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UIC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Chicago

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 103Early America44441
HIST 419Teaching Civics Literacy55451
HIST 100Western Civ To164844441
HIST 481Topicsin Social History00000
HIST 213Europe in the Age of Capitalism and Imperialism, 1815 - 191400000
HIST 209The Byzantine Empire00000
HIST 203Ancient Rome00000
HIST 199Chicagoandthe World00000
HIST 117Understanding the Holocaust00000
HIST 106Worldsince140000000
HIST 594Encounters, Ethnog& Empires00000
HIST 552Seminar on American History00000
HIST 551Colloquiumon American Hist00000
HIST 501Introduction to Graduate Study in History00000
HIST 492Topics Intellectual Hist00000
HIST 482Topics in Migration History00000
HIST 219Sportinthe Ancient World00000
HIST 476Educ Practw/ SeminarII00000
HIST 465Asian Diasporas in Latin America00000
HIST 454Topics in Twentieth-Century United States History00000
HIST 435Topicsin Russian History00000
HIST 420Teaching the Social Sciences00000
HIST 408Athenian Democracy and Society in the Age of Aristophanes00000
HIST 400Topics in Ancient History00000
HIST 320Teaching History00000
HIST 294Zeusto Jesus00000
HIST 290Mexican- American History00000
HIST 285Cultural History of Modern Greece: 1453 to the Present00000
HIST 277The Middle East to 125800000
HIST 292History& Theoryof Feminism00000
HIST 599PhD Thesis Research00000
HIST 593Topicsin Work, Race,& Gender00000
HIST 511Colloquium on European History00000
HIST 500Colloquium on the Teaching of History00000
HIST 489Topics in Military History00000
HIST 479Culture and Colonialism in South Asia00000
HIST 473Topics East Asian Hist00000
HIST 462AIDS, Politics and Culture00000
HIST 440History Research Seminar00000
HIST 433Topicsin East European Hist00000
HIST 418Topicsin German History00000
HIST 405Herodotus and His World00000
HIST 399Independent Study00000
HIST 300Topicsin Rschand Writng00000
HIST 268American Intellectual History since 186500000
HIST 282Global Enlightenment00000
HIST 276Modern South Asia00000
HIST 271Late Imperial China: 1500 to 191100000
HIST 266Modern Mexico00000
HIST 262Latin Amersince185000000
HIST 255Historyof Chicago00000
HIST 249The American Civil War00000
HIST 246History of American Capitalism00000
HIST 243Black Lives in Historical Context00000
HIST 237The Russian Empire in the Modern Period: History, Culture an...00000
HIST 234Historyof Poland00000
HIST 225The Age of Revolution in France: 1715-184800000
HIST 222England to 168900000
HIST 248African Amer Histsince187700000
HIST 437The Indian Ocean World: Contact, Commerce, Culture00000
HIST 424Topics in French History00000
HIST 410Topics in Modern European History00000
HIST 403Culture and Sexuality: Cultural History of Same-Sex Relation...00000
HIST 398Honors Project00000
HIST 296Fascism and Dictatorship in Southern Europe and the Mediterr...00000
HIST 288History of Modern Puerto Rico00000
HIST 281Topicsin Social History00000
HIST 278The Middle East Since 125800000
HIST 272China Since 191100000
HIST 267American Intellectual History to 186500000
HIST 264The Pacific Rim00000
HIST 261Latin America to 185000000
HIST 253Workerin American Life00000
HIST 461Topics in Latin American History00000
HIST 245Imagining the American West00000
HIST 242Modern Africa00000
HIST 236Russia Between Europe and Asia: Eurasian Spaces and Peoples...00000
HIST 233East Central Europe and the Balkans: From Empires to Nation-...00000
HIST 224France: 1500 to 171500000
HIST 221The Atlantic Slave Trade00000
HIST 218Pompeii00000
HIST 211The Dawn of European Modernity, 1500-171500000
HIST 205Roman Artand Archaeology00000
HIST 202The Ancient World: Greece00000
HIST 161Intro Latin Amer Hist00000
HIST 114Topics in World History00000
HIST 105Global Transformations00000
HIST 210Asian American Histories00000
HIST 101Western Civ Since164800000
HIST 263Black Intellectual History00000
HIST 259Women and Gender in American History00000
HIST 252Sexuality in America: Historical Perspectives00000
HIST 247African American History to 187700000
HIST 244Native American History00000
HIST 240Radicalism in America: From the Revolution to Occupy Wall St...00000
HIST 235The Rise and Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe00000
HIST 229Black Diaspora Studies00000
HIST 223Modern Britain Since 168900000
HIST 220Modern Germany, 1848 to the Present00000
HIST 217Introduction to United States Military History00000
HIST 214Twentieth- Century Europe00000
HIST 275History of South Asia to 185700000
HIST 204Greek Art and Archaeology00000
HIST 200Gandhi: The History and Practice of Nonviolence00000
HIST 177Middle Eastern Civ00000
HIST 137Russia in War and Revolution, 1904-192200000
HIST 109East Asian Civilization: Ancient China00000
HIST 104Modern America00000
HIST 596Independent Study00000
HIST 591Prelim Prospectus Prep00000
HIST 503Colloquium World History00000
HIST 499History Internship00000
HIST 485Afr Am& Diaspora History00000
HIST 477Topics in Middle Eastern History00000
HIST 475Educ Practw/ SeminarI00000