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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
HIST 574Historiography of Religion in America00000
HIST 287African-American Women00000
HIST 261Intro Russian-Jewish Culture00000
HIST 48120th Century US Culture Wars00000
HIST 346The Age of the Renaissance00000
HIST 112History of Africa from 180000000
HIST 211History of Southern Africa00000
HIST 398Internship in Public History00000
HIST 286US Gender History Since 187700000
HIST 444European Education to 160000000
HIST 442Roman Law and Legal Trad00000
HIST 371The American Revolution00000
HIST 575Problems African American Hist00000
HIST 510Problems in African History00000
HIST 369Spain and Portugal from 180800000
HIST 135History of Islamic Middle East00000
HIST 212History of Eastern Africa00000
HIST 262Zionism: A Global History00000
HIST 273Illinois History00000
HIST 339The Early Russian Empire00000
HIST 426Early Modern Japan00000
HIST 310Global Capitalism in History00000
HIST 288American Indians of Illinois00000
HIST 357Modern France00000
HIST 475Formation of US Public Health00000
HIST 425Classical Chinese Thought00000
HIST 385Transnational Sexualities00000
HIST 546Prob English Hist Since 168800000
HIST 462Soviet Union Since 191700000
HIST 349Age of Revolution, 1775-181500000
HIST 497History of Historiography00000
HIST 438Egypt Since World War I00000
HIST 545Research Seminar: Early Modern Europe00000
HIST 257Terrorism, Past and Present00000
HIST 101History Now!00000
HIST 172US History Since 187700000
HIST 173US History Since 1877-ACP00000
HIST 384Class Politics & Blk Community00000
HIST 247Medieval Europe00000
HIST 245Wives, Workers and Witches in Pre-Modern Europe00000
HIST 275Afro-American History to 187700000
HIST 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
HIST 308The Caribbean Since 1492: From Columbus to Castro00000
HIST 274US Foreign Relations Since 191700000
HIST 279Mexican-American History00000
HIST 283Asian American History00000
HIST 292Latina/o Social Movements00000
HIST 436Jewish Life-Writing00000
HIST 334Modern Palestinian History00000
HIST 213African Muslim Societies00000
HIST 352Europe in the World00000
HIST 459Postcolonial/Queer00000
HIST 365Fict & Historical Imagination00000
HIST 307History of Mexico from 151900000
HIST 380US in an Age of Empire00000
HIST 482Slavery in the United States00000
HIST 407Slavery & Race in Latin Am00000
HIST 391Oral History Methods00000
HIST 527Research Seminar: Japan00000
HIST 433History of Jews in Diaspora00000
HIST 344Early Modern British Isles00000
HIST 450European Working Class History00000
HIST 561Research Seminar: Russia00000
HIST 473Crises of Political Tolerance00000
HIST 251Warfare Milit Insts & Soc00000
HIST 488The American Political Divide00000
HIST 102Conflict & Unity American Hist00000
HIST 503Prob in Comp Women's Hist00000
HIST 358History Harvest: Collaborative Digital Public History00000
HIST 526Problems in Japanese History00000
HIST 103A History of Everything: The Big Bang to Big Data00000
HIST 560Problems in Russian History00000
HIST 168A History of Judaism00000
HIST 597Reading Course00000
HIST 143Western Civ Since 1660-ACP00000
HIST 111History of Africa to 180000000
HIST 376Soc History Indus Am from 191800000
HIST 164The Automobile00000
HIST 200Intro Hist Interpretation00000
HIST 202American Environmental History00000
HIST 263History of Medicine in the United States00000
HIST 226Premodern Japanese History00000
HIST 222Chinese Thought and Culture00000
HIST 256Britain and World Since 168800000
HIST 392The 1960s in the U.S.00000
HIST 270United States History to 181500000
HIST 255British Isles to 168800000
HIST 280Caribbean Latina/o Migration00000
HIST 100Global History00000
HIST 295Honors Colloquium00000
HIST 268Biology and Society from Darwin to the Human Genome00000
HIST 325History of Korea00000
HIST 410Decolonization in Africa00000
HIST 345Medieval Civilization00000
HIST 420China Under the Qing Dynasty00000
HIST 281Constructing Race in America00000
HIST 205Lived Experience in Latin America00000
HIST 289History of Religion in America00000
HIST 432History of Early Judaism00000
HIST 300Topics in Film and History00000
HIST 285US Gender History to 187700000
HIST 313Cultural Histories of the University of Illinois00000
HIST 441The Roman Empire00000
HIST 338Egypt Since World War I00000
HIST 105Latin America to Independence00000
HIST 348Early Euro Absolut & Expansion00000
HIST 448Modern Britain00000
HIST 355Soviet Jewish History00000
HIST 293The President and the People00000
HIST 360European Culture in a Global Context00000
HIST 466The Balkans00000
HIST 370Colonial America00000
HIST 221Modern China00000
HIST 375Soc History Indus Am to 191800000
HIST 47919thC US Intel & Cultr Hist00000
HIST 382Race and Migration in Chicago00000
HIST 311Global History of Intelligence00000
HIST 389Race and Revolutions00000
HIST 490Honors Independent Study00000
HIST 400War, Soc, Politics, & Culture00000
HIST 394Hidden Political Figures00000
HIST 519Colonialism & Postcolonialism00000
HIST 412Southern Africa Race & Power00000
HIST 337Middle East Since World War I00000
HIST 427Twentieth-Century Japan00000
HIST 542Problems in Medieval History00000
HIST 439The Ottoman Empire00000
HIST 241History of Ancient Rome00000
HIST 445Medieval England00000
HIST 551Prob European Hist Since 178900000
HIST 456Twentieth-Century Germany00000
HIST 347Protestant & Catholic Refs00000
HIST 468Locating Queer Culture00000
HIST 572Prob in US Hist Since 181500000
HIST 478Black Freed Move, 1955-Present00000
HIST 140Western Civ to 1660-ACP00000
HIST 486Revivalism and Evangelicalism00000
HIST 596Individual Research Project00000
HIST 492Historiography and Methodology00000
HIST 354Twentieth Century Europe00000
HIST 499Thesis Seminar00000
HIST 282Nature and American Culture00000
HIST 507Prob in Latin American Hist00000
HIST 254Vikings to Volvos: Scandinavia00000
HIST 520Problems in Chinese History00000
HIST 472Immigrant America00000
HIST 536Research Seminar: Middle East00000
HIST 364The Science of Human Nature00000
HIST 550Prob Early Mod European Hist00000
HIST 106Modern Latin America00000
HIST 571Research Seminar: America to 178900000
HIST 495Honors Research & Writing Sem00000
HIST 593Approaches to History00000
HIST 141Western Civ to 166000000
HIST 599Thesis Research00000
HIST 373Origins of the Civil War00000
HIST 104Black Music00000
HIST 170US History to 1877-ACP00000
HIST 120East Asian Civilizations00000
HIST 260History of Russia00000
HIST 142Western Civ Since 166000000
HIST 174Black America, 1619-Present00000
HIST 171US History to 187700000
HIST 379Latina/os and the City00000
HIST 198Freshman Seminar00000
HIST 207Digital Documentary Publishing00000
HIST 203Reacting to the Past00000
HIST 191Freshman Honors Tutorial00000
HIST 220Traditional China00000
HIST 219History of the Prison00000
HIST 240Ancient Greek Civilization00000
HIST 387History of Sexuality in U.S.00000
HIST 253Enlightenment to Existentialsm00000
HIST 236Madness and Modern Society00000
HIST 25920thC World from Midcentury00000
HIST 269Jewish History Since 170000000
HIST 265Science in Western Culture00000
HIST 252The Holocaust00000
HIST 272Twentieth Century America00000
HIST 395Topics in Law and Society00000
HIST 278Native American History00000
HIST 25820thC World to Midcentury00000
HIST 284Af Am Urban Hist Since 191700000
HIST 406History of Mexico from 151900000
HIST 290Religion, Violence & America00000
HIST 264Technology in Western Society00000
HIST 305Andean Countries of S America00000
HIST 401History of Terrorism00000
HIST 312Immigrant America00000
HIST 271Nineteenth Century America00000
HIST 335Middle East 1566-191400000
HIST 277Encounters in Native America00000
HIST 276Afro-American Hist Since 187700000
HIST 110History of Africa00000
HIST 463Modern Balkans thru Lit & Film00000
HIST 130History of South Asia00000
HIST 227Modern Japanese History00000
HIST 314Material Culture00000
HIST 505Research Seminar: Science and Medicine00000
HIST 397Sexuality in Modern Europe00000