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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ACB 6220Mechanisms of Cellular Organization00000
ACB 7002Seminar in Anatomical Sciences00000
ACB 7227Anatomic Study for Teaching00000
ACB 8120Human Gross Anatomy for Dental Students00000
ACB 8402Teaching Elective in Regional Anatomy00000
ACB 8498Special Study On Campus00000
ACB 3122Independ Study in Anatomy & Cell Biology00000
ACB 5203Gross Human Anatomy for Graduate Student00000
ACB 5218Microscopy for Biomedical Research00000
ACB 6252Functional Neuroanatomy00000
ACB 6227Cell Fate Decisions00000
ACB 6239Critical Thinking in Cell Biology00000
ACB 6249Critical Thinking in Cellular Physiology00000
ACB 6265Neuroscience Seminar00000
ACB 7010Anatomy Through Imaging00000
ACB 7400Practicum in College Teaching MCA00000
ACB 8121General Histology for Dental Students00000
ACB 8404Teach Elect Region Anat for MCA00000
ACB 8401Advanced Human Anatomy00000
ACB 5206Graduate Research Cell Developmental Bio00000
ACB 6200Special Topics in Genetics00000
ACB 6226Cell Cycle Control00000
ACB 6237Critical Thinking Biochem & Mol Biology00000
ACB 6250Critical Think Sci Writing/Presentation00000
ACB 7001Teaching Learning in Anatomical Sciences00000
ACB 7020Human Embryology Online00000
ACB 8101Medical Gross Human Anatomy00000
ACB 5108Human Anatomy00000
ACB 8405Advanced Clinical Neuroanatomy00000
ACB 3110Principles of Human Anatomy00000
ACB 4156Scn Electrn Microscopy & Xray Microanaly00000
ACB 5210General Histology Online00000
ACB 5224Grad Seminar in Cell & Develop Biology00000
ACB 6225Growth Factor Receptor Signaling00000
ACB 6238Critical Thinking in Genetics00000
ACB 6248Critical Thinking in Development00000