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UIUC Course Reviews

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
REL 335Religion in Contemp America11111
REL 260Mystics and Saints in Islam00000
REL 344Medieval Jewish Thought00000
REL 342Archaeology of Religion00000
REL 340Love & Sex in Hebrew Lit00000
REL 332Interfaith Service and Theory00000
REL 320Responses to the Holocaust00000
REL 291Hinduism in the United States00000
REL 287Introduction to Buddhism00000
REL 286Introduction to Hinduism00000
REL 284Modern Jewish Literature00000
REL 283Jewish Sacred Literature00000
REL 270Religion, Ethics, Environment00000
REL 269Jewish History Since 170000000
REL 350South Asian Goddesses00000
REL 258Muslims in America00000
REL 251Viking Mythology00000
REL 236Religion, Violence & America00000
REL 235History of Religion in America00000
REL 232Ancient Greek Sanctuaries00000
REL 231Religion and Philosophy00000
REL 230Philosophy of Religion Intro00000
REL 224Chinese Thought and Culture00000
REL 223The Qur'an (Koran)00000
REL 220Jewish Storytelling00000
REL 214Introduction to Islam00000
REL 208Cultures & Literatures of South Asia00000
REL 204Classical & Koine Greek II00000
REL 463Religion and Society00000
REL 599Thesis Research00000
REL 568Popular Religion in East Asia00000
REL 564Global Religion and Politics00000
REL 520Hindu Pilgrimage, Power & Place00000
REL 514Islamic Theology00000
REL 510Graduate Intro to Religion00000
REL 498Topics in Biblical Studies00000
REL 495Topics in Asian Religions00000
REL 493Honors Senior Thesis00000
REL 484Buddhist Meditation00000
REL 481Muslim Ethics in Global Age00000
REL 47920th Century US Culture Wars00000
REL 472Kierkegaard and the Self00000
REL 346The Age of the Renaissance00000
REL 442History of Early Judaism00000
REL 439Catholicism in the United States00000
REL 436Religion in America: 1900-194100000
REL 434History of Jews in Diaspora00000
REL 424Philosophy of Religion00000
REL 420Jewish Life-Writing00000
REL 414Advanced Biblical Hebrew00000
REL 412Readings in Sanskrit I00000
REL 408Islam & Politics in Mid. East00000
REL 403Women in Muslim Societies00000
REL 393The World of Jewish Sepharad00000
REL 201Hebrew Bible in English00000
REL 212History of Antisemitism00000
REL 432Approaches to the Study of Religion00000
REL 416Readings in Rabbinic Midrash00000
REL 413Readings in Sanskrit II00000
REL 409Transnational Islam, Europe-US00000
REL 405Jihad and Just War00000
REL 401Gender and Hinduism00000
REL 390Independent Study00000
REL 347Protestant & Catholic Refs00000
REL 345Medieval Civilization00000
REL 343Islamic Philosophy00000
REL 341Native People and Christianity00000
REL 308Psychology of Religion and Spirituality00000
REL 215African Muslim Societies00000
REL 435Revivalism and Evangelicalism00000
REL 205Intensive Biblical Hebrew00000
REL 202New Testament in English00000
REL 200Classical & Koine Greek I00000
REL 170Nature Religion00000
REL 134Religion, Race, and Resistance00000
REL 122History East Asian Religions00000
REL 120A History of Judaism00000
REL 115Language and Culture in India00000
REL 111Elementary Greek I00000
REL 109Religion & Society in West II00000
REL 106Archaeology and the Bible00000
REL 101Bible as Literature00000
REL 515History of Jewish Theology00000
REL 199Undergraduate Open Seminar00000
REL 160Ancient Greek & Roman Religion00000
REL 132Zen00000
REL 121Introduction to Christianity00000
REL 116Faith & Self in Global Context00000
REL 112Elementary Greek II00000
REL 110World Religions00000
REL 108Religion & Society in West I00000
REL 104Asian Mythology00000
REL 590Independent Study00000
REL 567Mahayana Buddhism00000
REL 535Historiography of Religion in America00000
REL 418Afterlife in Early Judaism00000
REL 511Seminar in Study of Religion00000
REL 504Genesis in History00000
REL 496Topics in History of Judaism00000
REL 494Topics in Religious Thought00000
REL 488History of Chinese Buddhism00000
REL 482Muslim-Christian Interactions00000
REL 480Islamic Law00000
REL 47819thC US Intel & Cultr Hist00000
REL 464Theories & Theologies of Liberation00000
REL 461Indigenous Traditions00000
REL 440Early Christian Thought00000
REL 437Religion in American Cinema00000