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UMBC Course Reviews

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 335Origins and Issues in Design00000
ART 383Sound Design00000
ART 376Origins and Issues of Print Media00000
ART 369Topics in Photography00000
ART 366Documentary Photography00000
ART 364Studio Photography00000
ART 361Digital Darkroom00000
ART 355The Dao of Intermedia00000
ART 35020th -21st Century Latin American Art00000
ART 347Writing for Media Arts00000
ART 343History of Animation00000
ART 341Introduction to Animation00000
ART 337Typography II00000
ART 387Animation in the Physical World00000
ART 333Typography I00000
ART 331Graphic Design I00000
ART 328Postmodernism (1960 - present)00000
ART 325History of Film and Video: 1965 to Present00000
ART 323Modernism (1880-1960)00000
ART 321From the Enlightenment to the Birth of Modernism (1750-1880)00000
ART 318Visual Culture of City and Cinema in South Asia00000
ART 314Drawing II00000
ART 216Studies in Visual Culture (Prehistory through the 1750s)00000
ART 214Drawing I/Beginning Drawing00000
ART 212Visual Concepts III/Three Dimensional Form, Space and Intera...00000
ART 491Special Studies00000
ART 799Graduate Thesis Exhibition00000
ART 794Graduate Internship00000
ART 790Independent Studies00000
ART 720Seminar in Art History and Theory00000
ART 691Special Topics in Art History00000
ART 649Special Topics Studio00000
ART 640lntermedia Studio Critique00000
ART 624Contemporary Art, Theory, and Criticism00000
ART 610Introduction to lntermedla Methods00000
ART 496Imaging Research Center Internship00000
ART 494Internship00000
ART 210Visual Concepts I00000
ART 489Senior Projects00000
ART 487Pre­production for Animation Senior Projects00000
ART 485Team-based Game Development00000
ART 465Intermedia Studio00000
ART 461Advanced Photographic Compositing00000
ART 447Motion Graphics and Compositing00000
ART 434Advanced Interface Design00000
ART 430Typography III00000
ART 427Museum Practice00000
ART 424Contemporary Art of the Non-Western World00000
ART 389Topics in Animation and Interactive Media00000
ART 336Design & Technology II00000
ART 375Photographic/Digital Processes in Printmaking00000
ART 370Silkscreen Printing00000
ART 367Alternative Processes00000
ART 365Multimedia Environments00000
ART 362Black and White Photography00000
ART 360Mixed Media Book Arts00000
ART 352Art of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas00000
ART 349Black, Queer, and Feminist Film00000
ART 346Intermediate Documentary Production00000
ART 342Film/Video Theory and Criticism00000
ART 338Motion Design00000
ART 380History and Theory of Games00000
ART 334Graphic Design II00000
ART 332Design and Technology I00000
ART 329Topics in Art History and Visual Culture00000
ART 327History and Theory of Photography00000
ART 324History of Film: Origins to 196500000
ART 322Social Entrepreneurship in Place00000
ART 320Introduction to Printmaking00000
ART 315Intermediate Narrative Production00000
ART 305Introduction to Cinematic Arts00000
ART 215Introduction to Art and Media Studies00000
ART 213Visual Concepts IV/Time-Based Media00000
ART 490Senior Art History Thesis or Curatorial Project00000
ART 798Graduate Thesis00000
ART 792Thesis and Exhibition Preparation00000
ART 740Advanced lntermedia Studio Critique00000
ART 710Advanced lntermedia Methods00000
ART 690Independent Studies00000
ART 642Media-Based Installation Studio00000
ART 638Teaching Practicum00000
ART 620History and Theory of Imaging and Digital Arts00000
ART 498Internship/Center for Art, Design and Visual Culture00000
ART 495Independent Studio Research00000
ART 493Senior Thesis Project00000
ART 211Visual Concepts II/Camera Vision00000
ART 488Advanced Topics in Animation00000
ART 486Real Time Animation00000
ART 484Advanced 3D Animation00000
ART 462Entrepreneurial Practices in Photography00000
ART 460Installation Art00000
ART 435Topics in Film/Video00000
ART 431Graphic Design III00000
ART 429Seminar in Art History & Visual Culture00000
ART 425Writing By and For Artists, Curators & Critics00000
ART 395Television Production Techniques I00000
ART 384Introduction to 3D Computer Animation00000