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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 442Women in the Economy23.8214
ECON 585Topics in International Econ00000
ECON 598Workshop and Research Seminar00000
ECON 581Govt Regulation of Industry00000
ECON 578Large Sample Theory00000
ECON 576Time Series00000
ECON 574Econometrics I00000
ECON 562Topics in Macroeconomics I00000
ECON 553Demand/Supply/Firms/Households00000
ECON 549Environmental Economics00000
ECON 546Gen Equ Env Tax Policy00000
ECON 542Collective Bargaining00000
ECON 536Applied Econometrics00000
ECON 533Microeconomic Theory II00000
ECON 530Microeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 527Business International Econ00000
ECON 516Monetary Theory00000
ECON 510Economics of Taxation00000
ECON 504Time Series Analysis in Econ00000
ECON 501Macroeconomics00000
ECON 484Law and Economics00000
ECON 480Industrial Comp and Monopoly00000
ECON 471Intro to Applied Econometrics00000
ECON 456Migration and Economic Development00000
ECON 452The Latin American Economies00000
ECON 450Development Economics00000
ECON 500Microeconomics00000
ECON 436Economics of Coordination00000
ECON 555Topics in Microeconomics I00000
ECON 550Econ of Development and Growth00000
ECON 547Urban Economics00000
ECON 541Labor Economics II00000
ECON 535Econometric Analysis II00000
ECON 532Econometric Analysis I00000
ECON 529Macroeconomics for Business00000
ECON 519Development and Growth Policy00000
ECON 513International Trade00000
ECON 507Computable G E Modeling00000
ECON 503Econometrics00000
ECON 465Mathematical Economics00000
ECON 483Econ of Innovation and Tech00000
ECON 475Economic Forecasting00000
ECON 469Economics of Risk00000
ECON 455Economics of Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries00000
ECON 451Program Evaluation in Developing Economies00000
ECON 447Economics of the Workplace00000
ECON 437Game Theory00000
ECON 420International Economics00000
ECON 415Environmental Economics00000
ECON 411Public Sector Economics00000
ECON 398Senior Research II00000
ECON 302Inter Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 448Employee Compensation and Incentives00000
ECON 528Microeconomics for Business00000
ECON 517Monetary Policy00000
ECON 514International Financial00000
ECON 511Public Goods Theory00000
ECON 505Introduction to Game Theory00000
ECON 502Economic Statistics00000
ECON 490Topics in Economics00000
ECON 481Govt Reg of Economic Activity00000
ECON 474Econometrics of Policy Evaluation00000
ECON 472Financial Econometrics00000
ECON 460Financial Economics00000
ECON 453Economies of the Middle East and North Africa00000
ECON 531Macroeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 440Economics of Labor Markets00000
ECON 425Macroeconomic Policy00000
ECON 417Cost-Benefit Analysis00000
ECON 413The Nonprofit Economy00000
ECON 402American Economic History00000
ECON 397Senior Research I00000
ECON 220Intl Economic Principles00000
ECON 203Economic Statistics II00000
ECON 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
ECON 103Macroeconomic Principles00000
ECON 101Introduction to Economics00000
ECON 582Empirical Ind Organization00000
ECON 418Health Economics00000
ECON 414Urban Economics00000
ECON 399Advanced Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
ECON 303Inter Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 210Environmental Economics00000
ECON 202Economic Statistics I00000
ECON 198Economics at Illinois00000
ECON 102Microeconomic Principles00000
ECON 482Economics of Digital Economy00000
ECON 462Macroeconomic Policy00000
ECON 599Thesis Research00000
ECON 590Individual Study and Research00000
ECON 426Monetary Economics and Policy00000
ECON 580Industrial Organization00000
ECON 577Topics in Econometrics00000
ECON 575Econometrics II00000
ECON 572Political Economy00000
ECON 557Topics in Microeconomics III00000
ECON 556Topics in Microeconomics II00000
ECON 551Topics in Development Econ00000
ECON 548Adv Natural Resource Economics00000
ECON 543Workplace Dispute Resolution00000
ECON 540Labor Economics I00000
ECON 534Macroeconomic Theory II00000