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UMass Course Reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MATH 127HCalc Life-Soc Sci I11221
MATH 699Masters Thesis00000
MATH 233HMultivariate Calculus, Honors00000
MATH 196Independent Study00000
MATH 131HCalculus I Honors00000
MATH 128Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences II00000
MATH 121Linear Methods and Probability for Business00000
MATH 104Algebra, Analytic Geometry, and Trigonometry00000
MATH 100Basic Mathematics Skills for the Modern World00000
MATH 896Independent Study00000
MATH 797CVSpecial Topics- Calculus of Variations00000
MATH 797ASSpecial Topics- Algebraic Surfaces00000
MATH 797RTSpecial Topics - Representation Theory00000
MATH 731Intr-Prtl Dftl Eq I00000
MATH 713Intr-Algbrc Nmbr Th00000
MATH 705Symplectic Topology00000
MATH 235HIntro Linear Algebra00000
MATH 697AMSpecial Topics- Applied Mathematics & Math Modeling00000
MATH 697PASpecial Topics- Mathematical Foundations of Probabilistic Ar...00000
MATH 697BST- Intro Riemann Surfaces00000
MATH 697CMSpecial Topics- Combinatorial Optimization00000
MATH 696Independent Study00000
MATH 672Algebraic Topology00000
MATH 651Int Numrcl Analys I00000
MATH 621Complex Analysis00000
MATH 596Independent Study00000
MATH 551Int Scientfc Comput00000
MATH 536Actuarial Probability00000
MATH 524Introduction to Modern Analysis II00000
MATH 513Combinatorics00000
MATH 624Real Analysis II00000
MATH 797LDSpecial Topics- Low Dimensional Topology00000
MATH 571Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography00000
MATH 597FSpecial Topics- Fourier Methods00000
MATH 557Linear Optimization and Polytopes00000
MATH 697ACSpecial Topics- Analytic Combinatorics00000
MATH 797DSSpecial Topics- Infinite Dimensional Integrable Systems00000
MATH 797RMSpecial Topics- Moduli Spaces in Representation Theory00000
MATH 797DSpecial Topics- Topology and Geometry of Singular Spaces00000
MATH 797DESpecial Topics- Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory00000
MATH 797WST-Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 718Lie Algebras00000
MATH 691YS-Applied Math Project Seminar00000
MATH 671Intr-Gnrl Topology I00000
MATH 646Applied Mathematics and Math Modeling00000
MATH 497KSpecial Topics- Knot Theory00000
MATH 612Algebra II00000
MATH 605Probability Theory I00000
MATH 563HDifferential Geometry00000
MATH 545Lin Alg Appl Math00000
MATH 532HNonlinear Dynamics and Chaos with Applications00000
MATH 499YHonors Research00000
MATH 496ISHHonors Independent Study in Math00000
MATH 491ASem-Putnam Exam Prep00000
MATH 471Theory Of Numbers00000
MATH 455Introduction to Discrete Structures00000
MATH 421Complex Variables00000
MATH 398Practicum00000
MATH 391TSeminar- Introduction to K-12 Mathematics Teaching00000
MATH 300Fundamental Concepts Of Mathematics00000
MATH 461Affine and Projective Geometry00000
MATH 691TS-Teachng In Univ Cr00000
MATH 652Int Numrcl Anlys II00000
MATH 645Diff Eq&Dynmc Sys I00000
MATH 623Th&Fnctn-Real Vrbl I00000
MATH 611Algebra I00000
MATH 591CFSeminar - Cybersecurity Lecture Series00000
MATH 552Appl Scientfc Comput00000
MATH 537Introduction to Mathematics of Finance00000
MATH 534HIntroduction to Partial Differential Equations00000
MATH 523HInt Mod Analysis I00000
MATH 499THonors Thesis00000
MATH 498YPracticum00000
MATH 496Independent Study00000
MATH 490AIntroduction to Abstract Algebra for Future Teachers00000
MATH 697FASpecial Topics- Mathematical Foundations of Probabilistic Ar...00000
MATH 437Actuarial Financial Math00000
MATH 412Introduction to Abstract Algebra II00000
MATH 397CSpecial Topics- Mathematical Computing00000
MATH 396Independent Study00000
MATH 370Writing in Mathematics00000
MATH 296ISHHonors Independent Study in Math00000
MATH 235Introduction to Linear Algebra00000
MATH 233Multivariate Calculus00000
MATH 191ISeminar00000
MATH 132HHonors Calculus II00000
MATH 131Calculus I00000
MATH 127Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I00000
MATH 114Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II00000
MATH 103Precalculus Trigonometry00000
MATH 899Ph D Dissertation00000
MATH 102Analytic Geometry and Trigonometry00000
MATH 491PS- Problem Seminar00000
MATH 475History of Mathematics00000
MATH 456Mathematical Modeling00000
MATH 425Advanced Calculus00000
MATH 411Introduction to Abstract Algebra I00000
MATH 396ISHHnrs Indstu In Math00000
MATH 331Ordinary Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers00000
MATH 296Independent Study00000
MATH 196ISHHnr Indstu In Math00000
MATH 132Calculus II00000
MATH 128HCalc Life-Soc Sci II00000
MATH 113Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I00000
MATH 101Precalculus Algebra with Functions and Graphs00000
MATH 499PHonors Project00000
MATH 797ECSpecial Topics-Elliptic Curves00000
MATH 797NSSpecial Topics- Networks and Spectral Graph Theory00000
MATH 797ESpecial Topics- Homological Algebra00000
MATH 797PSpecial Topics- Stochastic Calculus00000
MATH 796Independent Study00000
MATH 725Intr-Fnctnl Anls I00000
MATH 708Complex Algebraic Geometry00000
MATH 703Tpcs In Geometry I00000
MATH 704Tpcs In Geometry II00000
MATH 697CPSpecial Topics- Convex Polytopes00000
MATH 697SSSpecial Topics- Sums of Squares: Theory and Applications00000
MATH 697SGSpecial Topics- Symmetric Functions and Representation Theor...00000
MATH 697UST-Stochastic Processes & Application00000