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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
GEOG 101Global Development&Environment00000
GEOG 104Social and Cultural Geography00000
GEOG 106Geographies of Globalization00000
GEOG 204Cities of the World00000
GEOG 210Social & Environmental Issues00000
GEOG 221Geographies of Global Conflict00000
GEOG 224Environmental Data Science00000
GEOG 391Honors Individual Study00000
GEOG 403Geographic Information Science and Systems00000
GEOG 406Fluvial Geomorphology00000
GEOG 408Humans and River Systems00000
GEOG 412Geospatial Tech & Society00000
GEOG 436Biogeography00000
GEOG 438Geography of Health Care00000
GEOG 440Business Applications of GIS00000
GEOG 459Ecohydraulics00000
GEOG 460Aerial Photo Analysis00000
GEOG 468Biological Modeling00000
GEOG 473Digital Cartography & Map Design00000
GEOG 477Introduction to Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 479Advanced Topics in GIS00000
GEOG 482Challenges of Sustainability00000
GEOG 484Cities, Crime, and Space00000
GEOG 491Research in Geography00000
GEOG 496Climate & Social Vulnerability00000
GEOG 517Geospatial Visualization & Visual Analytics00000
GEOG 527Geospatial Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning00000
GEOG 561Landscapes and Human Health00000
GEOG 575Alluvial Boundary Layer Dynam00000
GEOG 595Advanced Studies in Geography00000
GEOG 599Thesis Research00000
GEOG 100Introduction to Meteorology00000
GEOG 103Earth's Physical Systems00000
GEOG 105The Digital Earth00000
GEOG 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
GEOG 205Business Location Decisions00000
GEOG 220Landscapes, Ecosystems and Environmental Change: Science and Management00000
GEOG 222Big Rivers of the World00000
GEOG 254American People, Places, & Environments00000
GEOG 280Intro to Social Statistics00000
GEOG 287Environment and Society00000
GEOG 350Sustainability and the City00000
GEOG 356Sustainable Development in South Asia00000
GEOG 370Water Planet, Water Crisis00000
GEOG 371Spatial Analysis00000
GEOG 379Intro to GIS Systems00000
GEOG 380GIS II: Spatial Prob Solving00000
GEOG 384Population Geography00000
GEOG 390Individual Study00000
GEOG 392Geography & GIS Internship00000
GEOG 401Watershed Hydrology00000
GEOG 405Geography Field Course00000
GEOG 407Foundations of CyberGIS & Geospatial Data Science00000
GEOG 410Green Development00000
GEOG 421Earth Systems Modeling00000
GEOG 423Politics of International Conservation and Development00000
GEOG 439Health Applications of GIS00000
GEOG 446Sustainable Planning Seminar00000
GEOG 455Geog of Sub-Saharn Africa00000
GEOG 465Transportation & Sustainability00000
GEOG 466Environmental Policy00000
GEOG 471Recent Trends in Geog Thought00000
GEOG 476Applied GIS to Environ Studies00000
GEOG 478Techniques of Remote Sensing00000
GEOG 480Principles of GIS00000
GEOG 483Urban Geography00000
GEOG 489Programming for GIS00000
GEOG 495Advanced Topics in Geography00000
GEOG 507High-Performance Geospatial Computing00000
GEOG 520Political Ecology00000
GEOG 560Spatial Epidemiology00000
GEOG 570Advanced Spatial Analysis00000
GEOG 587Qualitative Research Methods00000
GEOG 594Seminar in Social Geography00000
GEOG 598Graduate Capstone Project00000
GEOG 198Freshman Honors Seminar00000