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UMass Course Reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECON 103Introduction to Microeconomics4.54.5442
ECON 802Hist&Dvlpmnt Workshop00000
ECON 371Comparative Economic Systems00000
ECON 897FSpecial Topics- First Year Ph.D. Workshop00000
ECON 104Introduction to Macroeconomics00000
ECON 105Introduction to Political Economy00000
ECON 196Independent Study00000
ECON 197SSpecial Topics- Student Loans, Other Debt, and the U.S. Econ...00000
ECON 203HIntermediate Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 205Intermediate Political Economy00000
ECON 296ISHHonors Independent Study in Economics00000
ECON 305Marxian Economics00000
ECON 308HPolitical Economy of the Environment00000
ECON 311Money and Banking00000
ECON 322International Trade00000
ECON 333Income Inequality and Policy Alternatives00000
ECON 338Compensation, Incentives & Productivity00000
ECON 341HLabor Economics, Honors00000
ECON 362American Economic History00000
ECON 394LILaw and Economics00000
ECON 702Game Theory and Strategic Interactions00000
ECON 452Econometrics00000
ECON 496TIndependent Study - Senior Thesis00000
ECON 496ISHHonors Independent Study in Economics00000
ECON 498Practicum00000
ECON 499DHonors Thesis Seminar- 2nd Semester00000
ECON 499CHonors Thesis- Social Values and Public Decisions: Philosoph...00000
ECON 568The Practice of Development Policy and International Coopera...00000
ECON 699Masters Thesis00000
ECON 797WST-Time Series Econometrics with Applications to Heterodox M...00000
ECON 707History of Economic Thought00000
ECON 711Money, Credit, and Financial Markets00000
ECON 751Mathematical Methods for Economics00000
ECON 765Economic Development: Structural Problems00000
ECON 796Independent Study00000
ECON 797KST-Modeling Growth & Distribution00000
ECON 797EVST-Pol Econ of the Environment00000
ECON 797GSSpecial Topics- Gender, Sexuality, Work, and Pay: Empirica...00000
ECON 804Political Economy Workshop00000
ECON 722Intrnatnl Trade Thry00000
ECON 763History of Capitalist Development in Europe and the World Ec...00000
ECON 767African Economic Development00000
ECON 781Labor Economics00000
ECON 797PSpecial Topics- Political Economy of Public Health00000
ECON 797UDSpecial Topics- Political Economy of Urban Development00000
ECON 797TST-Political Economy of Agrarian Reform00000
ECON 797LST-Open Economy Macroeconomics00000
ECON 797EMST-Ecological Macroeconomics00000
ECON 710Political Economy III00000
ECON 897AST-Applied Mircoconomics Workshop00000
ECON 597QMSpecial Topics- Quantitative Methods for Economics00000
ECON 797BFSpecial Topics- Behavioral Foundations of Development and th...00000
ECON 697MSpecial Topics- Econometrics00000
ECON 397QMSpecial Topics- Quantitative Methods for Economics00000
ECON 782Tpcs Labor Economics00000
ECON 597ELSpecial Topics- Equity Lab00000
ECON 797MPSpecial Topics- Imperialism:Theories and Histories00000
ECON 496RIndependent Study: Undergraduate Research Assistant Progra...00000
ECON 396ISHHonors Independent Study in Economics00000
ECON 397SLSpecial Topics- The Debt Economy00000
ECON 397SESpecial Topics- Stratification Economics: Understanding Ineq...00000
ECON 397LESpecial Topics- Economics in the Age of Big Data and the Int...00000
ECON 397MCSpecial Topics- The Many Histories of Capitalism00000
ECON 397EASpecial Topics- Political Economy of African Growth and Tran...00000
ECON 398YPracticum00000
ECON 494MICorrecting Market Failures00000
ECON 397LGSpecial Topics- Policy and Economics of LGBT Issues00000
ECON 499PHonors Project00000
ECON 499YHonors Research00000
ECON 504Advanced Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 598Practicum00000
ECON 697EVSpecial Topics- Environmental Policy00000
ECON 701Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 705Macroeconomic Theory I00000
ECON 708Political Economy I00000
ECON 491IJob Skills for Econ Majors00000
ECON 394FIFinance and Society00000
ECON 396Independent Study00000
ECON 397SSpecial Topics- Gender & Economic Development00000
ECON 397ELSpecial Topics- Equity Lab00000
ECON 397BBST-Economics of Risk and Uncertainty00000
ECON 397EMSpecial Topics- Economics of Immigration00000
ECON 397MIST-City, Industry, and Labor in Colonial India, 1750-195000000
ECON 398Practicum00000
ECON 398CP- Cooperative Practicum00000
ECON 394EIEconomics and Ethics00000
ECON 496Independent Study00000
ECON 497BSpecial Topics- Advanced Money and Banking00000
ECON 498YPracticum00000
ECON 499THonors Thesis00000
ECON 503Advanced Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 596Independent Study00000
ECON 696Independent Study00000
ECON 700Microecon Coord & Cnflc00000
ECON 308Political Economy of the Environment00000
ECON 104HIntroduction To Macroeconomics00000
ECON 191ECON1FYS - The Economics Behind Our Lives00000
ECON 196ITIS- Swift programming00000
ECON 203Intermediate Microeconomic Theory00000
ECON 204Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 296Independent Study00000
ECON 298Practicum00000
ECON 298YPracticum00000
ECON 703Intro To Econ Hist00000
ECON 309HGame Theory, Honors00000
ECON 310Environmental and Resource Economics00000
ECON 321International Monetary Theory00000
ECON 332Social Control of Business00000
ECON 336Economics of Science, Technology, and Innovation00000
ECON 341Labor Economics00000
ECON 348The Political Economy of Women00000
ECON 366Economic Development00000
ECON 340Economics of Health00000
ECON 197MST-Economics Dept Information00000
ECON 204HIntermed Macroeconomic Theory00000
ECON 297RSpecial Topics- Behavioral Economics: How and Why We Make...00000
ECON 306History of Economic Thought00000
ECON 309Game Theory00000
ECON 313Public Finance00000
ECON 330Labor in the American Economy00000
ECON 335Economics of Immigration00000
ECON 196ISHHonors Independent Study in Economics00000
ECON 347Economics of LGBT Issues00000
ECON 365Writing In Economics00000
ECON 394CIThe Economics of Cooperative Enterprise00000
ECON 394IOIndustrial Organization00000
ECON 397BESpecial Topics- Behavioral Economics: How and Why We Make...00000
ECON 397WPST-Wellbeing, Inequality, and Poverty00000
ECON 397WMSeminar- Economics of Women, Minorities, and Work00000
ECON 397FPSpecial Topics- Fundamentals of International Political Econ...00000
ECON 797FESpecial Topics- Survey of Feminist Economics00000
ECON 706Macroecon Theory II00000
ECON 709Political Economy II00000
ECON 721International Finance00000
ECON 753Applied Econometrics00000
ECON 764United States Economic History00000
ECON 766Econ Dev-Policy Iss00000
ECON 773Comparative Economic Systems00000
ECON 797BST-Empirical Methods in Labor Economics00000
ECON 397EVSpecial Topics- Environmental Economics00000
ECON 797SST-Dissertation Workshop00000
ECON 797ZSpecial Topics- Comparative Capitalist Systems00000
ECON 797NST-Macroeconomic Theory III00000
ECON 801Economic Theory Workshop00000
ECON 896Independent Study00000
ECON 899Ph D Dissertation00000
ECON 103HIntroduction to Microeconomics00000
ECON 121International Economy00000