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UMass Course Reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ANTHRO 196ISHHonors Independent Study in ANTHRO00000
ANTHRO 697AMSpecial Topics- Advanced Medical Anthropology: Culture, Illn...00000
ANTHRO 699Masters Thesis00000
ANTHRO 802Research in Archaeology00000
ANTHRO 804Research in Cultural Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 899Ph D Dissertation00000
ANTHRO 100HHuman Nature, Honors00000
ANTHRO 102HIntroduction to Archaeology: Humans Past and Present, Honors00000
ANTHRO 104HCulture, Society and People00000
ANTHRO 105HLanguage, Culture and Communication, Honors00000
ANTHRO 191ANTH2FYS- The Human Species00000
ANTHRO 697PSST-Anthropology of Post Socialism00000
ANTHRO 208Human Ecology00000
ANTHRO 215Forensics: Myth and Reality00000
ANTHRO 220Introduction to Native American Indian Studies00000
ANTHRO 236Games, Culture, and Power00000
ANTHRO 270North American Indians00000
ANTHRO 281Statistics in Anthropology Using R00000
ANTHRO 297EDSpecial Topics- Emerging Diseases00000
ANTHRO 297STSpecial Topics- Science, Technology and Society00000
ANTHRO 297ACSpecial Topics- Anthropology Careers: Beyond Graduation00000
ANTHRO 499PHonors Project00000
ANTHRO 397PRSpecial Topics- Primate Conservation00000
ANTHRO 397RASpecial Topics- Relational Organizing00000
ANTHRO 398Practicum00000
ANTHRO 494RIReligion Evolution00000
ANTHRO 494PIPolitical Ecology00000
ANTHRO 496Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 497AMSpecial Topics- Advanced Medical Anthropology: Culture, Illn...00000
ANTHRO 497LCSpecial Topics- Women's Health Across the Life Course00000
ANTHRO 498YPracticum00000
ANTHRO 297DMSpecial Topics- Dragon Mythology: Global Symbols of Power00000
ANTHRO 499YHonors Research00000
ANTHRO 591RSeminar- Anti-Racism: Theory and Practice00000
ANTHRO 597CMSpecial Topics- Community Based Methods00000
ANTHRO 603Community-Based Research and Practice00000
ANTHRO 643Thry&Meth Phys Anth00000
ANTHRO 693WSeminar- Worlds of Migration00000
ANTHRO 696CIndependent Study- Colloquium Planning00000
ANTHRO 697AEST-Economic Anthropology: Marx, Malinowski, Mauss00000
ANTHRO 697TAST-Teaching in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 796Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 600Pro-Seminar in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 641Theory and Method in Social Anthropology I00000
ANTHRO 670Contemporary Issues of Native American Indians: Focus on the...00000
ANTHRO 691AS-Pro Seminar in Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 696Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 697BCST-Bio-cultural Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 697ACSpecial Topics- Archaeology of Colonialism00000
ANTHRO 697MTSpecial Topics- Anthropology, Experience and the Mind00000
ANTHRO 697EDSpecial Topics- Ethnographic Data Analysis00000
ANTHRO 698Practicum00000
ANTHRO 597CCSpecial Topics- Community, Commons and Communism00000
ANTHRO 805Res In Ling Anthro00000
ANTHRO 897ASpecial Topics- Advanced Research in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 357The Afterlives of Slavery00000
ANTHRO 697TNSpecial Topics- Technopolitics: Infrastructure, Technology,...00000
ANTHRO 497TNSpecial Topics- Technopolitics: Infrastructure, Technology,...00000
ANTHRO 101HBiology, Culture and the Human Experience, Honors00000
ANTHRO 695BSeminar- Exploring the Human Microbiome00000
ANTHRO 398CPracticum- Collections Management and Repatriation00000
ANTHRO 697EVSpecial Topics- Evolutionary Medicine00000
ANTHRO 396CIS-Archaeological Lab Research00000
ANTHRO 305Anthropology of Growth and Development00000
ANTHRO 312Medical Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 317Primate Behavior00000
ANTHRO 340Other Economies are Possible!00000
ANTHRO 345Urban Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 367Archaeological Survey Methods and Practices00000
ANTHRO 380Grassroots Community Organizing00000
ANTHRO 394RIEthnography in Action00000
ANTHRO 395NSeminar- Gender, Nation and Body Politics00000
ANTHRO 397SDSpecial Topics- Sustainability or Sustaining Development? Fr...00000
ANTHRO 397DDST-Bioarchaeology of Violence00000
ANTHRO 397DCSpecial Topics- Decolonizing Collections00000
ANTHRO 397SSCeltric Diaspora00000
ANTHRO 397RRST: Disease Ecology00000
ANTHRO 397CSSpecial Topics- Case Studies in Global Health00000
ANTHRO 416Primate Evolution00000
ANTHRO 499THonors Thesis00000
ANTHRO 546Critical Knowledge Practices: Teaching, Research, Movements00000
ANTHRO 595BSeminar- Basque Cultural Studies00000
ANTHRO 397LST-Leadership & Activism00000
ANTHRO 344Italy: Fascism to Fashion00000
ANTHRO 364Problems in Anthropology I00000
ANTHRO 372Human Biological Variation00000
ANTHRO 375South American Archaeology00000
ANTHRO 386Critical Pedagogy and Academic Peer Facilitation00000
ANTHRO 394EIEvolutionary Medicine00000
ANTHRO 396ISHHonors Independent Study in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 397REST-Anthropology of Race & Education00000
ANTHRO 397BPST-Biology Of Poverty00000
ANTHRO 397CCSpecial Topics- Historical Archaeology00000
ANTHRO 337Archaeology of Mesoamerica00000
ANTHRO 397USpecial Topics- Anthropology of Growth and Development00000
ANTHRO 398APracticum- Archaeological Lab Internship00000
ANTHRO 491ESeminar- Queer Ethnographies00000
ANTHRO 494BIGlobal Bodies00000
ANTHRO 496WIS-Advanced Critical Pedagogy00000
ANTHRO 496ISHHonors Independent Study in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 497EDSpecial Topics- Emerging Diseases00000
ANTHRO 497CRSpecial Topics- Comics, Cartoons and Communicating Anthropol...00000
ANTHRO 497CSSpecial Topics- Strategies for Career-Seeking and Beyond00000
ANTHRO 258Food and Culture00000
ANTHRO 102Introduction to Archaeology: Humans Past and Present00000
ANTHRO 103HHuman Origins and Variation00000
ANTHRO 105Language, Culture and Communication00000
ANTHRO 150HAncient Civilizations - Honors00000
ANTHRO 196Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 205Power and Inequality in the United States00000
ANTHRO 210Economies & Cultures00000
ANTHRO 216Anatomy of the Human Body00000
ANTHRO 230Race and the American Museum00000
ANTHRO 498Practicum00000
ANTHRO 271Human Evolution00000
ANTHRO 296Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 296ISHHonors Independent Study in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 297PPST-Anthropology of Slavery00000
ANTHRO 297SRSpecial Topics- Sex, Reproduction and Culture00000
ANTHRO 297MRSpecial Topics- Forensics: Myth and Reality00000
ANTHRO 298Practicum00000
ANTHRO 310Cultural Diversity in Northeast North America00000
ANTHRO 315Case Studies in Global Health: Biosocial Perspectives00000
ANTHRO 297LWSpecial Topics- Life and Work in Contemporary China00000
ANTHRO 104Culture, Society and People00000
ANTHRO 150Ancient Civilizations00000
ANTHRO 191ANTH3FYS- Meaning in Social Life00000
ANTHRO 209Approaching Death: Culture, Science, and Experience00000
ANTHRO 224Hip-Hop Cultures00000
ANTHRO 269North American Archaeology00000
ANTHRO 290AAnatomy of the Human Body00000
ANTHRO 297NFSpecial Topics- Neanderthals: Fact and Fiction00000
ANTHRO 297WSpecial Topics- W.E.B. Du Bois in Our Time: From Reconstruct...00000
ANTHRO 297LRST-Language and Racism00000
ANTHRO 103Human Origins and Variation00000
ANTHRO 313Nutritional Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 320Skeleton Keys: Research Methods in Skeletal Biology00000
ANTHRO 341Building Solidarity Economies00000
ANTHRO 360Methods in Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 370Contemporary Issues for/of North American Indians00000
ANTHRO 384African American Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 394AIEurope After the Wall00000
ANTHRO 396Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 397SST-Community Service Learning00000
ANTHRO 682Advanced Quantitative Analysis in Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 498CP- Archaeological Collection Management Internship/Practicum00000
ANTHRO 499CHonors Thesis Seminar- 1st Semester00000
ANTHRO 499DHonors Thesis Seminar - Conquest by Law: The Use of Law to S...00000
ANTHRO 578Theory and Method in Archaeology00000
ANTHRO 596Independent Study00000
ANTHRO 597CRST-Critical Race Theory00000
ANTHRO 597EESpecial Topics- Primate Ecology and Evolution00000
ANTHRO 635Qualitative Research Methods00000
ANTHRO 652Indigenous Archaeologies00000
ANTHRO 100Human Nature00000
ANTHRO 695MSeminar- Methods in Linguistic Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 697EQSpecial Topics- Inequalities and Health: Critical Biocultura...00000
ANTHRO 697DST-Reproductive Ecology00000
ANTHRO 697ARSpecial Topics- Archaeology of the Contemporary00000
ANTHRO 697CBCommunity-Based Research and Practice00000
ANTHRO 697CRSpecial Topics- Comics, Cartoons and Communicating Anthropol...00000
ANTHRO 775Anthropological Research Methods00000
ANTHRO 803Research in Physical Anthropology00000
ANTHRO 101Biology, Culture and the Human Experience00000