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UHH Course Reviews

University of Hawaii at Hilo

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOL 320Erth Mat II: Igneous/Meta Rock00000
GEOL 495BSeminar00000
GEOL 470Volcanology00000
GEOL 445GIS for Geology00000
GEOL 360WI/Surface Water00000
GEOL 340Sedimentary Processes00000
GEOL 300Adv Environmental Earth Sci00000
GEOL 195Introductory Field Experience00000
GEOL 112Hist of the Earth & Its Life00000
GEOL 485Advanced Field Mapping00000
GEOL 431WI/Geology Of North America00000
GEOL 370Field Methods00000
GEOL 342Earth Surface Processes00000
GEOL 100Environmental Earth Science00000
GEOL 205Geology Of Hawaiian Islands00000
GEOL 112LHistory of the Earth Lab00000
GEOL 111Understanding the Earth00000
GEOL 495ASeminar00000
GEOL 460Groundwater00000
GEOL 432WI/Plate Tectonics00000
GEOL 344Coastal Geology00000
GEOL 330Deformation of the Earth00000
GEOL 212Earth Materials I: Minerals00000
GEOL 170Volcanoes and Earthquakes00000
GEOL 111LUnderstanding the Earth Lab00000