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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
POLS 4905Criminal Justice Practice00000
POLS 4700Constitutional Law Powers00000
POLS 4710Const Law Rights Liberties00000
POLS 4730Criminal Law00000
POLS 4740HJudicial Process00000
POLS 4760Supreme Court Politics00000
POLS 4780Spec Topics Law00000
POLS 4790Sp Topics Amer Pol00000
POLS 4790HSpecial Topics in Amer Pol Hon00000
POLS 4690EReligion and American Politics00000
POLS 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
POLS 5030Intro to Applied Politics00000
POLS 5101Legis Intern Resrch00000
POLS 5110Lobbying Intern00000
POLS 5112Lobbying Intern00000
POLS 5121Campn Intern Rsrch00000
POLS 5130Fed St Local Intern00000
POLS 5132Fed St Loc Int Essy00000
POLS 4660Southern Politics00000
POLS 4641The Science of Cities00000
POLS 4635Politics of Income Inequality00000
POLS 4610HUS Presidency00000
POLS 4605HPolitic Congressional Elec Hon00000
POLS 4600Legislative Process00000
POLS 4551Political Propaganda00000
POLS 4540HInterest Groups00000
POLS 4530Amer Pol Parties00000
POLS 4515HCampaign Politics00000
POLS 4510Pub Opin Amer Demo00000
POLS 4410HMorality And Politics Honors00000
POLS 4190Sp Topics Pol Theor00000
POLS 4150HResearch Methods in Poli Sci H00000
POLS 4040Amer Pol Thought00000
POLS 8500Spec Topics Method00000
POLS 4400HPolitical Psychology (Honors)00000
POLS 9200Prob in Pol Sci00000
POLS 9000Doctoral Research00000
POLS 8501Adv Quant Method I00000
POLS 8460Const Law II Rights00000
POLS 8180Read Res Am Govt00000
POLS 8140Legislative Process00000
POLS 8060Sys in Pol Phil00000
POLS 3000Intro to Political Theory00000
POLS 2200Hot Topics Political Science00000
POLS 1105HAmerican Government (Honors)00000
POLS 1101EAmerican Government00000
POLS 9300Doct Dissertation00000
POLS 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
POLS 8790Sp Topics Amer Pol00000
POLS 4020Hobbes to Nietzsche00000
POLS 8450Special Topics Law00000
POLS 8430Judicial Politics00000
POLS 8150US Presidency00000
POLS 8110Rsch Elect Behav00000
POLS 8105Amer Pol Develop00000
POLS 8080Prob in Pol Phil00000
POLS 8040Pol Economy00000
POLS 8020Game Theory00000
POLS 7770Graduate Teaching Seminar00000
POLS 7060Publish in Pol Sci00000
POLS 7012Intro Pol Method00000
POLS 7005Grad Student Sem00000
POLS 6100Pre-Sem Am Politics00000
POLS 5510Criminal Justice Internship00000
POLS 5141Research in Public Opinion00000
POLS 4400Political Psychology00000
POLS 4720Criminal Procedure00000
POLS 4710HConstitutional Law Civil Lib H00000
POLS 4700HConst Law/powers00000
POLS 4690Religion and American Politics00000
POLS 4650State Politics00000
POLS 4640Urban Politics00000
POLS 4615Polarization of American Pol00000
POLS 4610US Presidency00000
POLS 4605Politics of Congressional Elec00000
POLS 4555Railroad and American Politics00000
POLS 4550Govt and Mass Medi00000
POLS 4540Lobbying and Lobby Influence00000
POLS 4520Electoral Behavior00000
POLS 4515Campaign Politics00000
POLS 4420Politics and Technology00000
POLS 4740Judic Process Behav00000
POLS 4150Research Methods in Poli Sci00000
POLS 4105HAmer Pol Dev Honors00000
POLS 4105Amer Pol Develop00000
POLS 4090Social Justice00000
POLS 4080Legal Theory00000
POLS 4073Social Choice and Institutions00000
POLS 4072Political Economy00000
POLS 4071Social Choice and Elections00000
POLS 4070Game Theory00000
POLS 4060Prob Democrat Theor00000
POLS 4045Moral Markets State00000
POLS 3100HIssues Pol Philo H00000
POLS 4541The Politics of Collective Action: Theory and Strategy00000
POLS 4525Election Law and Administration00000
POLS 8090Recent Political Thought00000
POLS 7000Master's Research00000
POLS 4010Pol Phil to Machiav00000
POLS 3700Research Methods in Crim Just00000
POLS 3600Criminal Just Admin00000
POLS 3230Political Analysis in R00000
POLS 3220Intro to Modeling in Pol Sci00000
POLS 3010Political Ideologies00000
POLS 3000HIntro to Political Theory Hon00000
POLS 2000Intro to Political Science00000
POLS 1101SAmerican Govt Service Learning00000
POLS 1101American Government00000
POLS 8030Spatial Voting Mod00000
POLS 8000Intro Rat Choice Th00000
POLS 7300Master's Thesis00000
POLS 7014Intermed Pol Method00000
POLS 7010Research Design00000
POLS 3000EIntroduction to Political Theory00000
POLS 5520Criminal Justice Internship00000
POLS 5500Criminal Justice Internship00000
POLS 5140Survey Research Internship00000
POLS 5131Fed St Loc Int Rsch00000
POLS 5122Campn Intern Essays00000
POLS 5120Campaign Intern00000
POLS 5111Lobby Intern Rsrch00000
POLS 5102Legis Intern Essays00000
POLS 5100Legis Intern00000
POLS 4960HDir Readings Proj H00000
POLS 4960Dir Readings and/or Projects00000
POLS 4900Law Enforce Admin00000
POLS 4781Crim Justice U.S. And Britain00000
POLS 4770Supreme Court Case Controvers00000
POLS 4750Gender Law Politics00000