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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 103Theory of Arithmetic00000
MATH 114Trigonometry00000
MATH 117Elementary Mathematics00000
MATH 124Finite Mathematics00000
MATH 181A Mathematical World00000
MATH 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
MATH 220Calculus00000
MATH 225Introductory Matrix Theory00000
MATH 231Calculus II00000
MATH 241Calculus III00000
MATH 249Honors Supplement00000
MATH 284Intro Differential Systems00000
MATH 286Intro to Differential Eq Plus00000
MATH 292Vector Calculus Supplement00000
MATH 347Fundamental Mathematics00000
MATH 357Numerical Methods I00000
MATH 390Individual Study00000
MATH 399Math/Actuarial Internship00000
MATH 403Euclidean Geometry00000
MATH 406History of Calculus00000
MATH 413Intro to Combinatorics00000
MATH 415Applied Linear Algebra00000
MATH 417Intro to Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 423Differential Geometry00000
MATH 425Honors Advanced Analysis00000
MATH 428Honors Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 439Philosophy of Mathematics00000
MATH 442Intro Partial Diff Equations00000
MATH 446Applied Complex Variables00000
MATH 448Complex Variables00000
MATH 453Elementary Theory of Numbers00000
MATH 463Statistics and Probability I00000
MATH 473Algorithms00000
MATH 481Vector and Tensor Analysis00000
MATH 484Nonlinear Programming00000
MATH 489Dynamics & Differential Eqns00000
MATH 492Undergraduate Research in Math00000
MATH 496Honors Seminar00000
MATH 500Abstract Algebra I00000
MATH 502Commutative Algebra00000
MATH 503Intro Geometric Group Theory00000
MATH 506Group Representation Theory00000
MATH 511Intro to Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 514Complex Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 519Differentiable Manifolds II00000
MATH 522Lie Groups and Lie Algebras I00000
MATH 526Algebraic Topology II00000
MATH 530Algebraic Number Theory00000
MATH 532Analytic Theory of Numbers II00000
MATH 535General Topology00000
MATH 541Functional Analysis00000
MATH 543Complex Variables II00000
MATH 546Hilbert Spaces00000
MATH 550Dynamical Systems I00000
MATH 553Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 555Nonlinear Analysis and Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 561Theory of Probability I00000
MATH 563Risk Modeling and Analysis00000
MATH 570Mathematical Logic00000
MATH 573Recursive Function Theory00000
MATH 580Combinatorial Mathematics00000
MATH 582Structure of Graphs00000
MATH 584Methods of Combinatorics00000
MATH 586Algebraic Combinatorics00000
MATH 593Mathematical Internship00000
MATH 597Reading Course00000
MATH 599Thesis Research00000
MATH 210Theory of Interest00000
MATH 370Actuarial Problem Solving00000
MATH 101Thinking Mathematically00000
MATH 112Algebra00000
MATH 115Preparation for Calculus00000
MATH 119Ideas in Geometry00000
MATH 125Elementary Linear Algebra00000
MATH 198Freshman Seminar00000
MATH 213Basic Discrete Mathematics00000
MATH 221Calculus I00000
MATH 227Linear Algebra for Data Science00000
MATH 234Calculus for Business I00000
MATH 257Linear Algebra with Computational Applications00000
MATH 285Intro Differential Equations00000
MATH 299Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 348Fundamental Mathematics-ACP00000
MATH 362Probability with Engrg Applic00000
MATH 402Non Euclidean Geometry00000
MATH 405Teacher's Course00000
MATH 412Graph Theory00000
MATH 414Mathematical Logic00000
MATH 416Abstract Linear Algebra00000
MATH 418Intro to Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 424Honors Real Analysis00000
MATH 427Honors Abstract Algebra00000
MATH 432Set Theory and Topology00000
MATH 441Differential Equations00000
MATH 444Elementary Real Analysis00000
MATH 447Real Variables00000
MATH 450Numerical Analysis00000
MATH 461Probability Theory00000
MATH 464Statistics and Probability II00000
MATH 475Formal Models of Computation00000
MATH 482Linear Programming00000
MATH 487Advanced Engineering Math00000
MATH 490Advanced Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 495Models in Mathematical Biology00000
MATH 499Introduction Graduate Research00000
MATH 501Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 505Homological Algebra00000
MATH 510Riemann Surf & Algebraic Curv00000
MATH 512Modern Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 518Differentiable Manifolds I00000
MATH 520Symplectic Geometry00000
MATH 525Algebraic Topology I00000
MATH 527Homotopy Theory00000
MATH 531Analytic Theory of Numbers I00000
MATH 533Fiber Spaces and Char Classes00000
MATH 540Real Analysis00000
MATH 542Complex Variables I00000
MATH 545Harmonic Analysis00000
MATH 547Banach Spaces00000
MATH 552Numerical Methods for PDEs00000
MATH 554Linear Analysis and Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 558Methods of Applied Mathematics00000
MATH 562Theory of Probability II00000
MATH 564Applied Stochastic Processes00000
MATH 571Model Theory00000
MATH 574Set Theory00000
MATH 581Extremal Graph Theory00000
MATH 583Partial Orders and Comb Optim00000
MATH 585Probabilistic Combinatorics00000
MATH 589Conjugate Duality and Optim00000
MATH 595Advanced Topics in Mathematics00000
MATH 598Literature Seminar in Math00000
MATH 002Introductory Algebra00000
MATH 408Actuarial Statistics I00000
MATH 409Actuarial Statistics II00000
MATH 410Lin Algebra & Financial Apps00000
MATH 469Methods of Applied Statistics00000
MATH 471Life Contingencies I00000
MATH 472Life Contingencies II00000
MATH 476Investments and Fin Markets00000
MATH 478Loss Models00000
MATH 479Casualty Actuarial Mathematics00000
MATH 488Math Methods In Engineering00000
MATH 565Life Contingencies II00000
MATH 567Actuarial Models for Fin Econ00000
MATH 568Loss Models00000
MATH 569Casualty Actuarial Science00000