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UMN Course Reviews

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ESCI 1001Earth and Its Environments55331
ESCI 1904Astrobiology: The Science of the Search for Life on Other Pl...00000
ESCI 3202Fluid Earth Dynamics00000
ESCI 3006Rocks and Stars: Introduction to Planetary Science00000
ESCI 2302Petrology00000
ESCI 2203Earth Surface Dynamics00000
ESCI 2202Earth History00000
ESCI 2201Solid Earth Dynamics00000
ESCI 1909Manoomin (Wild Rice) and Its Environment00000
ESCI 1908Sea Change: Geological Perspective00000
ESCI 1907Caves and Karst: Rocks, Water, and Human Impact00000
ESCI 3402Science and Politics of Global Warming00000
ESCI 1903Sea Level In The 21St Century: Societal Response To Coastal...00000
ESCI 1902Geology of Minnesota00000
ESCI 1201Into Earth Sciences Lab00000
ESCI 1105Geology and Cinema (lecture only)00000
ESCI 1012Natural Disasters00000
ESCI 1005Geology and Cinema00000
ESCI 5980Seminar: Current Topics in Earth Sciences00000
ESCI 5705Limnogeology and Paleoenvironment00000
ESCI 5403Computer Applications in Earth & Environmental Sciences00000
ESCI 5302Isotope Geology00000
ESCI 5402Science and Politics of Global Warming00000
ESCI 8994Research in Earth Sciences00000
ESCI 8970Seminar: Current Topics In Earth Sciences00000
ESCI 8801Geomicrobiology00000
ESCI 8701Geomorphology00000
ESCI 8502Tectonic Styles00000
ESCI 8444FTE: Doctoral00000
ESCI 8401Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry00000
ESCI 8212Geodynamics00000
ESCI 8203Environmental Geophysics00000
ESCI 5805Standards and Practices for Professional Geoscienists00000
ESCI 5201Time-Series Analysis of Geological Phenomena00000
ESCI 5204Geostatistics and Inverse Theory00000
ESCI 5093Directed Studies In Earth Sciences00000
ESCI 4702General Hydrogeology00000
ESCI 4501Structural Geology00000
ESCI 4212Geodynamics00000
ESCI 4203Environmental Geophysics00000
ESCI 4102WVertebrate Paleontology: Evolutionary History and Fossil Rec...00000
ESCI 4010Undergraduate Seminar: Current Topics in Earth & Environment...00000
ESCI 3891Field Methods00000
ESCI 4104Evolution and Paleobiology of Fossil Reptiles00000
ESCI 8333FTE: Master's00000
ESCI 8204Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism00000
ESCI 8001Introductory Graduate Seminar00000
ESCI 5503Advanced Petrology00000
ESCI 5353Electron Microprobe Theory and Practice00000
ESCI 5203Mineral and Rock Physics00000
ESCI 4801Geomicrobiology00000
ESCI 4701Geomorphology00000
ESCI 4402Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean00000
ESCI 4211Solid Earth Geophysics I00000
ESCI 8402Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean00000
ESCI 4093Directed Studies in Earth & Environmental Sciences: Senior00000
ESCI 3896Internship in Earth and Environmental Sciences00000
ESCI 3403Computer Applications in Earth & Environmental Sciences00000
ESCI 3303WGeochemical Principles00000
ESCI 3093Directed Studies in Earth & Environmental Sciences: Junior00000
ESCI 3005Earth Resources00000
ESCI 3002Climate Change and Human History00000
ESCI 2301Mineralogy00000
ESCI 1007From Microbes to Mammoths: History of Life on Earth00000
ESCI 3890Field Workshop00000
ESCI 5102Climate Change and Human History00000
ESCI 4703Glacial Geology00000
ESCI 4602Sedimentology and Stratigraphy00000
ESCI 4502Tectonic Styles00000
ESCI 4401Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry00000
ESCI 4204Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism00000
ESCI 4103WFossil Record of Mammals00000
ESCI 4094Senior Thesis00000
ESCI 3980Seminar: Current Topics in Earth & Environmental Sciences00000
ESCI 1003Dinosaurs and Our World00000
ESCI 1901Polar Environments: Rocks, Ice, And Human Impact00000
ESCI 1106Oceanography00000
ESCI 1101Introduction to Geology (lecture only)00000
ESCI 1006Oceanography00000
ESCI 8980Seminar: Current Topics in Earth Sciences00000
ESCI 8888Thesis Credit: Doctoral00000
ESCI 8777Thesis Credits: Master's00000
ESCI 8666Doctoral Pre-Thesis Credits00000
ESCI 8501Structural Geology00000