00000
INTL 8289Human Factor in Security00000
INTL 8285Human Rights00000
INTL 8278Energy Statecraft00000
INTL 8273Nuclear Hist/sec00000
INTL 8240Intl Political Econ00000
INTL 8223Intl Interven and Human Sec00000
INTL 4721Intl Affairs Intern Research00000
INTL 4710United Nations Prac00000
INTL 4666EThe Politics of Cyber Security00000
INTL 4650Women and World Politics00000
INTL 4627The Holocaust in Italy00000
INTL 6010Intl Pol Methods00000
INTL 4620HHuman Rights (Honors)00000
INTL 8405Comp Pol Digi Media00000
INTL 8374Comparative Political Behavior00000
INTL 8355Labr Class Politics00000
INTL 8300Topics Comp Pol00000
INTL 8291Terrorism00000
INTL 8288Tech Bkgd for WMD NP00000
INTL 8279Energy Security and Policy00000
INTL 8274Intl Nonpro Regimes00000
INTL 8250Amer Foreign Policy00000
INTL 8225Intl Conflict Mgmt00000
INTL 8210Interntl Organizatn00000
INTL 8200Special Topics Ir00000
INTL 7007Data Analytic and Presentation00000
INTL 6300Comparative Analysis Method00000
INTL 4615EPolitics of Disease Control00000
INTL 4990RUndergraduate Thesis00000
INTL 4970RUndergraduate Research II00000
INTL 4960HDir Read/proj H00000
INTL 4780Special Topics in Compar Pol00000
INTL 4770Sp Topics Intl Rel00000
INTL 4720International Affairs Intern00000
INTL 4680Peace Studies00000
INTL 4665Global Politics Digital Media00000
INTL 4630Population Immigration Politic00000
INTL 4620Human Rights00000
INTL 4615Politics of Disease Control00000
INTL 4530Global and Distribut Justice00000
INTL 4460Arms Control and Disarmament00000
INTL 4440HStrategic Intell00000
INTL 4410ETerrorism00000
INTL 7000Data Analytic and Presentation00000
INTL 6200Presem Interl Rel00000
INTL 6000Foundns Intl Policy00000
INTL 4980RUndergraduate Research III00000
INTL 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
INTL 4960Dir Readings and/or Projects00000
INTL 4780HSp Top Compara Pol00000
INTL 4722Intl Aff Intern Analyt Essays00000
INTL 4700Global Terrorism00000
INTL 4660Politics, Film, and Literature00000
INTL 4622RHuman Rights Research00000
INTL 4610Environmental Politics00000
INTL 4510Pol Intl Trade/Fin00000
INTL 4455Violent Political Conflict00000
INTL 4425Adv Res Int Sec Pol00000
INTL 7010Tech Bkgd for WMD NP00000
INTL 4370Middle Eastern Politics00000
INTL 4355African Pol Systems00000
INTL 4330Post-Indus Democ00000
INTL 4318Elections Around the World00000
INTL 4310Comparative Political Economy00000
INTL 4295War and Human Security00000
INTL 4285Crisis Diplomacy00000
INTL 4260Foreign Policy Dec Making00000
INTL 4240Intl Organization00000
INTL 4220Intl Conflict00000
INTL 4005Social Experimentation00000
INTL 3200EIntro to Intl Relations00000
INTL 1100HIntroduction Global Issues Hon00000
INTL 4425RAdvanced Research in International Security Policy00000
INTL 4225Dom Pol And Intl Rel00000
INTL 4555Italian Society00000
INTL 4475War and Gender00000
INTL 4450Global Security Policy00000
INTL 4440Strategic Intell00000
INTL 4415Practicum Sec Stud00000
INTL 4390European Politics00000
INTL 4361Chinese Politics00000
INTL 4335Far Right Politics Western Dem00000
INTL 4320Politics of Development00000
INTL 4315Comp Democracy00000
INTL 4300Comparative Pol Institutions00000
INTL 4290HMod War Ter Ide Idn00000
INTL 4271Field Studies in Natural Res00000
INTL 4265Global Simulation00000
INTL 4250Amer Foreign Policy00000
INTL 8340Seminar in Developing Political Systems00000
INTL 4207HAdv Pol Simulations00000
INTL 3300Intro to Comparative Politics00000
INTL 2200Hot Topics in Intl Affairs00000
INTL 1100Introduction to Global Issues00000
INTL 8500Qual Methods Intl00000
INTL 8360Government and Bus00000
INTL 8310Pol Indust Democ00000
INTL 8295Careers International Policy00000
INTL 8290Strategic Intel00000
INTL 8280Natlism Ethn Confl00000
INTL 8276Intl Persp Nuclear Non-Prolif00000
INTL 8270Pol Trade and Sec Pol00000
INTL 8230Internatl Conflict00000
INTL 8205Foreign Policy Dec Making00000