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UHV Course Reviews

University of Houston - Victoria

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BIMS 6312Research Methods in Science00000
BIMS 6315Physiology00000
BIMS 6321Pharmacology and Toxicology00000
BIMS 6318Integrative Human Cardiovascular Control00000
BIMS 6322Biochemical & Molecular Genetics00000
BIMS 6305Master's Professional Science Internship00000
BIMS 6313Cell & Molecular00000
BIMS 6319Neuro Cardiovascular00000
BIMS 6326clinical Immunology00000
BIMS 6311Biochemistry00000
BIMS 6314Scientific Communications00000
BIMS 6320Bioinformatics00000
BIMS 6399Faculty-Guided Research/Thesis00000