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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
JURI 7284Climate Change in Georgia00000
JURI 4012Eu Economic Law00000
JURI 6081Legal Writing II00000
JURI 7040Trial Practice Seminar00000
JURI 6505Legal Writing and Analysis00000
JURI 5760Legal Malpractice00000
JURI 7690SPublic Interest Practicum00000
JURI 5040ETrial Practice Seminar00000
JURI 6215Anatomy Mergers And Aquis Deal00000
JURI 5161LProsecution II Hours00000
JURI 6950Secured Transactions00000
JURI 6820Sociology of Law00000
JURI 5611Tax Crimes00000
JURI 7140SFamily Justice Clinic00000
JURI 4870Amer Legal History00000
JURI 7550ESports Law00000
JURI 5975Mediation Practicum00000
JURI 2300Constitutional Criminal Proced00000
JURI 4360Bankruptcy00000
JURI 4177Consumer Law00000
JURI 5085Deals00000
JURI 6340Antitrust Law00000
JURI 4500SCriminal Defense Practicum II00000
JURI 6710Intl Taxation00000
JURI 5280EEnvironmental Law00000
JURI 6910Natural Resources00000
JURI 6826Renewable Energy Law Policy00000
JURI 5560Complex Litigation00000
JURI 7001Masters Research00000
JURI 4762SCEASE Clinic Hours00000
JURI 7080ELife Cycle of the Corporation00000
JURI 5646Internal Investigations00000
JURI 7276Wildlife Law00000
JURI 4270Intl Criminal Law00000
JURI 7380International Legal Research00000
JURI 5962SEconomic Opportunity Clinic00000
JURI 7611Tax Crimes00000
JURI 4923Patent Prosecution and Proced00000
JURI 7969SCorporate Counsel Extern Lab00000
JURI 5991EFull-time Externship00000
JURI 3278SPract in Animal Welfare Skills00000
JURI 4160Advanced Legal Writing Seminar00000
JURI 4089EGeorgia Legal Research00000
JURI 6177Consumer Law00000
JURI 6199Modern American Legal Theory00000
JURI 4425Foreign Affs Natl Security00000
JURI 6270Intl Criminal Law00000
JURI 5140SFamily Justice Clinic00000
JURI 6425Foreign Affs Natl Security00000
JURI 4197The Press and the Constitution00000
JURI 6620Ga Pract and Proc00000
JURI 5190Supervised Research00000
JURI 6760Labor Law00000
JURI 4573The Federalist Papers00000
JURI 6822Sexual Orientation Gender Law00000
JURI 5289Environmental Law Practicum00000
JURI 6880Statut Inter and Legis Process00000
JURI 6850Corp Governance Sem00000
JURI 5456EContract Draft Startups Ventur00000
JURI 6923Patent Prosecution and Proced00000
JURI 4710Intl Taxation00000
JURI 6989EDisability and Education Law00000
JURI 5589Regulating Digital Abuse00000
JURI 7005Llm Legal Research00000
JURI 4217SBusi Law Pract Clinic Hours00000
JURI 7050Intellec Prop Surve00000
JURI 5628SComm Health Law Partnership00000
JURI 7120Federal Income Tax00000
JURI 4833Law and Religion00000
JURI 7190Supervised Research00000
JURI 5667Sustain Business00000
JURI 7280Envir Law00000
JURI 4110Democracy and the Constitution00000
JURI 7325Master of Laws Essay00000
JURI 5850Doc Draft Contracts00000
JURI 7470Banking Law00000
JURI 4880EStatut Inter and Legis Process00000
JURI 7585Bioethics00000
JURI 5970SCivil Externship I00000
JURI 7640Timing in Federal Tax00000
JURI 4300Law and Ethics00000
JURI 7850EDocument Drafting Contracts00000
JURI 5983SD.C. Externship Clinic II00000
JURI 2100Constitution and Pol Parties00000
JURI 4990Employment Discrimination00000
JURI 2600Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurs00000
JURI 5999Selected Topics in Intl Law00000
JURI 3627Mental Health Law00000
JURI 4072Legal Research I00000
JURI 4082Legal Research II00000
JURI 6089EGeorgia Legal Research00000
JURI 4135Torts II00000
JURI 5048Child Welfare Mock Trial00000
JURI 4190Constitutional Law II00000
JURI 5060Workers Comp00000
JURI 6210Corporations00000
JURI 4185Comp Const Rights00000
JURI 6235Perspectives On Law00000
JURI 5120EFederal Income Tax00000
JURI 6300Law and Ethics00000
JURI 4460Crim Procedure I00000
JURI 6384Accounting and Finance for Law00000
JURI 5150SProsecution I00000
JURI 6460Crim Procedure I00000
JURI 4085Advanced Legal Research00000
JURI 6573The Federalist Papers00000
JURI 5166SProsecution III Hours00000
JURI 6645Laws of War00000
JURI 4550Equitable Remedies00000
JURI 6745Children And International Law00000
JURI 5278SPrac in Animal Welfare Skills00000
JURI 6780Real Estate Transactions00000
JURI 4199EModern Amer Legal Theory00000
JURI 6821Race and Law00000
JURI 5283Climate Change Seminar00000
JURI 6825Election Law00000
JURI 4600Fed Income Tax Corporations00000
JURI 6833Law and Religion00000
JURI 5310SCapital Assistance Project00000
JURI 6880EStatut Inter and Legis Process00000
JURI 6851Document Drafting: Survey00000
JURI 5453PreTrial Civil Litigation00000
JURI 6900State and Local Governments00000
JURI 4645Laws of War00000
JURI 6920Patent Law00000
JURI 5510Independent Project00000
JURI 6930Trademark Law00000
JURI 4214Fundamentals of M & A00000
JURI 6960Securities Reg00000
JURI 5584Cybercrime00000
JURI 6990Employment Discrimination00000
JURI 4750Children and the Law00000
JURI 7004Llm Legal Writing00000
JURI 5596Political Leadership and Law00000
JURI 7009LLM Legal Research and Writing00000
JURI 4089Georgia Legal Research00000
JURI 7048Child Welfare Mock Trial00000
JURI 5623Law and Medicine00000
JURI 7080Life Cycle Corp00000
JURI 4780Real Estate Transactions00000
JURI 7085Deals00000
JURI 5635Food and Drug Law00000
JURI 7125Business Basics For Lawyers00000
JURI 4235Perspectives On Law00000
JURI 7141SFamily Justice Clinic Hours00000
JURI 5661White Collar Prosecution00000
JURI 7205Intl Law Colloq00000
JURI 4850Corp Governance Sem00000
JURI 7280EEnvironmental Law00000
JURI 5720Law Pub Pol and Elder00000
JURI 7282Urban Resilience00000
JURI 4030Contracts00000
JURI 6790Land Use Planning00000
JURI 5781Education Law00000
JURI 7330Family Law00000
JURI 4875Topics In Legal History00000
JURI 7455EDocument Drafting: Litigation00000
JURI 5893Business Immigration Law00000
JURI 7510Independent Project00000
JURI 4277Criminal Justice Reform00000
JURI 7570Entertainment Law00000
JURI 5968SCorporate Counsel Externship00000
JURI 7595Legal Topics Seminar00000
JURI 4910Natural Resources00000
JURI 7626Law of American Health Care00000
JURI 5972D.C. Semester in Practice Law00000
JURI 7650Employment Law00000
JURI 4155Appel Liti Clinic I00000
JURI 7735ADR Seminar00000
JURI 5980Adv Evid Seminar00000
JURI 7890Immigration Law00000
JURI 4950Secured Transactions00000
JURI 7971LCiv Clinic I Lab00000
JURI 5986SAtlanta Civil Extern Plcmnt II00000
JURI 2120Covering the Courts00000
JURI 4305History of Common Law00000
JURI 2400Intro to Global Governance00000
JURI 5994SATL Corp Cnsl Extern Plcmt I00000
JURI 3233EFoundations of American Law00000
JURI 5012EJour of Intellect Property Law00000
JURI 3510Directed Readings00000
JURI 6050Criminal Law00000
JURI 3980Constitutional Rights in Edu00000
JURI 3821Race and Law00000
JURI 4071Legal Writing I00000
JURI 6086Tech Skills for Legal Practice00000
JURI 4086Tech Skills for Legal Practice00000
JURI 5044Negotiation Competition00000
JURI 4110EDemocracy and the Constitution00000
JURI 6110EDemocracy and the Constitution00000
JURI 4155SAppellate Litigation Clinic I00000
JURI 4390Military Law00000
JURI 6190Constitutional Law II00000
JURI 3500Undergraduate Mock Trial00000
JURI 3980EConstitutional Rights in Edu00000
JURI 4087Business Law Research00000
JURI 4210Corporations00000
JURI 4628Innov in the Practice of Law00000
JURI 5380International Legal Research00000
JURI 6870Amer Legal History00000