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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
SPAN 8400Performance St00000
SPAN 3040Intro Analysis Hispanic Cultur00000
SPAN 3020HWriting Critically in Span Hon00000
SPAN 3010Spanish Cultural Dialogues00000
SPAN 2500Sp for Reading Kn00000
SPAN 2001Intermediate Spanish I00000
SPAN 1110EAccelerated Elementary Spanish00000
SPAN 1002EElementary Spanish II00000
SPAN 8750Advanced Spanish Syntax00000
SPAN 4003Medical Spanish00000
SPAN 8180Lit and Cult Theory00000
SPAN 8010Selected Topics00000
SPAN 6700Modern Span Amer00000
SPAN 6600Span Amer Nations00000
SPAN 6450Var Socio in Spanis00000
SPAN 6300Modern Spain00000
SPAN 6200Early Mod Era00000
SPAN 4652Spanish Dialects00000
SPAN 6100Med Ren Texts00000
SPAN 8850Span Sec Lang Ac00000
SPAN 8550Adv Topics Hist of Span Lang00000
SPAN 8300Hispanic Thought00000
SPAN 8100Poetry and Poetics00000
SPAN 6850Span Applied Ling00000
SPAN 6750Span Syntax and Morph00000
SPAN 6550History Span Lang00000
SPAN 6400Contemp Spain00000
SPAN 4550Intro to History of Spanish00000
SPAN 4651Adv Span Gram00000
SPAN 4650Span Phonetics00000
SPAN 4150Business Spanish00000
SPAN 4100Span Topics Across Disciplines00000
SPAN 4082Latin American Film00000
SPAN 4080Discovering Cultural Formation00000
SPAN 4050Exploring Modern Spain00000
SPAN 4004SMed Interpreting Ethics Comm00000
SPAN 4060Cultures in Contact After 149200000
SPAN 6650Sp Phon andphonology00000
SPAN 6500New World00000
SPAN 6350Rom Ling Theory Ana00000
SPAN 6120Topics Hispan Culture Lang Lit00000
SPAN 4750Spanish Syntax00000
SPAN 4250Adv Bus Spanish00000
SPAN 4085E-Lit and Cyberculture Studies00000
SPAN 4081Spanish Film00000
SPAN 6800Latina/o Lit of US00000
SPAN 4030Latinx in the United States00000
SPAN 3030HTexts in Global Contexts Hon00000
SPAN 3030Texts in Global Contexts00000
SPAN 3010HSpanish Cultural Dialogues Hon00000
SPAN 2120HAccel Intermediate Span Honors00000
SPAN 2002Intermediate Spanish II00000
SPAN 1110Accelerated Elementary Spanish00000
SPAN 1001Elementary Spanish I00000
SPAN 2030Practical Spanish Conversation00000
SPAN 4120Exploring Cultures in Spanish00000
SPAN 4090SPracticum in Service Learning00000
SPAN 4070Latin Amer Voices of Change00000
SPAN 4040Literary Adventures from Spain00000
SPAN 3050Introduction to Spanish Ling00000
SPAN 3020Writing Critically in Spanish00000
SPAN 3011Heritage Speakers of Spanish I00000
SPAN 2550Latin Lit Lang00000
SPAN 4004Introduction to Medical Interpreting, Ethics, and Intercultu...00000
SPAN 2002EIntermediate Spanish II00000
SPAN 2001EIntermediate Spanish I00000
SPAN 1002Elementary Spanish II00000
SPAN 8950Adv Span Pragmat Disc Analysis00000
SPAN 8450Adv Span Socioling and Dialect00000
SPAN 8200Narr Discourses00000
SPAN 6950Sp Sem and Pragmatics00000