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UHCL Course Reviews

University of Houston - Clear Lake

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CENG 4266Senior Project00000
CENG 5334Fault Tolerant Computing00000
CENG 5431Digital Signal Processing00000
CENG 5435Robotics Applications and Software00000
CENG 5531Machine Learning and Applications00000
CENG 5535Wireless Sensor Networks00000
CENG 5739Internship In Computer Engineering00000
CENG 6332High Perf Comptr Architecture00000
CENG 6838Research Project and Seminar00000
CENG 2371Microcontroller Programming00000
CENG 3151Lab For Computer Architecture00000
CENG 3313Linear Circuits00000
CENG 3331Intro To Telecom And Networks00000
CENG 4113Lab for Microprocsr Intrfacing00000
CENG 5131Engineering Applications00000
CENG 4351Introduction to Robotics00000
CENG 4391Selected Topics In Comp Enginr00000
CENG 5332Wireless Communications And Networks00000
CENG 5338Vlsi Design00000
CENG 5434Microcomputer Systems Design00000
CENG 5436Computer Vision and Applications00000
CENG 5533Quantum Computing00000
CENG 5631Digital Image Processing00000
CENG 5931Topics In Computer Engineering00000
CENG 6533Robotics00000
CENG 6939Master's Thesis00000
CENG 5335Digital Systems Testing00000
CENG 5719Internship in Computer Engineering00000
CENG 3112Lab For Digital Circuits00000
CENG 3116Lab for Electronics00000
CENG 3264Engineering Design and Project Management00000
CENG 3315Intr to Digital Signal Procesg00000
CENG 3351Computer Architecture00000
CENG 4195Cooperative Education Work Trm00000
CENG 4331Analysis and Design of Linear Systems00000
CENG 4379Internship in Computer Engineering00000
CENG 5133Computer Architecture Design00000
CENG 5336Functional Verification of Digital Systems00000
CENG 5433Prin Of Digital Commun Systems00000
CENG 5437Mobile Robots00000
CENG 5534Advanced Digital System Design00000
CENG 2112Lab For Digital Circuits00000
CENG 5915Cooperative Education Work Trm00000
CENG 6432Biomedical Signal Processing00000
CENG 6535Bio-Inspired Computing00000
CENG 2312Digital Circuits00000
CENG 3113Lab For Linear Circuits00000
CENG 3131Lab For Telecom And Networks00000
CENG 3312Digital Circuits00000
CENG 3316Electronics00000
CENG 3371Microcontroller Programming00000
CENG 4265Senior Project00000
CENG 4313Microprocessor Interfacing00000
CENG 4354Digital System Design00000