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UMBC Course Reviews

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
CMSC 202Computer Science II4.52.5552
PSYC 375Neuroanatomy21131
CMSC 203Discrete Structures43331
CMSC 331Principles of Programming Language15111
CHEM 351Organic Chemistry I55551
ECON 443History of Economic Thought00000
BTEC 495Professional Internship and Project-based Research Experienc...00000
EDUC 429Methods of Teaching Modern Foreign Language in K-12 Schools00000
EHS 102Emergency Medical Responder00000
ART 491Special Studies00000
CHIN 201Intermediate Chinese I00000
ENCH 470Chemical and Environmental Modeling00000
ECAC 321Auditing Theory and Practice00000
BIOL 683Evolution: From Genes to Genomes00000
ECON 682Asian Economic History00000
ART 35020th -21st Century Latin American Art00000
EDUC 654Processes and Acquisition of Language and Literacy00000
CHEM 405Inorganic Chemistry00000
EHS 641Emergency Health Services Law and Policy00000
ANCS 397Internships in Ancient Studies00000
ENEE 661System Architecture and Design00000
ART 798Graduate Thesis00000
CMPE 647Analog IC Design00000
CMSC 341Data Structures00000
ANTH 382Global Flows in Local Worlds:The Anthropology of Globalizati...00000
BIOL 141HFoundations of Biology: Cells, Energy and Organisms - Honors00000
CMSC 462Introduction to Data Science00000
DANC 400Independent Studies in Dance00000
BIOL 614Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics00000
ECON 380The Global Economy00000
ART 323Modernism (1880-1960)00000
ECON 601Microeconomic Analysis00000
BIOL 799Master's Thesis Research00000
EDUC 311Psychological Foundations of Education00000
AMST 413Policing and Prisons in U.S. Society00000
EDUC 601Human Learning and Cognition00000
CHEM 102HPrinciples of Chemistry - Honors00000
EDUC 678Instructional Strategies/Students-Diverse Needs00000
ART 387Animation in the Physical World00000
EHS 463Basics of Cardiology00000
CHEM 611Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics00000
ELCI 698TESOL 1: Foundations00000
AGNG 361Technology for Management of Aging Services00000
ENCH 666Biotechnology GMP Facility Design, Construction and Validati...00000
CMPE 349Introduction to Professional Practice00000
ENEE 684Introduction to Photonics00000
ANTH 302Human Evolution, Physical Anthropology and Archaeology00000
CMSC 104Problem Solving and Computer Programming00000
ASIA 399Internship in Asian Studies00000
CMSC 436Data Visualization00000
AGNG 499Independent Study in Aging Services Management00000
CMSC 491Special Topics in Computer Science00000
BIOL 302LMolecular and General Genetics Laboratory00000
CMSC 643Quantum Computation00000
CMSC 676Information Retrieval00000
ARBC 202Intermediate Arabic II00000
BIOL 316LPhage Hunters Genome Analysis00000
CMSC 791Advanced Graduate Seminar00000
DANC 330Dance Composition I00000
BIOL 499HUndergraduate Laboratory/Field Research-Honors00000
DATA 601Introduction to Data Science00000
ART 213Visual Concepts IV/Time-Based Media00000
ECON 121Principles of Accounting I00000
BIOL 644Development And Cancer00000
ECON 415Organizations, Incentives and Behavior: Theory and Policy00000
AMST 345Indigenous Heritage: Issues of Representation and Ownership00000
ECON 476Applied Portfolio Management00000
BIOL 737Research Seminars in Bioinformatics00000
ECON 651Economics of Human Resources Policy00000
ART 336Design & Technology II00000
ECON 7700Ecpa Master's Special Study00000
BTEC 330Software Applications in the Life Sciences00000
EDUC 417Processes and Acquisition of Reading00000
AGNG 100Aging and the Longevity Economy00000
EDUC 447Teaching of Reading and Writing in Early Childhood Education00000
BTEC 666Biotechnology GMP Facility Design, Construction and Validati...00000
EDUC 629Instructional Strategies for Teaching Secondary Science00000
ART 369Topics in Photography00000
EDUC 667Structure of English for TESOL00000
CHEM 312LAdvanced Laboratory II.00000
EDUC 791EPracticum in Education ECE P-300000
ANCS 150English Word Roots from Latin and Greek00000
EHS 330Management of Search and Rescue Operations00000
CHEM 467Advanced Analytical Methods00000
EHS 490Independent Study00000
ART 461Advanced Photographic Compositing00000
EHS 720Emergency Health Services Quality Assessment00000
CHEM 714Ethics in Current Chemical Biochemical Research00000
ENCH 425Transport I: Fluids00000
AFST 314Islam in Africa00000
ENCH 610Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics00000
CLDR 610Special topics in Community Leadership00000
ENEE 601Signal and Linear Systems Theory00000
ART 642Media-Based Installation Studio00000
CYBR 621Cyber Warfare00000
BIOL 410Modeling in the Life Sciences00000
CYBR 658RIsk Analysis & Compliance00000
DANC 216Ballet II--Intermediate Ballet00000
CMPE 450Capstone I00000
AFST 211Introduction to Contemporary Africa00000