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UI Course Reviews

University of Iowa

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
STAT 1030Statistics for Business11213
STAT 2010Statistical Methods and Computing11111
STAT 5400Computing in Statistics00000
STAT 2020Probability & Stats for Engr & Phys Sci00000
STAT 3101Intro to Mathematical Statistics II00000
STAT 3200Applied Linear Regression00000
STAT 3510Biostatistics00000
STAT 3620Quality Control00000
STAT 4101Mathematical Statistics II00000
STAT 4200Statistical Methods and Computing00000
STAT 4540Statistical Learning00000
STAT 4580Data Visualization and Data Technologies00000
STAT 4880Data Science Creative Component00000
STAT 5090ALPHA Seminar00000
STAT 5101Statistical Inference II00000
STAT 5200Applied Statistics I00000
STAT 1015Introduction to Data Science00000
STAT 5810Research Data Management00000
STAT 6300Probability and Stochastic Processes I00000
STAT 6513Intermediate Statistical Methods00000
STAT 6516Design of Experiments00000
STAT 6550Introductory Longitudinal Data Analysis00000
STAT 6970Topics in Statistics00000
STAT 7100Advanced Inference I00000
STAT 7190Seminar Mathematical Statistics00000
STAT 7290Seminar Applied Statistics00000
STAT 7390Seminar Probability00000
STAT 7500Statistical Machine Learning00000
STAT 7520Bayesian Analysis00000
STAT 7570Survival Data Analysis00000
STAT 5610Regression & ANOVA in Health Sciences00000
STAT 1020Elementary Statistics and Inference00000
STAT 3100Intro to Mathematical Statistics I00000
STAT 3120Probability and Statistics00000
STAT 3210Experimental Design and Analysis00000
STAT 4100Mathematical Statistics I00000
STAT 4143Introduction to Statistical Methods00000
STAT 4520Bayesian Statistics00000
STAT 4560Statistics for Risk Modeling00000
STAT 4740Large Data Analysis00000
STAT 4890Data Science Practicum00000
STAT 5100Statistical Inference I00000
STAT 5120Mathematical Methods for Statistics00000
STAT 5201Applied Statistics II00000
STAT 1010Statistics and Society00000
STAT 6220Statistical Consulting00000
STAT 6301Probability and Stochastic Processes II00000
STAT 6514Correlation and Regression00000
STAT 6530Environmental and Spatial Statistics00000
STAT 6560Applied Time Series Analysis00000
STAT 6990Readings in Statistics00000
STAT 7101Advanced Inference II00000
STAT 7200Linear Models00000
STAT 7300Foundations of Probability I00000
STAT 7400Computer Intensive Statistics00000
STAT 7510Analysis of Categorical Data00000
STAT 7560Time Series Analysis00000
STAT 7990Reading Research00000