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UIS Course Reviews

University of Illinois Springfield

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CCJ 414Criminology of Sport00000
CCJ 239Introduction to Criminal Justice00000
CCJ 312ECCE: Policing In America00000
CCJ 315Critical Thinking in Criminal Justice00000
CCJ 337Corrections and the Mass Media00000
CCJ 343ECCE: Women and Criminal Justice00000
CCJ 348Violence Against Women and Children00000
CCJ 352Community Policing00000
CCJ 355Deviant Behavior00000
CCJ 364Communities, Fear, and Crime Control00000
CCJ 221Introduction to Criminology00000
CCJ 416Law Enforcement Challenges: Terrorism00000
CCJ 417Criminal Procedure00000
CCJ 419Justice And Juveniles00000
CCJ 428Juvenile Law00000
CCJ 452Serial Murder00000
CCJ 463Introduction to Human Rights00000
CCJ 474Law of Evidence00000
CCJ 489Senior Seminar00000
CCJ 411Crime Myths and Moral Panic00000
CCJ 311Law and Legal Processes00000
CCJ 313Correctional Systems00000
CCJ 323Physical Evidence Processing00000
CCJ 342Statistics for Criminal Justice00000
CCJ 345Research Methods in Criminal Justice00000
CCJ 351Contemporary Issues in Law Enforcement00000
CCJ 353Psychology of the Offender00000
CCJ 363Gangs, Crime, and Justice00000
CCJ 231Juvenile Delinquency00000
CCJ 415Ecce: Crime And Sentencing: Global Issues00000
CCJ 418Substantive Criminal Law00000
CCJ 421Criminological Theory00000
CCJ 447Investigative Concepts and Analysis00000
CCJ 457Counseling Criminal Justice Clients00000
CCJ 470Topic:EthicalDilemmas/CrimJust00000
CCJ 481Perspectives on Child Maltreatment and Advocacy00000
CCJ 599Tutorial00000