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UMF Course Reviews

University of Maine at Farmington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ECH 504Early Childhood Policy and Research00000
EDU 103Diversity and Social Justice Education 7-1200000
BUS 277Topics in Business00000
ECH 250Infants and Toddlers: Development and Care00000
BUS 480Service Operations Analysis, Design and Management00000
BIO 374Biochemistry00000
ECO 385Projects in Business and Economics00000
ART 320AContemporary Theory and Practice00000
BUS 340Managerial Finance00000
ART 430Senior Project and Studio Practice00000
COS 377Intermediate Topics in Computer Science00000
CHY 141General Chemistry I00000
BIO 265Ecological Restoration00000
ECH 405Assessment in Early Childhood Education00000
ART 239AAnimation00000
ECH 541Field-Based Research00000
BUS 208Accounting Principles00000
ECS 307Addressing Developmental Differences of Young Children00000
ARH 277ATopics in Art History00000
EDU 280Diversity and Social Justice Education, K-800000
ART 339AAnimation II00000
BUS 377Special Topics in Business00000
ART 121APainting I00000
CHI 101HElementary Chinese I00000
BIO 130NTropical Nature: Exploring Costa Rica00000
COS 355Computer Graphics00000
CHY 277Special Topics00000
BIO 212Principles of Ecology00000
ECH 192Introductory Practicum and Seminar in Early Childhood Educat...00000
ART 226APainting Off The Wall00000
ECH 377Special Topics in Early Childhood Education00000
BIO 353Conservation Biology00000
ECH 450Senior Seminar: Research in Early Childhood Education00000
ARH 177Topics in Art History00000
ECH 537Science in the Early Childhood Years00000
BIO 396Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology00000
ECO 228Environmental and Natural Resource Economics00000
ART 265ASound as Art00000
ECS 205Addressing Developmental Differences in Young Children00000
BUS 229Alpine Operations Leadership and Management00000
ECS 404Supporting the Development of Infants, Toddlers, and Their F...00000
ANT 270SAncient Latin America00000
EDU 222Learning with Technology in Secondary Education00000
BUS 323Digital Marketing00000
EDU 304Science Education K-800000
ART 115ADrawing I00000
BUS 360Entrepreneurship00000
ART 344ACreative Imaging II00000
BUS 396Internship in Business00000
ANT 330Thinking Through Skin: Race in America00000
BUS 491Strategic Management00000
ART 477Special Topics in Art00000
CHY 110NElementary Chemistry00000
ART 177ASpecial Topics in Art00000
CHY 241Organic Chemistry I00000
BIO 142The Living Earth: The Cellular and Molecular World00000
COS 277Topics in Computer Science00000
CHY 374Biochemistry00000
BIO 170General Zoology00000
COS 364Algorithm Design and Analysis00000
ART 224ASurrealism: The Permanent Revolution00000
COS 470Computer Science Capstone Experience00000
BIO 252Genetics00000
ECH 202Practicum and Seminar in K-8 Education00000
ARH 116AVisual Culture II00000
ECH 256Creative Arts and Technology for the Young Child00000
BIO 294Forest Ecology and Conservation00000
ECH 403Technology in Early Childhood Education00000
ART 229ADigital Photo00000
ECH 430Theories of Learning and Curriculum Development00000
BIO 361Ecology00000
ECH 477Special Topics in Early Childhood Education00000
ANT 255SPerformance: Culture, Meaning and Society00000
ECH 507Advanced Infant and Toddler Development and Curriculum00000
BIO 383Aquatic Biology00000
ECH 539Curriculum Development and Assessment00000
ART 244ACreative Imaging00000
ECO 101SPrinciples of Macroeconomics00000
BUS 101SBusiness, Society and Sustainability00000
ECO 305International Economics00000
ARH 276AContemporary Art00000
ECS 103Introduction to Teaching Inclusive Early Childhood Spec Educ...00000
BUS 220Principles of Marketing00000
ECS 275Intermediate Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education00000
ART 277Topics in Art00000
ECS 375Advanced Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education00000
BUS 252Excel for Data Analytics00000
ECS 479Internship/Student Teaching in Early Childhood Special Educa...00000
ANT 103SHuman Origins00000
EDU 177Topics in Education00000
BUS 315Human Resource Development00000
EDU 224Practicum Field Experience/Seminar00000
ART 326APainting off the Wall II00000
BUS 335International Business00000
ACE 194Career Development00000
ANT 230SLinguistic Anthropology00000
ANT 365Medical Anthropology00000
ART 220AFilm: A Cultural Affair00000
BIO 152Human Anatomy & Physiology II00000
COS 140Introduction to Computer Science00000