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UMF Course Reviews

University of Maine at Farmington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ART 239AAnimation00000
ART 112ADigital Imaging00000
ART 120AC.R.A.P.P.00000
ART 121APainting I00000
ART 177ASpecial Topics in Art00000
ART 220AFilm: A Cultural Affair00000
ART 224ASurrealism: The Permanent Revolution00000
ART 226APainting Off The Wall00000
ART 229ADigital Photo00000
ART 477Special Topics in Art00000
ART 241AVideo I00000
ART 260ALanguage of Performance00000
ART 277Topics in Art00000
ART 324Surrealism II00000
ART 328ASpace and Place II00000
ART 341Video II00000
ART 420Senior Seminar and Studio Practice00000
ART 441New Media00000
ART 309AInstallation Art II00000
ART 163AImprovising Sound and Music00000
ART 209AInstallation Art I00000
ART 223ARobotics: Time, Movement and Destruction I00000
ART 225APainting II00000
ART 228ASpace and Place00000
ART 234AInteractive Web Media00000
ART 244ACreative Imaging00000
ART 265ASound as Art00000
ART 119AIntroduction to Sculpture00000
ART 326APainting off the Wall II00000
ART 115ADrawing I00000
ART 277ATopics in Art00000
ART 320AContemporary Theory and Practice00000
ART 339AAnimation II00000
ART 344ACreative Imaging II00000
ART 430Senior Project and Studio Practice00000