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MATH 2374

CSE Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis

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Reviews 4

Class Ratings

4Good Class
3Avg. Difficulty
2Barely Useful

Professor Rating

4Good Prof

Prof: Michael Perlman / Fall 2021

Dec 14, 2022

Comments on the course

I did not think it was too difficult of a course. Much easier than calc 2. You just use the basics of calculus you learned in calc 1 and apply it to more dimensions

Course Content

It was sometimes interesting. Drawing really helps

Comments on the professor

Mike was a pretty good prof. He was not a prof who just reads off a slide which I liked. He actually writes out notes on the board. His midterms were easy and he usually did almost identical problems during the review session before the exam. However, the final exam was absolutely brutal and wasn't really curved.


Do well on the exams and the weekly quizzes.

Delivery: In personGrade: AWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes
Assignment HeavyQuiz Heavy

Class Ratings

3OK Class
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Daniel Johnstone / Spring 2020

Sep 4, 2021

Comments on the course

Very challenging, often felt like you weren’t prepared for exam problems even if you did ok on them. Ramped up in difficulty after starting off pretty easy on the first midterm.

Comments on the professor

Great professor but he’s in Canada now:(


Do the homework even if it’s optional, most quiz problems and some exam problems were almost exact copies of the homework. Stay on top of work early

Grade: AWorkload: HeavyTextbook Use: Optional

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
3Kinda Useful

Prof: David Sherman / Spring 2021

Sep 3, 2021

Comments on the course

Watch out for the final exam. It was brutal and nothing like the midterms/quizzes. It was also worth a large portion of our grade. Homework wasn't graded, but labs were. 6 midterms, 6 quizzes, 12 labs. Our lowest midterm and quiz scores were dropped. Our 3 lowest lab scores were dropped.

Comments on the professor

He just reads off his slides. That isn't what you want for a math class. Also, something about his voice made it hard to pay attention. It wasn't exactly monotone, but it was dull and not engaging at all.


Even though the homework isn't graded, do it. Some of the midterms/quizzes had similar problems with different values. Study well for the final.

Suggest a professor

Don't take Sherman.

Grade: Audit/No gradeWorkload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes

Class Ratings

2Bad Class
3Kinda Interesting
3Kinda Useful

Prof: Li Wang / Spring 2021

Sep 3, 2021

Comments on the course

Most of the course was easy but the final was nothing we had done before

Grade: B+Workload: ModerateTextbook Use: Yes

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