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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MCB 170Society and the Brain55551
MCB 465Human Metabolic Disease44441
MCB 480Eukaryotic Cell Signaling54531
MCB 430Molecular Microbiology00000
MCB 435Evolution of Infectious Disease00000
MCB 428Microbial Pathogens Laboratory00000
MCB 424Microbial Biochemistry00000
MCB 421Microbial Genetics00000
MCB 410Developmental Biology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine00000
MCB 408Immunology00000
MCB 404Sys & Integrative Physiol Lab00000
MCB 402Sys & Integrative Physiology00000
MCB 400Cancer Cell Biology00000
MCB 354Biochem & Phys Basis of Life00000
MCB 317Genetics and Genomics00000
MCB 314Introduction to Neurobiology00000
MCB 300Microbiology00000
MCB 298MCB Honors Lab Discussion00000
MCB 292Experiential Learning in MCB00000
MCB 253Exp Techniqs in Cellular Biol00000
MCB 251Exp Techniqs in Molecular Biol00000
MCB 247Human Anat & Physiol Lab II00000
MCB 245Human Anat & Physiol Lab I00000
MCB 215Foundation in Mol & Cell Bio00000
MCB 198Internship00000
MCB 532Advanced Microbial Physiology00000
MCB 396Special Topics Brain Physiol00000
MCB 395Special Topics Human Physiol00000
MCB 586Concepts/Topics Immunology00000
MCB 583Laboratory Rotation III00000
MCB 581Laboratory Rotation I00000
MCB 571Bioinformatics00000
MCB 555Anlys Biochemical Literature00000
MCB 550Biomolecular Physics00000
MCB 543Interdisciplinary Approaches to Neuroscience II00000
MCB 540Scientific Writing00000
MCB 534Advanced Microbial Metabolism00000
MCB 433Virology & Viral Pathogenesis00000
MCB 529Special Topics Cell Devel Biol00000
MCB 521Advanced Microbial Genetics00000
MCB 511Mol Bio of Microbe-Plant Inter00000
MCB 502Advanced Molecular Genetics00000
MCB 493Special Topics Mol Cell Biol00000
MCB 466Neuro & Molecular Pharmacology00000
MCB 462Integrative Neuroscience00000
MCB 460Neuroanatomy Laboratory00000
MCB 450Introductory Biochemistry00000
MCB 442Comparative Immunobiology00000
MCB 100Introductory Microbiology00000
MCB 301Experimental Microbiology00000
MCB 431Microbial Physiology00000
MCB 429Cellular Microbiology &Disease00000
MCB 426Bacterial Pathogenesis00000
MCB 419Brain, Behavior & Info Process00000
MCB 413Endocrinology00000
MCB 406Gene Expression & Regulation00000
MCB 403Cell & Membrane Physiology Lab00000
MCB 401Cellular Physiology00000
MCB 364Eukaryotic Cell Biology Laboratory00000
MCB 320Mechanisms of Human Disease00000
MCB 316Genetics and Disease00000
MCB 432Computing in Molecular Biology00000
MCB 299MCB Merit Program Discussion00000
MCB 297MCB Honors Discussion00000
MCB 290Undergraduate Research00000
MCB 270Medical Genetics00000
MCB 252Cells, Tissues & Development00000
MCB 250Molecular Genetics00000
MCB 246Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
MCB 244Human Anatomy & Physiology I00000
MCB 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
MCB 180Human Reproduction & Society00000
MCB 151Molec & Cellular Laboratory00000
MCB 530Reproductive Physiol Seminar00000
MCB 101Intro Microbiology Laboratory00000
MCB 595MCB Graduate Seminar00000
MCB 585Current Topics in Microbiology00000
MCB 582Laboratory Rotation II00000
MCB 580Res Ethics & Responsibilities00000
MCB 561Mechanisms Viral Pathogenesis00000
MCB 553Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms00000
MCB 545Functional Genomics in Principle and Practice00000
MCB 542Interdisciplinary Approaches to Neuroscience I00000
MCB 539Advanced Cellular Microbiology00000
MCB 533Repro Physiology Lab Methods00000
MCB 150Molec & Cellular Basis of Life00000
MCB 526Adv Bacterial Pathogenesis00000
MCB 520Advanced Molecular Biology00000
MCB 509Curr Topics Mol & Int Physiol00000
MCB 501Advanced Biochemistry00000
MCB 492Senior Thesis00000
MCB 471Cell Structure and Dynamics00000
MCB 461Cell & Molecular Neuroscience00000
MCB 458Basic Human Pathology00000
MCB 446Physical Biochemistry00000
MCB 436Global Biosecurity00000
MCB 434Food & Industrial Microbiology00000