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UIW Course Reviews

University of the Incarnate Word

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
BFIN 6385Investment Seminar00000
BFIN 3319Internship In Banking00000
BFIN 3322Intermediate Financial Mgmt00000
BFIN 3325Money and Capital Markets00000
BFIN 3329Internship in Finance00000
BFIN 4304Mgmt of Financial Institutions00000
BFIN 4315Retirement Planning/Benefits00000
BFIN 4355Capital Budgeting00000
BFIN 6320Financial Management00000
BFIN 6325Sem/Personal Financial Plan00000
BFIN 6330Financial Cases & Problems00000
BFIN 3310Personal Financial Planning00000
BFIN 3321Principles of Financial Mgmt00000
BFIN 3324Investment Planning00000
BFIN 3326Risk Management/Insurance00000
BFIN 3355International Banking/Finance00000
BFIN 4310Estate Planning00000
BFIN 4325Student Managed Fund00000
BFIN 4381Financial Planning Capstone00000
BFIN 6321International Finance00000
BFIN 6340Econometrics for Finance00000
BFIN 6399ST:Practicum in Finance00000