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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
TXMI 2360Studio I00000
TXMI 4380Interior Fabrics00000
TXMI 4290Hist Dress Fash 19C to Pres00000
TXMI 4250Apparel and Soft Goods Manufac00000
TXMI 4230Dress, Society, and Culture00000
TXMI 4210Trend Analysis and Forecasting00000
TXMI 3540CAD for App Des00000
TXMI 3500Textiles00000
TXMI 3370Build Sys00000
TXMI 3240Retail Planning and Buying00000
TXMI 3010Direct Research00000
TXMI 4520Apparel and Textile Economics00000
TXMI 2010Creativity Fashion Interiors00000
TXMI 9000Doctoral Research00000
TXMI 8270Merch Theories Meth00000
TXMI 8180Phys Poly and Fiber00000
TXMI 8050Tmi Research Meth00000
TXMI 7310Studio VII00000
TXMI 7210Digital Apparel Design00000
TXMI 6900Special Topics00000
TXMI 6370Hist of Design Interiors Furn00000
TXMI 6280Apparel Design Studio00000
TXMI 7240Retailing Apparel and Textiles00000
TXMI 8280Museum Issues in Clothing and Textiles00000
TXMI 4320Professional Practices in Residential Design00000
TXMI 6320Professional Practices in Residential Design00000
TXMI 4980RFaculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III00000
TXMI 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
TXMI 8900TMI Seminar00000
TXMI 8290Fashion Theory00000
TXMI 8240Advanced Retailing00000
TXMI 8120Polymer Science I00000
TXMI 7320Pro Prac Res00000
TXMI 6160Prod Dev in Tex Apparel Indus00000
TXMI 7000Master's Research00000
TXMI 6380Interior Fabrics00000
TXMI 6290Hist Dress Fash 19C to Pres00000
TXMI 6240Fash Prom/vis Merch00000
TXMI 5910TMI Internship00000
TXMI 5330Adv Com Aid Res Des00000
TXMI 5280Retail Entrepreneurship00000
TXMI 5220Fashion Product and Brand Mgmt00000
TXMI 4960RUndergraduate Research I00000
TXMI 4900Special Topics00000
TXMI 7300Master's Thesis00000
TXMI 7005Grad Student Sem00000
TXMI 6520Apparel and Textile Economics00000
TXMI 6350Hist of Design Interiors Furn00000
TXMI 6230Dress, Society, and Culture00000
TXMI 5901FI Internship Orientation00000
TXMI 5320Pro Prac Res00000
TXMI 5240Retailing Apparel and Textiles00000
TXMI 5210Digital Apparel Design00000
TXMI 4901Prof Pract in Resident Design00000
TXMI 8000Biomaterials Polymers Fib Text00000
TXMI 4370Hist of Design Interiors Furn00000
TXMI 4300Studio V00000
TXMI 4260Global Sourcing App00000
TXMI 4220Apprl Dev Pres00000
TXMI 4160Prod Dev in Tex Apparel Indus00000
TXMI 3520Textile Testing00000
TXMI 3390Studio IV00000
TXMI 3330Comp Aid Res Des00000
TXMI 3230Pop Culture and Fashion00000
TXMI 2380Presentation Methods and Media00000
TXMI 3380Studio III00000
TXMI 5900Prof Devel for Fashion Indust00000
TXMI 5310Studio VII00000
TXMI 5230Trend Analysis and Forecasting00000
TXMI 4970RUndergraduate Research II00000
TXMI 4390Studio VI00000
TXMI 4350Hist of Design Interiors Furn00000
TXMI 4280Apparel Design Studio00000
TXMI 4240Fash Prom/vis Merch00000
TXMI 3910Prac Fashion00000
TXMI 3530Apparel Quality Analysis00000
TXMI 2100Textiles for Consumers00000
TXMI 3320SRes Bldg Constr Serv Learning00000
TXMI 3210Fundamen Fashion Merchandising00000
TXMI 2370Studio II00000
TXMI 2350Design Fundamentals Interiors00000
TXMI 9300Doctoral Dissertation00000
TXMI 9010Directed Research00000
TXMI 8500Contemporary Topics TMI00000
TXMI 8260Adv Cons Behavior00000
TXMI 8130Chem Instr Analy Nano Poly Mat00000