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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MUSI 4910Chamber Orchestra00000
MUSI 7510Vocal Ped II00000
MUSI 7570Topics Mus Pedagogy00000
MUSI 4462Italian Diction00000
MUSI 2311Vocal Study Instrumentalists00000
MUSI 6750University Chorus00000
MUSI 6650Media Composition Production I00000
MUSI 4795Viola Orchestral Excerpts00000
MUSI 1022Introduction to Music Therapy00000
MUSI 5106Jazz Combos00000
MUSI 4130Electroacoustic Composition00000
MUSI 3025Music Therapy Practicum III00000
MUSI 6289Studies/musicology00000
MUSI 4790Chamber Music Ensemble00000
MUSI 4463French Lyric Diction00000
MUSI 6280Instrumental Vocal Choral Lit00000
MUSI 7000Master's Research00000
MUSI 6845Orch Perc Timpani Repertoire00000
MUSI 3700Applied Music for Non Major00000
MUSI 8150Music Theory Pedagogy00000
MUSI 4838Symphonic Band00000
MUSI 2040History of Popular Music00000
MUSI 3910Junior Recital in Music00000
MUSI 2550Piano Class VI00000
MUSI 5440Music Skills for Therapists00000
MUSI 4000Directed Independent Study00000
MUSI 3450SVocal Pedagogy00000
MUSI 6160Common-Practice Tonality00000
MUSI 4289Studies/musicology00000
MUSI 4280Instrumental Vocal Choral Lit00000
MUSI 4730African American Choral Ensem00000
MUSI 6462Italian Diction00000
MUSI 4837Concert Band00000
MUSI 3441Jazz Pedagogy00000
MUSI 6130Electroacoustic Composition00000
MUSI 6831Woodwind Pedagogy00000
MUSI 6461English Diction00000
MUSI 4735Univ Philharmonia00000
MUSI 6785Jazz Ensemble II00000
MUSI 7360Trends Issues Music Therapy00000
MUSI 7200Repertory Singers00000
MUSI 2510Piano Class II00000
MUSI 7920Conducting Project00000
MUSI 8070EMusic Education Problems00000
MUSI 8300Sp Stud Kybd Lit00000
MUSI 3820Junior App Inst and Recital00000
MUSI 1810LFreshman Applied Instruct Lab00000
MUSI 4870Asian Music Ens00000
MUSI 2110Aural Skills III00000
MUSI 2812Introduction to Composition00000
MUSI 2500Piano Class I00000
MUSI 5400Princ Mus Ther00000
MUSI 2820LSoph App Instruct Recital Lab00000
MUSI 4030Reed Making Seminar00000
MUSI 3220Music History II00000
MUSI 5730Interactive Composition00000
MUSI 3822Applied Composition Instruct00000
MUSI 3510Orchestraconducting00000
MUSI 6090Vocal Diction Methods00000
MUSI 4035Technicians Guide for Piano00000
MUSI 4220Music in Class Per00000
MUSI 4230Mus in Rom Per00000
MUSI 6230Mus in Rom Per00000
MUSI 4370Brass Instrumental Techniques00000
MUSI 3190Comp Lab00000
MUSI 4600Suzuki Violin and Viola Ped I00000
MUSI 6350String Instrumental Techniques00000
MUSI 4781Jazz Ensemble I00000
MUSI 4360Woodwind Instrumental Tech00000
MUSI 4820Senior App Inst and Recital00000
MUSI 6600Suzuki Violin and Viola Ped I00000
MUSI 4845Orch Perc Timpani Repertoire00000
MUSI 2410Voice Class II00000
MUSI 5010Advanced Steel Drum Band00000
MUSI 6786Jazz Improvisation II00000
MUSI 6220Music in Class Per00000
MUSI 4610Suzuki Violin and Viola Ped II00000
MUSI 6320Women and Music00000
MUSI 6850Opera Ensemble00000
MUSI 6530Instru Tech and Field Exper00000
MUSI 3490Choral Conducting00000
MUSI 6760UGA Hodgson Singers00000
MUSI 7160Violin Orchestral Rep Class00000
MUSI 6830Collegium Musicum00000
MUSI 4783Jazz History00000
MUSI 6910Chamber Orchestra00000
MUSI 7530Piano Pedagogy II00000
MUSI 7330Mus Curric Super00000
MUSI 2060History Analysis Rock Music00000
MUSI 7610Media Composition Instruction00000
MUSI 7910Masters Recital00000
MUSI 8060Mus Higher Ed00000
MUSI 4820LSenior App Inst Recital Lab00000
MUSI 8350Musicol Prosem00000
MUSI 4835Marching Band00000
MUSI 8360Sem Ethnomus00000
MUSI 2540Piano Class V00000
MUSI 1120Music Theory II00000
MUSI 4850Opera Ensemble00000
MUSI 2010Beginning Steel Drum Band00000
MUSI 3830String Pedagogy00000
MUSI 2080African American Music00000
MUSI 4990Undergraduate Theory Thesis00000
MUSI 2200HHonors Sem in Music00000
MUSI 2100Music Theory III00000
MUSI 2420Voice Class III00000
MUSI 5250UGA Choral Project00000
MUSI 2530Piano Class IV00000
MUSI 4020Music Therapy Practicum V00000
MUSI 2810LSoph Applied Instruction Lab00000
MUSI 5420Inf Mus Behav00000
MUSI 2960Afr Am Perc Mus00000
MUSI 2822Introduction to Composition II00000
MUSI 3050Music for Ele Ed00000
MUSI 5580SInternship in Music Teaching00000
MUSI 3401Guitar Skills Thera00000
MUSI 4060Music in the Real World00000
MUSI 3480Intro to Conducting00000
MUSI 6000Dir Ind Study00000
MUSI 3812Junior Comp Instruction00000
MUSI 3550Mus Theory Non-Maj00000
MUSI 6060Music In Real World00000
MUSI 3831Instrumental Pedagogy00000
MUSI 4190Special Topics Music Theory00000
MUSI 4021Music Therapy Practicum VI00000
MUSI 6120Form and Analysis00000
MUSI 4090Vocal Diction Methods00000
MUSI 3026Music Therapy Practicum IV00000
MUSI 4180Special Topics Comp Music Tech00000
MUSI 6190Special Topics Music Theory00000
MUSI 4260History of Opera00000
MUSI 4250Women and Music00000
MUSI 4310Gender and Music Video00000
MUSI 6260History of Opera00000
MUSI 4460Piano Pedagogy II00000
MUSI 2300Music in Athens00000
MUSI 4500SMusi Techniq Experi for Child00000
MUSI 6300Bibliography00000
MUSI 4650Media Composition Production I00000
MUSI 4320Women and Music00000
MUSI 4750University Chorus00000
MUSI 6380Music Educators Percussion00000
MUSI 4784Jazz Improvisation I00000
MUSI 3240Instrumentation and Arranging00000
MUSI 4810Senior Applied Instruction00000
MUSI 6500SMusi Techniq Experi for Child00000
MUSI 4822Senior Comp Inst and Recital00000
MUSI 4440History of American Music00000
MUSI 4840Wind Ensemble00000
MUSI 6730African American Choral Ensem00000
MUSI 4861Applied Afr Mus00000
MUSI 2021Music Therapy Practicum I00000
MUSI 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
MUSI 6783Jazz History00000
MUSI 5200Repertory Singers00000
MUSI 4520Choral Techniques Field Exper00000
MUSI 6180Special Topics Comp Music Tech00000
MUSI 6795Viola Orchestral Excerpts00000
MUSI 6250Women and Music00000
MUSI 3460Piano Pedagogy I00000
MUSI 6291African Music00000
MUSI 6839Wind Symphony00000
MUSI 6370Brass Instrumental Techniques00000
MUSI 4700Men's Glee Club00000
MUSI 6464German Diction00000
MUSI 6870Asian Music Ens00000
MUSI 6620Suzuki Violin Pedagogy III00000
MUSI 2440Voice Class V00000
MUSI 6740University Symphony Orchestra00000
MUSI 7106Jazz Combos00000
MUSI 6784Jazz Improvisation I00000
MUSI 4755Guitar Ensemble00000
MUSI 6790Chamber Music Ensemble00000
MUSI 7300Master's Thesis00000
MUSI 6838Symphonic Band00000
MUSI 3520Accompanying00000
MUSI 6861Applied Afr Mus00000
MUSI 7450Music Exc Child00000
MUSI 7010Advanced Steel Drum Band00000
MUSI 4786Jazz Improvisation II00000
MUSI 7270Advanced Conducting00000
MUSI 7550Final Proj Pno Ped00000
MUSI 7410Psychology of Music00000
MUSI 1700Applied Music for Non Major00000
MUSI 7540Dir Observ Pno Ped00000
MUSI 7700SCommunity Engagement Perform00000
MUSI 7810App Mus Inst00000
MUSI 4810LSenior Applied Instruction Lab00000
MUSI 8000Practicum in Music00000
MUSI 8010Dir Ind Study00000
MUSI 8110Cont Trends Theor I00000
MUSI 3810LJunior Applied Instruction Lab00000
MUSI 8120Cont Trend Theor II00000
MUSI 1110Aural Skills I00000
MUSI 2000Guitar for Beginners00000
MUSI 2130Aural Skills IV00000
MUSI 3020World Mus: West Hem00000
MUSI 4120Form and Analysis00000
MUSI 6030Reed Making Seminar00000
MUSI 3800App Music Instruction Minors00000