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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CLSA 3742Word Power: Building English Vocabulary12111
CLSA 1000First-Year Seminar00000
CLSA 2444Cities of the Bible00000
CLSA 2226Ancient Art: Egypt to Rome00000
CLSA 2127Global Manuscript Cultures00000
CLSA 1875Ancient Sports and Leisure00000
CLSA 1809Classics and Cinema00000
CLSA 1340Magic in the Ancient World00000
CLSA 1040World Literature: Antiquity to 170000000
CLSA 2482Ancient Mediterranean Religions00000
CLSA 7114Slavery & Social Death 1200 BCE-1865 CE00000
CLSA 5151Roman Law, Order, and Crime00000
CLSA 4400The Roman Empire00000
CLSA 4085Post-Baccalaureate Seminar00000
CLSA 3982Graduation Portfolio00000
CLSA 3902Second-Year Sanskrit: Second Semester00000
CLSA 3821City of Athens Bronze Age to Roman World00000
CLSA 3404The World of Ancient Greece00000
CLSA 6200Graduate Seminar in Ancient Art00000
CLSA 4452The Dead Sea Scrolls00000
CLSA 4095Honors Readings00000
CLSA 3979Undergraduate Translation Workshop00000
CLSA 3900Special Topics in Classics00000
CLSA 3750Medical and Technical Terminology00000
CLSA 3596The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt00000
CLSA 3445Mythology of Otherworldly Journeys00000
CLSA 2330Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern Art00000
CLSA 3288Shakespeare's Romans00000
CLSA 3247Banned from the Bible: Pseudepigrapha00000
CLSA 3235Greek Archaeology and Ethnohistory00000
CLSA 3227Classical Greek Art00000
CLSA 3016Myth Makers of the Classical World00000
CLSA 2901First-Year Sanskrit: First Semester00000
CLSA 2651Gender & Sexuality in the Ancient World00000
CLSA 2461Middle East & Mediter Alexander-Suleiman00000
CLSA 3401Ancient Egypt and the Ancient Near East00000
CLSA 3250Greek Vase Painting00000
CLSA 3240Roman Archaeology00000
CLSA 3233Art of the Ancient Roman Empire00000
CLSA 3148Barbarians and the Fall of Rome00000
CLSA 2902First-Year Sanskrit: Second Semester00000
CLSA 2800Race/Ethnicity in Ancient Mediterranean00000
CLSA 2489Jerusalem: The Holy City00000
CLSA 3416Greek Religion and Society00000
CLSA 2340The Power of Art in Greece and Rome00000
CLSA 2151Roman Law, Order, and Crime00000
CLSA 2048The Invention of Writing00000
CLSA 1840Roman Civilization00000
CLSA 1805Legends and Heroes of Ancient Rome00000
CLSA 1200Interpretation of Ancient Literature00000
CLSA 1100Contraception Across Time and Cultures00000
CLSA 3520Religious Violence and Nationalism00000
CLSA 3514Roman Religion and Society00000
CLSA 3836Food in Ancient Mediterranean Society00000
CLSA 3901Second-Year Sanskrit: First Semester00000
CLSA 3980Teaching in the Classics00000
CLSA 4090Private Assignments00000
CLSA 4106Warfare in Ancient Mediterranean Society00000
CLSA 5010Proseminar in Classics00000
CLSA 6910Graduate Pedagogy00000
CLSA 1020Love and Glory: The Literature of Rome00000
CLSA 1181Ancient Medicine00000
CLSA 1740Writing Strategies: Word Origins/Choice00000
CLSA 1830Greek Civilization00000
CLSA 2016Classical Mythology00000
CLSA 2144Engineering & Tech in the Ancient World00000
CLSA 1010Hero, God, Mortal: Literature of Greece00000