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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
LING 2100Study of Language44551
LING 9010Dir Readings Ling00000
LING 4720Language Typology00000
LING 2100HStudy of Language00000
LING 3090Intro to French Linguistics00000
LING 3150WGenerative Syntax00000
LING 3250Morphology00000
LING 3770Heritage German00000
LING 3990Dir Study Ling00000
LING 4015Language Race Ethnicity in US00000
LING 4060Old English00000
LING 4150Comp Grammar Greek and Latin00000
LING 4175Second Language Acquisition00000
LING 4300Philosophy of Language00000
LING 4400Quant Methods Linguistics00000
LING 4530Finite State Linguistics00000
LING 4610Sanskrit I00000
LING 4640Ger Phonol Morphol00000
LING 4652Spanish Dialects00000
LING 4770Historical Sociolinguistics00000
LING 6910History French Lang00000
LING 6550History Span Lang00000
LING 6610Sanskrit I00000
LING 6640Ger Phonol Morphol00000
LING 6720Language Typology00000
LING 6770Historical Sociolinguistics00000
LING 6850Span Applied Ling00000
LING 6880Language Doc and Field Methods00000
LING 6903Old Icelandic00000
LING 8850Span Sec Lang Ac00000
LING 7000Master's Research00000
LING 7500Teach Coll Germ00000
LING 8010Selected Topics00000
LING 8101Colloquium00000
LING 8160Adv Gen Syntax00000
LING 8280Sem 2nd Lang Acq00000
LING 8550Adv Topics Hist of Span Lang00000
LING 8710Sem on Pidgin and Creole Form00000
LING 8320Gothic00000
LING 6870Language Gender Sexuality00000
LING 6886Text Corp Analysis00000
LING 6905Old Church Slavic00000
LING 6950Sp Sem and Pragmatics00000
LING 7300Master's Thesis00000
LING 8000Topics Romance Lang00000
LING 8100Proseminar00000
LING 8150Generative Syntax00000
LING 8180Seminar in Phonetics/Phonology00000
LING 6826Style Language, Genre, Cognit00000
LING 8520Sem Ger Lang00000
LING 8680Sem Historical Ling00000
LING 8800Sem Fr Linguistics00000
LING 8880Linguistics Methods00000
LING 9000Doctoral Research00000
LING 6211Introduction to Indo-European Studies00000
LING 4211Introduction to Indo-European Studies00000
LING 6450Variation and Sociolinguistics in Spanish00000
LING 6150Comp Grammar Greek and Latin00000
LING 4860Sociolinguistics00000
LING 4885Intro to Hum Comp00000
LING 4886Text Corp Analysis00000
LING 4904Classical Armenian00000
LING 4920Less-Taught Languages I00000
LING 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
LING 6015Language Race Ethnicity in US00000
LING 6060Old English00000
LING 6300Philosophy of Language00000
LING 6175Second Language Acquisition00000
LING 6280Old Germanic Languages00000
LING 6400Quant Methods Linguistics00000
LING 6530Finite State Linguistics00000
LING 6600Hist Ger Lang00000
LING 6630French Sound System00000
LING 6710Languages in Contact00000
LING 6750Span Syntax and Morph00000
LING 6520Model Theory00000
LING 4900Topics Indo-Europn00000
LING 4905Old Church Slavic00000
LING 4940Special Topics in Linguistics00000
LING 6010American English00000
LING 6021Phoneticsandphonology00000
LING 6080Lg Var Ling Speech00000
LING 6170Second Lang Acq00000
LING 6210Intro to Indo-European Studies00000
LING 6350Rom Ling Theory Ana00000
LING 4880Language Doc and Field Methods00000
LING 6570Natural Language Processing00000
LING 6620Sanskrit II00000
LING 6650Sp Phon andphonology00000
LING 6740Discourse Analysis00000
LING 6800French Syntax and Meaning00000
LING 6860Sociolinguistics00000
LING 6885Intro to Hum Comp00000
LING 6900Topics Indo-Europn00000
LING 4195Celtic Languages00000
LING 3060Phonetics and Phonology00000
LING 3150Generative Syntax00000
LING 3280Contrastive Grammar Ger Eng00000
LING 3830Languages of the World00000
LING 4005Hist Eng Lang00000
LING 4022Adv Phon and Phon00000
LING 4110English Grammar00000
LING 4160Compositional Semantics00000
LING 6904Classical Armenian00000
LING 4380Cont Gram Ger-Eng00000
LING 4520Model Theory00000
LING 4570Natural Language Processing00000
LING 4630French Phonetics00000
LING 4651Adv Span Gram00000
LING 4710Languages in Contact00000
LING 4740Discourse Analysis00000
LING 4826Style Language Genre Cognition00000
LING 4800French Syntax and Meaning00000
LING 4080Lg Var Ling Speech00000
LING 4170Second Lang Acq00000
LING 4210Intro to Indo-European Studies00000
LING 4510Deductive Systems00000
LING 4550Intro to History of Spanish00000
LING 4620Sanskrit II00000
LING 4650Span Phonetics00000
LING 4690Historical Linguistics00000
LING 4750Spanish Syntax00000
LING 4010American English00000
LING 4870Language Gender Sexuality00000
LING 4903Old Icelandic00000
LING 4910Special Topics in Linguistics00000
LING 6005Hist Eng Lang00000
LING 6022Adv Phon and Phon00000
LING 6110English Grammar00000
LING 6160Compositional Semantics00000
LING 6195Celtic Languages00000
LING 8580Computational Linguistics00000
LING 6920Less-Taught Languages I00000
LING 7005Grad Student Sem00000
LING 7700Rom Lang Pedagogy00000
LING 8080Sem Linguistic Thry00000
LING 8120Morphology00000
LING 8170Seminar in Syntax/Semantics00000
LING 8300Sem Phil of Lang00000
LING 8510Sem Ger Linguistic00000
LING 6510Deductive Systems00000
LING 8750Advanced Spanish Syntax00000
LING 8980Sem Lg Var /sociolg00000
LING 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000
LING 3050Introduction to Spanish Ling00000
LING 3120Language Develop00000
LING 3160Advanced Generative Syntax00000
LING 3350Language Mind and Brain00000
LING 3860Evol Germ00000