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UGA Course Reviews

University of Georgia

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
WFED 9005Doc Grad Stu Sem00000
WFED 6010Work and Family Life Education00000
WFED 5550Spc Need Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 5120ENeeds Analys WFED00000
WFED 4990Topics Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 4100EPrin of Career Ed00000
WFED 3450Prac Workfrc Ed II00000
WFED 9300Doct Dissertation00000
WFED 9030Philosophy Ed Work00000
WFED 6343Trans Coll to Work Adult Life00000
WFED 9000Doctoral Research00000
WFED 8350EThe Reflect Pract00000
WFED 8210ETandp Web Instr WFED00000
WFED 8040ESit Lrn and Tching00000
WFED 8020EInterntl Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 8010Wkfrc Ethics00000
WFED 7650App Project WFED00000
WFED 8210T&P Web Instr in WE00000
WFED 4380EFuture of Work00000
WFED 6990ETopics in Workforce Education00000
WFED 4990ETopics in Workforce Education00000
WFED 9800Practicum in Workforce Ed00000
WFED 9200Research Des and Method WFED00000
WFED 9020Ldrship Dev WFED00000
WFED 8990Research Seminar in WFED00000
WFED 8330EExpl US Innv Clim00000
WFED 7460Intern Tch WFED00000
WFED 8030EOrg Bhv Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 8000ETech for Ed in Wkpl00000
WFED 7550Spc Need Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 7450Intern Bus/Ind00000
WFED 7080EDev Curr Prog Work00000
WFED 7030Org And Cor Wrk Prg00000
WFED 6380EFuture of Work00000
WFED 7005Grad Student Sem00000
WFED 8360EProf Dev Cte Tchrs00000
WFED 8320EGlob Innv Tech00000
WFED 8200ETch Trend Wkforc Ed00000
WFED 8020Interntl Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 8000Tech For Ed In Wkpl00000
WFED 7550ESpc Need Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 7200EEval Prg Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 7070EEnhancing Learning in Workforce Education00000
WFED 9010EWork Issues Pol Dev00000
WFED 6360Inst Strat WFED00000
WFED 6200EIntro to Int WFED00000
WFED 6010EWork and Family Life Education00000
WFED 5460St Teach Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 5050EProblems of Teaching WFED00000
WFED 4343Trans Coll to Work Adult Life00000
WFED 4010EWork and Family Life Education00000
WFED 2450Prac Workfrc Ed I00000
WFED 9100Edu Research In Workforce Ed00000
WFED 9630Crit Ed Lit WFED00000
WFED 4000Dir Read Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 4010Work and Family Life Education00000
WFED 4200EIntro to Int WFED00000
WFED 5030Org And Cor Wrk Prg00000
WFED 5450Intern Bus/Ind00000
WFED 5550ESpc Need Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 6000Dir Read Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 6100EPrin of Career Ed00000
WFED 6350Cur Plan Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 6990Topics Workfrc Ed00000
WFED 7050EProblems of Teaching WFED00000
WFED 7090ECritical Issue WFED00000
WFED 7120ENeeds Analys WFED00000