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UMass Course Reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 103Introduction to Microeconomics4.54.5442
PHYSICS 131Intro Physics I3.5242.52
HONORS 201HIdeas That Change the World4243.52
MIENG 664Engineering Leadership and Entrepreneurship53441
MATH 127HCalc Life-Soc Sci I11221
BDIC 396PProposal Writing14211
JOURNAL 300Newswriting and Reporting53551
BIOLOGY 151Introductory Biology I11111
JOURNAL 352Public Relations Research and Analytics43451
COMPSCI 383Artificial Intelligence54451
CHEM 111Gen Chem-Sci42441
AFROAM 591ESeminar-Black Feminist and Queer Insurgencies00000
ANIMLSCI 397ESpecial Topics- Veterinary Medical Terminology00000
ANIMLSCI 415Clinical Nursing00000
ANIMLSCI 456Research Animal Management II00000
AFROAM 296Independent Study00000
AFROAM 691MS-Life & Thought of C.L.R. James00000
ANIMLSCI 494PIProblem-Based Learning in Advanced Animal Health and Managem...00000
ANIMLSCI 499THonors Thesis00000
AFROAM 693RSeminar- Race, Caste and Capital00000
ANIMLSCI 696Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 794ASem-J Club Immunology00000
AFROAM 161Introduction to AfroAmerican Political Science00000
AFROAM 345Southern Literature00000
ANIMLSCI 103Intro Animal Mgmt00000
ANTHRO 103HHuman Origins and Variation00000
ANIMLSCI 391CBiotech Research-Cell & Molec II00000
AFROAM 499PHonors Project00000
ANIMLSCI 398DPracticum- Service Dog Training00000
AFROAM 291GSeminar- Reading, Writing & Citizenship: African American Ed...00000
ANIMLSCI 435Veterinary Pharmacology00000
AFROAM 597AST-Afro-Caribbean Studies00000
ANIMLSCI 485LSmall Animal Anesthesia & Surgery Lab00000
AFROAM 118Survey of Afro-American Literature II00000
ANIMLSCI 497LST-Wnt Trvl Dairy Mg00000
AFROAM 692AS-Literary Theory00000
ANIMLSCI 572Molecular Immunology00000
AFROAM 330Songbirds, Blueswomen, Soulwomen00000
ANIMLSCI 697CSpecial Topics- Carcinogenesis00000
AFROAM 702Major Works in Afro-American Studies II00000
ANTHRO 100Human Nature00000
ACCOUNTG 423Advanced Financial Accounting00000
ANIMLSCI 191ANSCI1RAP - First Year Seminar00000
ANTHRO 150HAncient Civilizations - Honors00000
ANTHRO 205Power and Inequality in the United States00000
ANTHRO 210Economies & Cultures00000
AFROAM 196ISHHonors Independent Study In Afroam00000
AFROAM 391AS-Political Thought of Martin & Malcolm00000
ANIMLSCI 231Dorset Sheep Management I00000
ANIMLSCI 234Poultry Management I00000
AFROAM 391JSeminar- Buying and Selling Blackness00000
ANIMLSCI 252Belted Galloway Management II00000
ANIMLSCI 260Animal Care & Welfare00000
ACCOUNTG 482International Accounting00000
AFROAM 196Independent Study00000
AFROAM 393FSeminar- Hip-Hop Feminisms: Performing Race/Gender/Sexuali...00000
ANIMLSCI 291CBiotech Research-Cell & Molec I00000
ANIMLSCI 390EFundamental Vertebrate Embryology00000
AFROAM 496Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 396ISHHonors Independent Study in ANIMLSCI00000
AFROAM 264Foundations of Black Education in the U.S.00000
ANIMLSCI 397NSpecial Topics- Exotic Animal Medicine00000
AFROAM 499THonors Thesis00000
ANIMLSCI 398SPracticum- Equine Enterprise I00000
ACCOUNTG 499THonors Thesis00000
ANIMLSCI 425Veterinary Parasitology00000
AFROAM 597ESpecial Topics- Dalits & African Americans00000
ANIMLSCI 455VLab Animal Medicine and Management I00000
AFROAM 293ASeminar- Slavery and Diaspora in the Atlantic World00000
ANIMLSCI 472Infection & Immunity00000
AFROAM 630Critical Race Theories00000
ANIMLSCI 492VS- Senior Veterinary Technology Seminar00000
ACCOUNTG 396Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 496ISHHonors Independent Study in ANIMLSCI00000
AFROAM 691DSeminar- Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement00000
ANIMLSCI 498Practicum00000
AFROAM 297BSpecial Topics- Black Workers in the U.S.00000
ANIMLSCI 499YHonors Research00000
AFROAM 693CSeminar- The History of Love, Sex, and Marriage in Black Ame...00000
ANIMLSCI 593CSeminar- Veterinary Oncology Journal Club00000
AFROAM 151Literature & Culture00000
ANIMLSCI 697IST-Special Topcs in Toxicology00000
AFROAM 696Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 699Masters Thesis00000
AFROAM 332Blacks and Jews00000
ANIMLSCI 797TSpecial Topics- Frontiers in Biotechnology00000
AFROAM 796Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 102Introduction to Archaeology: Humans Past and Present00000
ACCOUNTG 311Accounting Information Systems00000
ANTHRO 105Language, Culture and Communication00000
ANIMLSCI 115Large Animal Clinical Nursing00000
ANTHRO 196Independent Study00000
AFROAM 390GUncle Tom's Cabin: The Novel, Its Sources, and Literary Resp...00000
ANIMLSCI 296ISHHonors Independent Study in ANIMLSCI00000
AFROAM 395FS-Peer Leadership Development00000
ANIMLSCI 297DCST- Dairy Calf Management (Fall)00000
ANIMLSCI 297VSpecial Topics- Anatomy Lab for Vet Techs00000
AFROAM 197AST-Taste of Honey: Black Film Since the 1950's, Part 100000
AFROAM 396Independent Study00000
ANIMLSCI 297DST-Dairy Calf Management00000