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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHRM 5250Phar Entrepreneur00000
PHRM 4870Pharmacotherapy I00000
PHRM 5010Personal Finan Mgmt00000
PHRM 5050Abused Drugs00000
PHRM 5100Nuclear Pharmacy00000
PHRM 5140Phm Skills Lab V00000
PHRM 5170Applied Pharmacy Practice II00000
PHRM 5190Anticancer Therapeutics00000
PHRM 5220Health Research Methods00000
PHRM 4740Pharm and Therapeu Drug Eval00000
PHRM 5270EIntro to Veterinary Pharmacy00000
PHRM 5370Critical Care Pharmacy00000
PHRM 5390Pharmacogenomic Therapies00000
PHRM 5420Pharm Health Services Outcome00000
PHRM 5520Cancer Aware and Prev00000
PHRM 5580Academic Pharmacy00000
PHRM 5680Pharmacy Law and Ethics00000
PHRM 5720Ippe V00000
PHRM 3950Ippe I00000
PHRM 9000Doctoral Research00000
PHRM 3040Essentials of Pharmacy Prac II00000
PHRM 3300Pharmaceutical Calculations00000
PHRM 3320Principles of Pharmacology II00000
PHRM 3520Interpreting Clin Lab Tests00000
PHRM 3550Human Pathophysiology00000
PHRM 3750Pharm and US Health Care Syst00000
PHRM 3900Pharmacy Intercommunications00000
PHRM 5820Self-Care And Otcs00000
PHRM 4030Essentials of Pharm Pract III00000
PHRM 4050Prin of Med Chem I00000
PHRM 4120Phm Skills Lab III00000
PHRM 4180ID and Antitumor Agents00000
PHRM 4211Biopharm and Pharmacokinetics00000
PHRM 4410Pharmacology I00000
PHRM 4500Pharmaco Issues Women's Health00000
PHRM 4650Health System IPPE00000
PHRM 8500Protein Therapeutics00000
PHRM 7900Lab Rotations II00000
PHRM 7920Adv Res Seminar00000
PHRM 7940Adv Teach Phrm Prac00000
PHRM 7960EScholarship Develop00000
PHRM 8020Molecular Pharmacology00000
PHRM 8080Grantsmanship00000
PHRM 8200PBS Seminar00000
PHRM 8250Presentation Skills00000
PHRM 7870Pharmacy Resident Enrichment00000
PHRM 8610Soc Behv in Pharm00000
PHRM 8640Res in PCA00000
PHRM 8670Economic Eval in Health Care00000
PHRM 8690Health Outcomes00000
PHRM 8710Adv Ther II00000
PHRM 8740Intro to Cet Resrch00000
PHRM 8940Organ Systems Tox00000
PHRM 9300Doct Dissertation00000
PHRM 6750Pharmacy and Health Care Syst00000
PHRM 5840Phys Assess00000
PHRM 5860Pharmacotherapy I00000
PHRM 5880Pharmacotherapy III00000
PHRM 5903Adv Pharm Practice Exp III00000
PHRM 5906Adv Pharm Practice Exp VI00000
PHRM 5908Adv Pharm Practice Exp VIII00000
PHRM 5920Clinical Seminar00000
PHRM 5930Pharm Care Plans and Prof Dev00000
PHRM 8750Method Experiment Therapeutics00000
PHRM 7020Org Chem Drug Design and Dev00000
PHRM 7210ESpc Topics Pharmacy00000
PHRM 7230Ethical Issues in Research00000
PHRM 7300Master's Thesis00000
PHRM 7540Pub Health Profess00000
PHRM 7680Pharmacy Law and Ethics00000
PHRM 7810Patient Care00000
PHRM 7830Residency Research00000
PHRM 5210Spc Topics Pharmacy00000
PHRM 4700Stat Approach to Drug Lit Eval00000
PHRM 4850Disease Mgmt00000
PHRM 4880Pharmacotherapy II00000
PHRM 5040EAntiviral Chemotherapy00000
PHRM 5080Diabet Disease Mgmt00000
PHRM 5130Beyond Dispensing00000
PHRM 5160Applied Pharmacy Practice I00000
PHRM 5180Addiction Mgmt00000
PHRM 4520Ippe II00000
PHRM 5261Clinical Pk00000
PHRM 5350Basic Emerg Prepare00000
PHRM 5380Pediatric Pharm00000
PHRM 5410EClin Pharm Topics00000
PHRM 5460Forensic Pharm00000
PHRM 5540Pub Health Profess00000
PHRM 5560Integrated Patient Care00000
PHRM 5650Pharmacy Care Management00000
PHRM 3820OTCs and Herbal Products00000
PHRM 5610Interprofessional Approach to Simulated Patient Care00000
PHRM 5620Recruitment and Admissions of Pharmacy Students00000
PHRM 3030Essentials of Pharmacy Pract I00000
PHRM 3070Medicinal Chemistry I00000
PHRM 3310Principles of Pharmacology I00000
PHRM 3500Career Opportunities00000
PHRM 3540Nutrition in Pharmacy Practice00000
PHRM 3600Immunology and Biotechnology00000
PHRM 5710Ippe IV00000
PHRM 3940Survey of Drug Information00000
PHRM 4000War On Cancer00000
PHRM 4040Essentials of Pharm Pract IV00000
PHRM 4060Medicinal Chemistry II00000
PHRM 4130Phm Skills Lab IV00000
PHRM 4200Fundamentals Pharmaceutics I00000
PHRM 4300Phys Assess Pharmacists00000
PHRM 4430Pharmacology III00000
PHRM 8190Can Biol and Therapy00000
PHRM 7820Residency Seminar00000
PHRM 7840Teach Pharm Prac00000
PHRM 7870DPharmacy Resident Enrichment00000
PHRM 7910Advanced Pt Care00000
PHRM 7930Adv Res Research00000
PHRM 7950EClinical Apps.00000
PHRM 8010Structural Bio and Med Chem00000
PHRM 8030Adv Pharmaceut Biopharmaceut00000
PHRM 7800Lab Rotations I00000
PHRM 8210Adv Topics PBS00000
PHRM 8260Pharmacokinetics00000
PHRM 8600Signal Transduction00000
PHRM 8620PCA Seminar00000
PHRM 8660Hlth Cre Marketing00000
PHRM 8680Pharmacoepidemio00000
PHRM 8700Adv Ther I00000
PHRM 8730Clin Sem00000
PHRM 5950Adv Drg Info Policy00000
PHRM 5750Drug Interact and Adverse Reac00000
PHRM 5850Intro to Postgrad Res Training00000
PHRM 5870Pharmacotheraphy II00000
PHRM 5890Pharmacotherapy IV00000
PHRM 5904Adv Pharm Practice Exp IV00000
PHRM 5905Adv Pharm Practice Exp V00000
PHRM 5907Adv Pharm Practice Exp VII00000
PHRM 5909Adv Pharm Practice Exp IX00000
PHRM 5600Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support00000
PHRM 5980Undergraduate Research Problem00000
PHRM 7000Master's Research00000
PHRM 7050Abused Drugs00000
PHRM 7210Spc Topics Pharmacy00000
PHRM 7230EEthical Issues in Research00000
PHRM 7500Intro Clin Ther00000
PHRM 7650Pharmacy Care Management00000