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UH Manoa Course Reviews

University of Hawaii at Manoa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 107Introduction to Photography00000
ART 113Introduction to Drawing00000
ART 130Introduction to Glass00000
ART 175Survey of Global Art I00000
ART 207Intermediate Photo: Black and White00000
ART 218Relief Printmaking00000
ART 234Cold Glass Fabrication00000
ART 254Sculpture-Metal Casting00000
ART 266Design: Typography I00000
ART 302Introduction to Contemporary Critical Theory00000
ART 305Digital Imaging: Alternative Printing00000
ART 308BAdvanced Photographic Techniques: Digital Color Photography00000
ART 314Intermediate Life Drawing00000
ART 322Advanced Color00000
ART 330Advanced Glass00000
ART 344Ceramics-Vessels00000
ART 352Kinetic Sculpture00000
ART 358Utilitarian Sculpture00000
ART 365LDesign: Studio II Lab00000
ART 380Early Art of Japan00000
ART 385Art and Culture of Early China00000
ART 395Art-Historical Methodology00000
ART 400BSpecial Topics: Studio Art00000
ART 410BFA Capstone Seminar/Studio00000
ART 465Design: Studio III00000
ART 467Design: Production Techniques00000
ART 470DRenaissance Art: High Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy00000
ART 474Art Since Middle 20th Century00000
ART 475DArt of the Pacific: North Pacific Coast Indian, Eskimo00000
ART 477Art of Indonesia00000
ART 481Museum Interpretations00000
ART 487Modern and Contemporary Art of China00000
ART 490CSpecial Topics in Southeast Asian Art History: Art & Archite...00000
ART 492CArt and Architecture of South Asia: Hindu Visual Culture00000
ART 612Graduate Studio Seminar in Art II00000
ART 620Methods in Contemporary Art00000
ART 670Art Historical Methodology00000
ART 691Seminar in Global Contemporary Art00000
ART 107BIntroduction to Photography: Black & White Darkroom00000
ART 116Introduction to Three-Dimensional Composition00000
ART 176Survey of Global Art II00000
ART 213Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 214Introduction to Life Drawing00000
ART 223Approaches to Painting00000
ART 237Woven Structures00000
ART 265Design: Studio I00000
ART 301BElectronic Arts Studio: Imaging Systems00000
ART 303Kiln Formed Glass00000
ART 306Lost Wax Glass Casting00000
ART 308CAdvanced Photographic Techniques: Hand-Applied Emulsion00000
ART 316Lithography00000
ART 323Advanced Painting I00000
ART 335Papermaking00000
ART 345Ceramics-Low Temperature00000
ART 356Sculpture-Metal Fabrication00000
ART 359Sculpture-Contemporary00000
ART 365Design: Studio II00000
ART 366Design: Typography II00000
ART 381Later Art of Japan00000
ART 390Art of Africa, Pacific, North America00000
ART 396BHistory of Photography: Nineteenth Century, from the Inventi...00000
ART 405Professional Practice in the Arts: Creativity, Career, and L...00000
ART 436Use, Re-use, and Radical Re-use00000
ART 465LDesign: Studio III Lab00000
ART 467LDesign: Production Techniques Lab00000
ART 470BRenaissance Art: Early Renaissance in Italy00000
ART 473Art of the First Half of 20th Century00000
ART 475BArt of the Pacific: Melanesia and Australia00000
ART 475CArt of the Pacific: Polynesia and Micronesia00000
ART 479Art of Hawai‘i00000
ART 483Applied Art of Japan00000
ART 490DSpecial Topics in Southeast Asian Art History: Monuments & N...00000
ART 492Hindu Visual Culture00000
ART 496Topics in History of Cinema00000
ART 613Graduate Studio Seminar in Art III00000
ART 621Materials in Contemporary Art00000
ART 688Topics in the Art of China00000
ART 780Seminar in Japanese Art00000
ART 104Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 107DIntroduction to Photography: Digital00000
ART 123Introduction to Painting00000
ART 201Introduction to Electronic Arts00000
ART 202Introduction to Digital Imaging00000
ART 217Screenprinting00000
ART 230Glass Casting: Sand and Metal Molds00000
ART 242Introduction to Ceramics00000
ART 265LDesign: Studio I Lab00000
ART 301CElectronic Arts Studio: Sound00000
ART 304Digital Imaging: Professional Printing00000
ART 307Advanced Lighting00000
ART 313Advanced Drawing00000
ART 318Intermediate Printmaking00000
ART 324Painting from Life00000
ART 343Ceramics-Sculpture00000
ART 347Technical Ceramics00000
ART 357Sculpture-Small Scale00000
ART 360Exhibition Design and Gallery Management00000
ART 371Medieval Art00000
ART 382Philippine Visual Art from Burial Jars to Burning Effigies00000
ART 393Art of India and South Asia00000
ART 400CSpecial Topics: Art History00000
ART 409Graduation Portfolio (BA)00000
ART 439Installation/Performance -- Material in Context00000
ART 466Design: Typography III00000
ART 469Design: Advanced Studio00000
ART 472Art of the United States00000
ART 474CArt Since 1945: Global Contemporary Art Since 200000000
ART 476Art of Tribal Africa00000
ART 478Topics in Contemporary Art00000
ART 486Traditional Chinese Painting00000
ART 490BSpecial Topics in Southeast Asian Art History: Angkor & Art...00000
ART 492BArt and Architecture of South Asia: Introduction to Art of I...00000
ART 611Graduate Studio Seminar in Art00000
ART 614Graduate Studio Seminar in Art IV00000
ART 630Graduate Studio Teaching Practicum00000
ART 690Seminar in Contemporary Critical Theory00000
ART 791Seminar in South/Southeast Asian Art History00000