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UMass Course Reviews

University of Massachusetts Amherst

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
MIENG 664Engineering Leadership and Entrepreneurship53441
MIENG 397DHSpecial Topics- Fundamentals of Data Visualization00000
MIENG 896Independent Study00000
MIENG 196ISHHnr Indstu In Mie00000
MIENG 230Thermodynamics I00000
MIENG 296Independent Study00000
MIENG 302M E Lab I00000
MIENG 353Engr Econ Dec Making00000
MIENG 373Intro Simulatn Meth00000
MIENG 379Determnstc Oper Rsch00000
MIENG 396Independent Study00000
MIENG 796Independent Study00000
MIENG 402M E Lab II00000
MIENG 415Design of Mechanical Systems00000
MIENG 440Aerospace Fluid Mech00000
MIENG 442Propulsion Systems Performance00000
MIENG 458Connections in Medicine, Biology and Engineering00000
MIENG 477Prodctn Plan&Control00000
MIENG 485Vibrations00000
MIENG 496Independent Study00000
MIENG 497SST-Automotive Engineering00000
MIENG 697SBSpecial Topics- Simulation-based Optimization00000
MIENG 597EMSpecial Topics- Extreme Materials for Life Protection Applic...00000
MIENG 601Advanced Thermodynamics I00000
MIENG 607Adv Fluid Mechanics00000
MIENG 641Adv Vibrations00000
MIENG 644Appl Data Analysis00000
MIENG 657Human Factors Des. Eng00000
MIENG 670Technical Project Management00000
MIENG 686XMult-Criteria Decsn Making00000
MIENG 697AWSpecial Topics- Advanced Wind Power Conversion00000
MIENG 497MSpecial Topics- Industry-Sponsored Mechanical Design00000
MIENG 697MESpecial Topics- Intro to MEMS and Microsciences00000
MIENG 697BSpecial Topics- Solidification and Phase-Change Heat Transfe...00000
MIENG 697TPSpecial Topics- Technical Project Management00000
MIENG 697SLSpecial Topics- Supply Chain Logistics00000
MIENG 697EMSpecial Topics- Extreme Materials for Life Protection Applic...00000
MIENG 697NSSpecial Topics- Nanomaterials and Sensors00000
MIENG 697AMSpecial Topics- Additive Manufacturing00000
MIENG 697ESpecial Topics- Introduction to Computational Materials Scie...00000
MIENG 724Non-Lin&Dynamic Prog00000
MIENG 697MPSpecial Topics- Advanced Manufacturing of Polymers00000
MIENG 696Independent Study00000
MIENG 697RBSpecial Topics- Robotics00000
MIENG 697AVSpecial Topics- Vehicle Automation00000
MIENG 697PSpecial Topics- Optical Engineering and Photonics00000
MIENG 697LLSpecial Topics- Advanced Technical Wind Energy II00000
MIENG 697CMSpecial Topics- Connections in Medicine, Biology and Enginee...00000
MIENG 697MMSpecial Topics- Metamaterials00000
MIENG 697FSST-Fluid-Structure Interactions00000
MIENG 697MASpecial Topics- Intelligent Manufacturing00000
MIENG 684Stoch Proc In Ie I00000
MIENG 697RSSpecial Topics- Human Robot Systems (or Biorobotics)00000
MIENG 707Viscous Fluids00000
MIENG 795AS- Wind Energy Fellows Seminar00000
MIENG 891CMS-Computational Materials Science00000
MIENG 646Fundamentals of Systems Engineering00000
MIENG 597APSpecial Topics- Applied System Identification00000
MIENG 604Computational Fluid Dynamics00000
MIENG 697AUSpecial Topics- Industrial Automation00000
MIENG 697MCST-Advanced Materials Characterization00000
MIENG 597RSSpecial Topics- Human Robot Systems (or Biorobotics)00000
MIENG 597NSSpecial Topics- Nanomaterials and Sensors00000
MIENG 497CMSpecial Topics- Connections in Medicine, Biology and Enginee...00000
MIENG 499THonors Thesis00000
MIENG 544Layout and Design00000
MIENG 564Engineering Leadership and Entrepreneurship00000
MIENG 571Physical and Chemical Processing of Materials00000
MIENG 597MDSpecial Topics- Practical Medical Device Design00000
MIENG 597PMSpecial Topics - Biomimicry00000
MIENG 597MESpecial Topics- Intro to MEMS and Microsciences00000
MIENG 497LSpecial Topics- Manufacturing Logistics00000
MIENG 597MMSpecial Topics- Metamaterials00000
MIENG 597USpecial Topics- Biomechanics00000
MIENG 597MBSpecial Topics- Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics00000
MIENG 597CESpecial Topics- Ocean Renewable Energy00000
MIENG 597NMSpecial Topics- Introduction to Numerical Methods00000
MIENG 605Finite Element Anlys00000
MIENG 630Adv Solid Mechanics00000
MIENG 643Mechatronic Sys Des00000
MIENG 651Adv Prod Plan&Contrl00000
MIENG 597CST-Operations Research in Health Care00000
MIENG 497RSpecial Topics- Mechatronics00000
MIENG 497CSpecial Topics- Propulsion Systems Performance, Analysis and...00000
MIENG 497NMSpecial Topics- Introduction to Numerical Methods00000
MIENG 499PHonors Project00000
MIENG 532Network Optimization00000
MIENG 562Power Systems Design00000
MIENG 570Solar&Dir Enrgy Conv00000
MIENG 573Engineering Windpower Systems00000
MIENG 596Independent Study00000
MIENG 597MPSpecial Topics- Advanced Manufacturing of Polymers00000
MIENG 497GSpecial Topics- Internal Combustion Engines00000
MIENG 597ASSpecial Topics- Introduction to Analytics and Statistical Le...00000
MIENG 597MASpecial Topics- Intelligent Manufacturing00000
MIENG 597DWSpecial Topics- Dynamics of Waves00000
MIENG 597EPSpecial Topics- Engineering Information and Project Manageme...00000
MIENG 597AUSpecial Topics- Industrial Automation00000
MIENG 597EST-Introduction to Computational Materials Science00000
MIENG 603Adv Numerical Analys00000
MIENG 609Mech Prop Materials00000
MIENG 620Linear Programming00000
MIENG 396ISHHonors Independent Study in M&I-ENG00000
MIENG 201Intro Matl Science00000
MIENG 211Strength Of Material00000
MIENG 273Probablty&Stat Engrs00000
MIENG 296ISHHonors Independent Study in M&I-ENG00000
MIENG 313Desgn Mech Cmponents00000
MIENG 340Fluid Mechanics I00000
MIENG 354Heat Transfer00000
MIENG 375Manufctrng Processes00000
MIENG 395ASem-Engn Professnlsm00000
MIENG 642Adv Des Feedback Sys00000
MIENG 398TP-Engineering Instruction Practicum00000
MIENG 413Des Mech Assemblies00000
MIENG 422Stat Quality Control00000
MIENG 441Internal Combustion Engines00000
MIENG 444M E Automatc Contrls00000
MIENG 460Human Factors Engin I00000
MIENG 478Capstone Design00000
MIENG 492Seminar00000
MIENG 496ISHHnr Indstu In Mie00000
MIENG 499YHonors Research00000
MIENG 210Statics00000
MIENG 290HHIV, TB, and Malaria: Simulation Modeling to Address Public...00000
MIENG 310Dynamics00000
MIENG 344Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems00000
MIENG 380Oper Research II00000
MIENG 497FSpecial Topics- Theory, Modeling Principles and Applications...00000
MIENG 497ASSpecial Topics- Introduction to Analytics and Statistical Le...00000
MIENG 497AMSpecial Topics- Aerospace Materials00000
MIENG 497JSpecial Topics- Additive Manufacturing00000
MIENG 124Cmptnl Appr Engn Prb00000
MIENG 551Therml Envrmntl Engn00000
MIENG 565Operations Research in Health Care00000
MIENG 572Physical and Chemical Processing of Materials Laboratory00000
MIENG 597SLSpecial Topics- Supply Chain Logistics00000
MIENG 597MCSpecial Topics- Advanced Materials Characterization00000
MIENG 597VRSpecial Topics- Augmented and Virtual Reality Design00000
MIENG 597CMSpecial Topics- Connections in Medicine, Biology and Enginee...00000
MIENG 597AVSpecial Topics- Vehicle Automation00000
MIENG 597ELSpecial Topics- Engineering Leadership and Entrepreneurship00000
MIENG 697TBSpecial Topics- Introduction to Turbulence00000
MIENG 645Project Budgeting and Finance for Engineers00000
MIENG 658Connections in Medicine, Biology and Engineering00000
MIENG 673Wind Turbine Design00000
MIENG 688Engineering Project00000
MIENG 697MDSpecial Topics- Practical Medical Device Design00000
MIENG 697WFSpecial Topics- Wind Energy Finance, Economics and Policy00000
MIENG 697LSpecial Topics- Non-linear Dynamics00000
MIENG 697RMSpecial Topics- Research Methods for Engineers00000
MIENG 697CESpecial Topics- Ocean Renweable Energy00000
MIENG 196Independent Study00000
MIENG 697GSpecial Topics- Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar Cour...00000
MIENG 697MBSpecial Topics- Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics00000
MIENG 697DWSpecial Topics- Dynamics of Waves00000
MIENG 697WESpecial Topics-Wind Energy I: Wind Energy Law, Policy and...00000
MIENG 697ZSpecial Topics- Systems Engineering00000
MIENG 699Masters Thesis00000
MIENG 754Economic Decision Making00000
MIENG 797ESpecial Topics- Energy Markets and Equitable Energy Systems00000
MIENG 899Ph D Dissertation00000