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UIS Course Reviews

University of Illinois Springfield

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 342Sculpture II00000
ART 102Two Dimensional Design00000
ART 113Drawing 100000
ART 203Introduction to Ceramics00000
ART 215Photography I00000
ART 251Digital 3D Modeling00000
ART 262History of Art II00000
ART 306Photography II00000
ART 321Life Drawing00000
ART 333Screen Printing00000
ART 337Digital Media: Print00000
ART 339Digital Media: Animation00000
ART 482ECCE: Professional Skills00000
ART 366European Cinema00000
ART 372Visual Storytelling and Reporting00000
ART 412Painting IV00000
ART 414Printmaking III00000
ART 431ECCE: Symbolist Movement in Europe: 1850 192000000
ART 437Digital Media: Typography00000
ART 452Ceramics IV00000
ART 464Contemporary Art History00000
ART 471Philosophy of Art00000
ART 473Advanced Visual Field Reporting00000
ART 481Exit Assessment00000
ART 352Ceramics II00000
ART 112Three Dimensional Design00000
ART 151Arts & Identity: Japan & U.S.00000
ART 211Introduction to Painting00000
ART 236Introduction to Digital Media00000
ART 261History of Art I00000
ART 301Entrance Assessment00000
ART 312Painting II00000
ART 332Etching00000
ART 334Entrepreneurship in the Arts00000
ART 338Digital Media: Web00000
ART 341Sculpture I00000
ART 101Art Appreciation00000
ART 367ECCE: Arts and Identity in Pacific Island Cultures00000
ART 411Painting III00000
ART 413Printmaking II00000
ART 422Contemporary Drawing00000
ART 432ECCE: Expatriate Paris00000
ART 451Ceramics III00000
ART 463Modern Art History00000
ART 465Women in Art: Discovering Her Story00000
ART 472Art History Minor Capstone00000
ART 480Topic: Ceramics00000