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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CHEM 1110Principles of Chemistry I42351
CHEM 2420Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Majors00000
CHEM 5109Separations00000
CHEM 5115Biophotonics00000
CHEM 5190Seminar: Analytical Chemistry00000
CHEM 5206Solid-State and Materials Chemistry00000
CHEM 5321Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chem00000
CHEM 5390Seminar: Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5436Electronic Structure & Informatics Chem00000
CHEM 5599Special Topics in Chemistry Education00000
CHEM 6990Research Seminar00000
CHEM 7999Research in Chemistry00000
CHEM 1000First-Year Seminar00000
CHEM 1080General Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2021Fundamentals of Chemical Measurements00000
CHEM 2230Organic Chemistry I for Majors00000
CHEM 5107Electrochemistry00000
CHEM 3250Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 3530Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 4270Advanced Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 4431Physical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 4480Introduction to Molecular Modeling00000
CHEM 5091Graduate Chemistry Orientation00000
CHEM 5114Chemical Systems Modeling00000
CHEM 5150Chemometrics00000
CHEM 5204Physical Methods in Inorganic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5290Seminar: Inorganic & Chemical Education00000
CHEM 5328Mechanisms of Organic Reactions00000
CHEM 5434Molecular Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 5490Seminar: Physical and Environmental Chem00000
CHEM 5990Chemistry Colloquium00000
CHEM 7604Ethics in Chemical Sciences for Postdocs00000
CHEM 5431Statistical Thermodynamics I00000
CHEM 1100Chemistry in Industry and the Economy00000
CHEM 1160Principles of Chemistry Lab00000
CHEM 2220Organic Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2410Organic Chemistry Laboratory00000
CHEM 3120Analytical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 3440Physical Measurements00000
CHEM 4000Scientists and Writers00000
CHEM 4430Principles of Physical Chemistry00000
CHEM 4450Synthesis and Measurement00000
CHEM 4873Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry00000
CHEM 5108Spectroscopy00000
CHEM 5118Nanomaterials00000
CHEM 5203Organometallic Chemistry00000
CHEM 5212Mass Spectrometry00000
CHEM 5326Organic Reactions00000
CHEM 1050Chemistry of Our World00000
CHEM 5438Surface Chem & Heterogeneous Processes00000
CHEM 5875Perspectives in Biocatalysis00000
CHEM 7270Ethics in Chemical Sciences00000
CHEM 0500Review of Chemistry Fundamentals00000
CHEM 1070General Chemistry I00000
CHEM 1090Supplemental Chemistry Lab00000
CHEM 1120Principles of Chemistry II00000
CHEM 2210Organic Chemistry I00000
CHEM 2240Organic Chemistry II for Majors00000
CHEM 3110Analytical Chemistry I00000
CHEM 3430Analytical Measurements00000
CHEM 3994Undergraduate Research00000
CHEM 4372Advanced Organic Chemistry00000
CHEM 4432Physical Chemistry II00000
CHEM 4760Radiochem: Energy, Medicine, Environment00000