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UHH Course Reviews

University of Hawaii at Hilo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 221Intermediate Drawing00000
ART 392WI/History of Art & Technology00000
ART 374WI/Art of the 19th Century00000
ART 322Advanced Painting00000
ART 308Creative Digital Photography00000
ART 297Film, TV & Web Screenwriting00000
ART 222Intermediate Painting00000
ART 176Survey of World Art II00000
ART 123FP Studio: 2-D Design00000
ART 112Introduction to Digital Media00000
ART 381WI/Art Of Japan00000
ART 360WI/Renaissance and Baroque Art00000
ART 316Adv Printmaking Seminar00000
ART 301Digital Video and Installation00000
ART 294Sp Top:Practices in Mix Media00000
ART 121FP Studio: Beg Drawing00000
ART 194Intro to Gallery Management00000
ART 175Survey of World Art I00000
ART 122FP Studio: Beginning Painting00000
ART 109Intro To Drawing & Painting00000
ART 101Intro To Visual Arts00000
ART 394Sp Top: WI/ Women in the Arts00000
ART 380WI/Art Of China00000
ART 335Papermaking00000
ART 315Adv Printmkg: Intaglio00000
ART 300Intermed Studio Seminar00000
ART 235Introduction to Papermaking00000
ART 215Printmaking: Intaglio00000
ART 124FP Studio: 3-D Design00000