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UMN Course Reviews

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
FREN 1003Intermediate French I34231
FREN 8333FTE: Master's00000
FREN 3022The Language and Culture of Business in France00000
FREN 3017WAdvanced Writing in French: Genre, Style, Rhetoric00000
FREN 3015Advanced French Grammar and Communication00000
FREN 1501Gateways to French and Francophone Studies: English Only00000
FREN 8994Directed Research00000
FREN 8992Directed Readings for Graduate Students00000
FREN 8777Thesis Credits: Master's00000
FREN 8420Critical Issues: Francophone Literature00000
FREN 3172The Court Society: Literature, Culture, Spectacle00000
FREN 8230Critical Issues: Criticism and Thought00000
FREN 5995Directed Teaching00000
FREN 5541Oral Discourse of French00000
FREN 5431Gender and Sexuality in Francophone Literature and Cinema00000
FREN 5301Critical Issues in French Studies00000
FREN 4993Directed Study00000
FREN 4109WCapstone Independent Study in French and Francophone Studies00000
FREN 4101WCapstone Seminar in French and Francophone Studies00000
FREN 4110VHonors Capstone Independent Study in French and Francophone...00000
FREN 8980Directed Teaching00000
FREN 8444FTE: Doctoral00000
FREN 8280Ethics and Aesthetics in French and Francophone Writing00000
FREN 8120Topics in Later Medieval French Literature00000
FREN 5852Memory in French and Francophone Cinema00000
FREN 5531Sociolinguistics of French00000
FREN 5410Topics in Quebecois Literature00000
FREN 5265Graduate Proseminar in French Studies00000
FREN 4003Int French for Grad Research I00000
FREN 4022Accelerated Beginning French for Graduate Student Research00000
FREN 4002Beginning French for Graduate Student Research II00000
FREN 3852Memory in French and Francophone Cinema00000
FREN 3711Speaking of Love in Medieval France: Stories, Songs, and Let...00000
FREN 3611Speaking of Love in Medieval France: Stories, Songs, and Let...00000
FREN 3521History of the French Language00000
FREN 3451North African Cinema00000
FREN 3350Topics in Literature00000
FREN 4970Directed Readings00000
FREN 100Reading French in the Arts and Sciences00000
FREN 8888Thesis Credit: Doctoral00000
FREN 8666Doctoral Pre-Thesis Credits00000
FREN 8240Critical Issues: French and Francophone Cinema00000
FREN 8114Troubadour Lyric And Old Occitan Language00000
FREN 5614Disabled Bodies, Minds and Selves in French Literature, Cult...00000
FREN 5470Post/Colonial Francophone Literatures00000
FREN 5350Topics in Literature and Culture00000
FREN 1002Beginning French II00000
FREN 4101VHonors Capstone Seminar in French and Francophone Studies00000
FREN 4004Intermediate French for Graduate Student Research II00000
FREN 4001Beginning French for Graduate Student Research I00000
FREN 3850Topics in French and Francophone Media00000
FREN 3661Francophone North America00000
FREN 3541Oral Discourse of French00000
FREN 3500Linguistic Analysis of French00000
FREN 3410Topics in Quebecois Literature00000
FREN 3240Topics in Ancien Regime Literature00000
FREN 3896Internship in a French-Speaking Milieu00000
FREN 3750Topics in French or Francophone Literature and Culture00000
FREN 3650Topics in French/Francophone Cultures00000
FREN 3614Disabled Bodies, Minds and Selves in French Literature, Cult...00000
FREN 3531Sociolinguistics of French00000
FREN 3471Topics in Francophone African Literature and Cultures00000
FREN 3431Gender and Sexuality in Francophone Literature and Cinema00000
FREN 3345The Holocaust in France: Literature, History, Testimony00000
FREN 1001Beginning French I00000
FREN 3101WMethods in French and Francophone Studies00000
FREN 3018French Oral Communication00000
FREN 3016Advanced French Composition and Communication00000
FREN 3014French Phonetics00000
FREN 1502Gateways to French and Francophone Studies: Bilingual00000
FREN 1022Accelerated Beginning French00000
FREN 1004Intermediate French II00000