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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
JURI 7611Tax Crimes00000
JURI 4217SBusi Law Pract Clinic Hours00000
JURI 5981SAtlanta Civil Externship I00000
JURI 7080Life Cycle Corp00000
JURI 6270Intl Criminal Law00000
JURI 5627Mental Health Law00000
JURI 3830European Union Law00000
JURI 4850Corp Governance Sem00000
JURI 6110EDemocracy and the Constitution00000
JURI 5044Negotiation Competition00000
JURI 6880EStatut Inter and Legis Process00000
JURI 6470Criminal Procedure II00000
JURI 5455Doc Draft Litig00000
JURI 7453PreTrial Civil Litigation00000
JURI 4630Insurance Law00000
JURI 7970SCivil Externship I00000
JURI 5850Doc Draft Contracts00000
JURI 4135Torts II00000
JURI 4110Democracy and the Constitution00000
JURI 4360Bankruptcy00000
JURI 4940Franchise Law00000
JURI 6213Legal Negotiation and Settleme00000
JURI 4196Constl Theory00000
JURI 6363Bankruptcy Practice Seminar00000
JURI 5120Federal Income Tax00000
JURI 6821Race and Law00000
JURI 6600Fed Income Tax Corporations00000
JURI 5283Climate Change Seminar00000
JURI 6990Employment Discrimination00000
JURI 4278ECriminal Law Drafting00000
JURI 7280EEnvironmental Law00000
JURI 5586Contr To Comm Marij Markets00000
JURI 7570Entertainment Law00000
JURI 4072Legal Research I00000
JURI 7690Pub Interest Pract00000
JURI 5666Business Ethics Seminar II00000
JURI 3200SLaw Social Justice Strat Adv00000
JURI 4765Labor/Corp Res Law00000
JURI 4085EAdvanced Legal Research00000
JURI 5970SCivil Externship I00000
JURI 4197The Press and the Constitution00000
JURI 2216SBusiness Law Practicum00000
JURI 4277Criminal Justice Reform00000
JURI 6010Civil Procedure00000
JURI 6085Advanced Legal Research00000
JURI 4160Advanced Legal Writing Seminar00000
JURI 6190Constitutional Law II00000
JURI 5012Journal Intellectual Prop Law00000
JURI 6233EFoundations of American Law00000
JURI 2600Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurs00000
JURI 6305History of Common Law00000
JURI 5050Intellec Prop Surve00000
JURI 6425Foreign Affs Natl Security00000
JURI 4201SFirst Amendment Clinic Hours00000
JURI 6507The Lifecycle of a Lawsuit00000
JURI 5141LFamily Justice Clinic Hours00000
JURI 6770Labor Arbitration00000
JURI 6645Laws of War00000
JURI 5278SPrac in Animal Welfare Skills00000
JURI 6833Law and Religion00000
JURI 4250EEvidence00000
JURI 6920Patent Law00000
JURI 5330Family Law00000
JURI 7009LLM Legal Research and Writing00000
JURI 3980Constitutional Rights in Edu00000
JURI 7125Business Basics For Lawyers00000
JURI 5560Complex Litigation00000
JURI 7325Master of Laws Essay00000
JURI 4573The Federalist Papers00000
JURI 7501Legal System of the U.S.00000
JURI 5610Civil Tax Practice00000
JURI 7589Regulating Digital Abuse00000
JURI 7955Wage and Hour Law and Litigation00000
JURI 7635Food and Drug Law00000
JURI 5643Corporate Compliance: Controls00000
JURI 7850EDocument Drafting Contracts00000
JURI 4720Intnl Arbitration00000
JURI 2105Modern Constitutional History00000
JURI 5750Intl Environ Law00000
JURI 3360The Death Penalty in America00000
JURI 4087Business Law Research00000
JURI 4050Criminal Law00000
JURI 5961SEconomic Opportunity Clinic00000
JURI 4090Property00000
JURI 4822Sexual Orientation Gender Law00000
JURI 4177Consumer Law00000
JURI 5975Mediation Practicum00000
JURI 4210Corporations00000
JURI 6989Disability and Education Law00000
JURI 4270Intl Criminal Law00000
JURI 5991EFull-time Externship00000
JURI 4300Law and Ethics00000
JURI 4880EStatut Inter and Legis Process00000
JURI 4380Economic Analysis of Law00000
JURI 4920Patent Law00000
JURI 6088Writing For Judicial Clerkship00000
JURI 2360The Death Penalty in America00000
JURI 6177Consumer Law00000
JURI 4989EDisability and Education Law00000
JURI 6199Modern American Legal Theory00000
JURI 4185Comp Const Rights00000
JURI 6215Anatomy Mergers And Aquis Deal00000
JURI 5040ETrial Practice Seminar00000
JURI 6250EEvidence00000
JURI 2990Law, Justice, and the State00000
JURI 6280Trusts and Estates I00000
JURI 5047Mock Trial Competition00000
JURI 6340Antitrust Law00000
JURI 4199Modern American Legal Theory00000
JURI 6390Military Law00000
JURI 5080Life Cycle Corp00000
JURI 6441Corporate Finance00000
JURI 3233Foundations of American Law00000
JURI 6501Legal System of the U.S.00000
JURI 5130Tax Seminar00000
JURI 6573The Federalist Papers00000
JURI 4213Legal Negotiation and Settleme00000
JURI 6630Insurance Law00000
JURI 5160EProsecution II SL00000
JURI 6750Children and the Law00000
JURI 6675Intnl Business Tran00000
JURI 5190Supervised Research00000
JURI 6790Land Use Planning00000
JURI 4230Select Topics in Jurisprudence00000
JURI 6825Election Law00000
JURI 5281Environmental Law Drafting00000
JURI 6851Document Drafting: Survey00000
JURI 3627Mental Health Law00000
JURI 6900State and Local Governments00000
JURI 5289Environmental Law Practicum00000
JURI 6930Trademark Law00000
JURI 4275Crim Pro Cases00000
JURI 7004Llm Legal Writing00000
JURI 5440Ethics in Liti00000
JURI 7048Child Welfare Mock Trial00000
JURI 4989Disability and Education Law00000
JURI 7085Deals00000
JURI 5458Motion Drafting and Practice00000
JURI 7141SFamily Justice Clinic Hours00000
JURI 4501LCriminal Defense Prac II Hours00000
JURI 7284Climate Change in Georgia00000
JURI 5576Media Law00000
JURI 7360Intl Trade Laws00000
JURI 4030Contracts00000
JURI 7458Motion Drafting and Practice00000
JURI 5595Legal Topics Seminar00000
JURI 7550Sports Law00000
JURI 4600Fed Income Tax Corporations00000
JURI 7584Cybercrime00000
JURI 5622Public Health Law00000
JURI 7595Legal Topics Seminar00000
JURI 4300EThe Law and Ethics of Lawyering00000
JURI 7626Law of American Health Care00000
JURI 5629SComm Health Law Part Cl Hrs00000
JURI 7660Law Bus Crime00000
JURI 4670International Human Rights00000
JURI 7750Intl Environ Law00000
JURI 5660Law Bus Crime00000
JURI 7894Refugee and Asylum Law00000
JURI 4085Advanced Legal Research00000
JURI 7976SMediation Practicum II00000
JURI 5690SPublic Interest Practicum00000
JURI 2400Intro to Global Governance00000
JURI 4755Lawyering for Children00000
JURI 3278SPract in Animal Welfare Skills00000
JURI 5762SCEASE Clinic Hours00000
JURI 3600Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurs00000
JURI 2080ELife Cycle of a Corporation00000
JURI 4010Civil Procedure00000
JURI 5890Immigration Law00000
JURI 4081Legal Writing II00000
JURI 4790Land Use Planning00000
JURI 4088Writing for Judicial Clerkship00000
JURI 5963SCivil Externship II00000
JURI 4110EDemocracy and the Constitution00000
JURI 4089Georgia Legal Research00000
JURI 4155SAppellate Litigation Clinic I00000
JURI 5972D.C. Semester in Practice Law00000
JURI 4190Constitutional Law II00000
JURI 4828Water Law00000
JURI 4199EModern Amer Legal Theory00000
JURI 5978SVeterans Legal Clinic Hours00000
JURI 4214Fundamentals of M & A00000
JURI 5595ELegal Topics Seminar00000
JURI 4235Perspectives On Law00000
JURI 5986SAtlanta Civil Extern Plcmnt II00000
JURI 4273Transnational Criminal Law00000
JURI 4871Georgia History For Lawyers00000
JURI 4278Criminal Law Drafting00000
JURI 5994SATL Corp Cnsl Extern Plcmt I00000
JURI 4320Administrative Law00000
JURI 4155Appel Liti Clinic I00000
JURI 6050Criminal Law00000
JURI 3501Exploring the Intersection of Law and Technology in the Info...00000
JURI 3080ELife Cycle of a Corporation00000
JURI 3505Information Literacy and the Law00000
JURI 3500Undergraduate Mock Trial00000
JURI 4216SBusiness Law Practicum00000
JURI 5165SProsecution III00000
JURI 6720Intnl Arbitration00000