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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
RCE 4110Psychology of Food and Mood55551
RCE 5249Med & Psych Aspects of Disability00000
RCE 7460Seminar Research in Counseling00000
RCE 5247Med & Psychosocial Aspects Disability00000
RCE 5241Prof Couns Orientation & Ethic Practice00000
RCE 5230School Couns Program Leadership & Mgt00000
RCE 5222Coun Children & Adolescents in Schools00000
RCE 5204School Culture & Classroom Mngmt for SC00000
RCE 5202Introduction to Group Counseling00000
RCE 4199Counseling for Related Professions00000
RCE 4175Motivational Interviewing00000
RCE 4173Trauma Across the Lifespan00000
RCE 4145Marriage and Family Interaction00000
RCE 4137Intro to Educating Gifted Students00000
RCE 4131Loss, Death, and Bereavement00000
RCE 4125Counseling/Psych Needs of Gifted00000
RCE 4123Gender Issues and Giftedness00000
RCE 4120Psychology of Giftedness00000
RCE 4113Sleep, Sleep Depriv & Sleep Disorders00000
RCE 4111Building Leadership and Success at Work00000
RCE 2081Making a Vocational-Educational Choice00000
RCE 1029First-Year Seminar00000
RCE 7466Leadership and Advocacy Internship00000
RCE 7493Ph.D. Thesis00000
RCE 6394Research and Scholarship Internship00000
RCE 1030Belin-Blank Center Seminar00000
RCE 7465Internship in Clinical Practice00000
RCE 7461Practicum in Research00000
RCE 7459Seminar Leadership & Advocacy in CES00000
RCE 7457Sem: Orientation to CES, Ldrshp, & Advcy00000
RCE 7454Supervision Theory and Practice00000
RCE 7450Advanced Social Psychology of Disability00000
RCE 7400Seminar: Ethics and Issues in Counseling00000
RCE 7380Internship in Teaching00000
RCE 7353Advanced Counseling and Psychotherapy00000
RCE 7255Advanced Career Development & Counseling00000
RCE 5253Forensic Rehab and Case Management00000
RCE 6353Pre-Prac & Case Mgmt in Counseling00000
RCE 6352Internship Clin Mental Health Counseling00000
RCE 6349Pract in Clinical Mental Health Couns00000
RCE 6346Practicum in Rehabilitation Counseling00000
RCE 6341Occupational Info, Job Dev & Placement00000
RCE 6321Internship in Elementary School Couns00000
RCE 6293Individual Instruction-Graduate00000
RCE 5300Culturally Relevent Soc/Emotion Learning00000
RCE 5279Microskills for Rehabilitation Counseling00000
RCE 5270Issues and Ethics in Counseling00000
RCE 4178Microcounseling00000
RCE 5203Career Development00000
RCE 5200Professional School Counselor00000
RCE 4197Citizenship in a Multicultural Society00000
RCE 4195Ethics in Human Relations & Counseling00000
RCE 4194Interpersonal Effectiveness00000
RCE 4193Individual Instruction - Undergraduate00000
RCE 4191Advocacy00000
RCE 4188Pract in Tchg & Curric Devel Gifted Educ00000
RCE 4187Introduction to Assistive Technology00000
RCE 4185Introduction to Substance Abuse00000
RCE 4179Sexuality Within the Helping Professions00000
RCE 5221Thry Cnsl & Human Dev Across Life Span00000
RCE 4176Child Abuse: Assessmnt Intervntn Advocy00000
RCE 4174Positive Psychology00000
RCE 4162Introduction to Couple & Family Therapy00000
RCE 4140Foundations of Leadership00000
RCE 4132Addiction and Impulse Control Disorders00000
RCE 4130Human Sexuality00000
RCE 4124Ethnic and Cultural Issues & Giftedness00000
RCE 4121Identification of Stdnts for Gifted Prog00000
RCE 4114Psych of Body Modification & Self-Image00000
RCE 4112How to Interview to Get That Job!00000
RCE 6322Internship in Secondary School Couns00000
RCE 7455Internship in Supervision00000
RCE 7451Advanced Multiculturalism00000
RCE 7448Integrated Developmt Theory & Counseling00000
RCE 7385Teaching & Learning in Higher Education00000
RCE 7360Advanced Practicum in Counseling00000
RCE 7338Essentials of Qualitative Inquiry00000
RCE 6500Research and Program Evaluation00000
RCE 6354Adv Pract Clinical Mental Heath Counsel00000
RCE 6350Internship I Rehab & Mental Health Couns00000
RCE 6347Internship in Rehabilitation Counseling00000
RCE 6342Psychosocial Aspects of Health Dev Life00000
RCE 7458Seminar: Issues/Trends in Couns Research00000
RCE 6300Practicum in School Counseling00000
RCE 6263Consultation Theory and Practice00000
RCE 5280Topical Seminar in RCE00000
RCE 5278Applied Microcounseling00000
RCE 5254Assessment and Appraisal00000
RCE 5250Multiculturalism in Helping Professions00000
RCE 5248Diagnosis & Treatment Plan in Counseling00000
RCE 5242Intro to Rehab Counseling & Case Mgmt00000
RCE 5237Seminar in Gifted Education00000
RCE 5226Assessment of Giftedness00000