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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 1860Calculus II32451
MATH 1550Engineer Math I Single Variable Calculus33331
MATH 3720Introduction to Abstract Algebra I43441
MATH 4020Basic Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 5800Numercl Analysis Nonlin Equa Approx Thry00000
MATH 5700Intro to Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 5410Introduction to Smooth Manifolds00000
MATH 5210Introduction to Analysis II00000
MATH 5010Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 4820Optimization Techniques00000
MATH 4740Large Data Analysis00000
MATH 4500Introduction to Differential Geometry I00000
MATH 4210Foundations of Analysis00000
MATH 4120History of Mathematics00000
MATH 4080Elementary Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 4050Introduction to Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 5900First-Year Graduate Seminar00000
MATH 3997Readings in Mathematics00000
MATH 3900Introduction to Mathematics Research00000
MATH 3770Fundamental Properties Spaces/Funct I00000
MATH 3600Intro to Ordinary Differential Equations00000
MATH 2995Introduction to Research Opportunities00000
MATH 2700Introduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 2550Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra00000
MATH 1560Engineer Math II: Multivariable Calculus00000
MATH 6860Theoretical Numerical Analysis II00000
MATH 7870Seminar: Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 7770Seminar: Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 7630Topics in Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 7570Seminar: Differential Geometry00000
MATH 7470Seminar: Topology00000
MATH 7400Topology of Manifolds00000
MATH 7250Topics in Analysis00000
MATH 7200Functional Analysis I00000
MATH 7070Seminar: Algebra00000
MATH 7030Topics in Algebra00000
MATH 7000Homological Algebra00000
MATH 1380Calculus and Matrix Algebra for Business00000
MATH 6850Theoretical Numerical Analysis I00000
MATH 6710Partial Differential Equations II00000
MATH 6700Partial Differential Equations I00000
MATH 6610Ordinary Differential Equations II00000
MATH 6600Ordinary Differential Equations I00000
MATH 6510Differential Geometry II00000
MATH 6500Differential Geometry I00000
MATH 6410Introduction to Differential Topology00000
MATH 6210Analysis II00000
MATH 6010Introduction to Algebra II00000
MATH 3700Introduction to Matrix Theory00000
MATH 4750Introduction to Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 4610Continuous Mathematical Models00000
MATH 4250Introduction to Financial Mathematics00000
MATH 4200Complex Variables00000
MATH 4095Rigorous Intro Module and Galois Theory00000
MATH 4060Discrete Mathematical Models00000
MATH 4040Matrix Theory00000
MATH 4010Basic Analysis00000
MATH 3996Individual Study & Honors in Mathematics00000
MATH 3800Elementary Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 3750Classical Analysis00000
MATH 5000Abstract Algebra I00000
MATH 3550Engineering Math V: Vector Calculus00000
MATH 2850Calculus III00000
MATH 2560Engineer Math IV: Differential Equations00000
MATH 2150Foundations of Geometry00000
MATH 1850Calculus I00000
MATH 1440Mathematics for the Biological Sciences00000
MATH 1350Quantitative Reasoning for Business00000
MATH 1260PokeMath: The Mathematics of Pokemon Go00000
MATH 1140Math Basis of Elementary Geometry00000
MATH 1020Elementary Functions00000
MATH 1005College Algebra00000
MATH 7290Seminar: Operator Theory00000
MATH 0100Basic Algebra I00000
MATH 1340Mathematics for Business00000
MATH 1210Diverse Perspectives in Mathematical Sci00000
MATH 1120Logic of Arithmetic00000
MATH 1010Trigonometry00000
MATH 1000First-Year Seminar00000
MATH 7990Reading Research00000
MATH 7830Topics in Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 7670Seminar: Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 7580Seminar: Mathematical Physics00000
MATH 7450Current Geometry and Topology II00000
MATH 1460Calculus for the Biological Sciences00000
MATH 7210Functional Analysis II00000
MATH 7090Seminar: Representation Theory00000
MATH 6400Introduction to Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 6200Analysis I00000
MATH 6000Introduction to Algebra I00000
MATH 5810Numercl Analy Differentl Equat/Lin Algbr00000
MATH 5760Mathematical Biology II00000
MATH 5600Nonlinear Dynamics with Numerical Methds00000
MATH 5400General Topology00000
MATH 5200Introduction to Analysis I00000