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UHCL Course Reviews

University of Houston - Clear Lake

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 4364Museum Studies55551
ARTS 3352Traditional Photography00000
ARTS 4335Advanced Painting00000
ARTS 4341Advanced Fibers00000
ARTS 4350Advanced Traditional Photography00000
ARTS 4358History and Theory of Graphic Design00000
ARTS 4368Graphic Novel Design00000
ARTS 4389Independent Study in Arts00000
ARTS 5037Studies in Art History00000
ARTS 5236Roman Art and Architecture00000
ARTS 5931Research Topics in Art00000
ARTS 1314Dance Appreciation00000
ARTS 2316Painting00000
ARTS 3320Ceramics00000
ARTS 3333Life Drawing00000
ARTS 3341Fibers00000
ARTS 4320Advanced Ceramics00000
ARTS 3360Graphic Design00000
ARTS 4301Methods in Secondary Art Education00000
ARTS 4315Art of the Ancient Greek World00000
ARTS 4331Advanced Drawing00000
ARTS 4340Advanced Printmaking00000
ARTS 4351Advanced Digital Photography00000
ARTS 4363Advertising Design00000
ARTS 4369Digital Illustration00000
ARTS 4390Senior Seminar in Art00000
ARTS 4392Arts Internship00000
ARTS 5233Art of Ancient Iraq and the Near East00000
ARTS 5331Painting-Drawing-Printmaking00000
ARTS 4391Selected Topics in Art00000
ARTS 1325Drawing for Non-Art Majors00000
ARTS 2379Arts and the Child00000
ARTS 3331Intermediate Drawing00000
ARTS 3340Printmaking00000
ARTS 3350Art 1900-195000000
ARTS 3357History and Theory of Photography00000
ARTS 4310Advanced Sculpture00000
ARTS 4312Art of Ancient Iraq and the Near East00000
ARTS 4322Roman Art00000
ARTS 4339Silkscreen Printing00000
ARTS 4348Information Design00000
ARTS 4352Video Arts00000
ARTS 4380Typeface Design00000
ARTS 1311Design Foundations00000
ARTS 5231Sculpture and Ceramic Studio00000
ARTS 5234Art of the Ancient Greek World00000
ARTS 1303World Art Survey I00000
ARTS 1304World Art Survey II00000
ARTS 1316Drawing Foundations00000
ARTS 2371Digital Photography 100000
ARTS 3310Sculpture00000
ARTS 3335Intermediate Painting00000
ARTS 3351Art 1950-Present00000
ARTS 3356Mexican Art, 1500-Present00000
ARTS 4300Methods in Elementary Art Education00000
ARTS 4311Process Sculpture00000