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UMN Course Reviews

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
PHIL 3601WScientific Thought11111
PHIL 8444FTE: Doctoral00000
PHIL 3311WIntroduction to Ethical Theory00000
PHIL 3303WBusiness Ethics00000
PHIL 3234Knowledge and Society00000
PHIL 3201Free Will and Responsibility00000
PHIL 3001WGeneral History of Western Philosophy: Ancient Period00000
PHIL 1917How Should We Value Persons?00000
PHIL 1914Space and Time: from Aristotle to Einstein00000
PHIL 1912Sports, Reason, and Society00000
PHIL 1441Introduction to Ethics00000
PHIL 1007Introduction to Political Philosophy Practicum00000
PHIL 1004WIntroduction to Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 1001Introduction to Logic00000
PHIL 8888Thesis Credit: Doctoral00000
PHIL 8670Seminar: Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 8600Workshop in the Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 3441Ethics of Medicine and the Sciences00000
PHIL 8300Workshop in Moral and Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 8210Seminar: Logical Theory00000
PHIL 8130Seminar: Epistemology00000
PHIL 8010Workshop in History of Philosophy00000
PHIL 5760Selected Topics in Philosophy00000
PHIL 5607Philosophy of the Biological Sciences00000
PHIL 5603Scientific Inquiry00000
PHIL 5510Philosophy of the Individual Arts00000
PHIL 5414Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 5320Intensive Study of a Historical Moral Theory00000
PHIL 5222Philosophy of Mathematics00000
PHIL 5209Mathematical Methods for Philosophy00000
PHIL 5105Epistemology00000
PHIL 5221Philosophy of Logic00000
PHIL 8994Directed Research00000
PHIL 8777Thesis Credits: Master's00000
PHIL 8610Seminar: History of Modern Physical Sciences00000
PHIL 8510Seminar: Aesthetics Studies00000
PHIL 8333FTE: Master's00000
PHIL 8200Workshop in Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics00000
PHIL 8110Seminar: Metaphysics00000
PHIL 8090Seminar: History of Modern Philosophy00000
PHIL 5622Philosophy and Feminist Theory00000
PHIL 5606Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics00000
PHIL 5602Scientific Representation and Explanation00000
PHIL 5415Philosophy of Law00000
PHIL 5331Contemporary Moral Theories00000
PHIL 5311History of Moral Theories00000
PHIL 4993Directed Studies00000
PHIL 5202Symbolic Logic II00000
PHIL 5085Wittgenstein00000
PHIL 5010Ancient Philosophers00000
PHIL 4995Senior Project (Directed Studies)00000
PHIL 4760Selected Topics in Philosophy00000
PHIL 4607Philosophy of the Biological Sciences00000
PHIL 4414Political Philosophy00000
PHIL 4321WTheories of Justice00000
PHIL 4311WHistory of Moral Theories00000
PHIL 4101Metaphysics00000
PHIL 4040Rationalists00000
PHIL 3721Special Topics in Philosophy00000
PHIL 3602Science, Technology, and Society00000
PHIL 4605Space and Time00000
PHIL 8180Seminar: Philosophy of Language00000
PHIL 8100Workshop in Epistemology and Metaphysics00000
PHIL 5993Directed Studies00000
PHIL 5615Mind, Bodies and Machines00000
PHIL 5605Space and Time00000
PHIL 5601History of the Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 5321Theories of Justice00000
PHIL 5231Philosophy of Language00000
PHIL 5211Modal Logic00000
PHIL 5201Symbolic Logic I00000
PHIL 5101Metaphysics00000
PHIL 5055Kant00000
PHIL 4995HHonors Senior Project00000
PHIL 4622Philosophy and Feminist Theory00000
PHIL 8220Seminar: Philosophy of Mathematics00000
PHIL 4331Contemporary Moral Theories00000
PHIL 4231Philosophy of Language00000
PHIL 4085Wittgenstein00000
PHIL 4010Ancient Philosophers00000
PHIL 3607Philosophy of Psychology00000
PHIL 3437History and Philosophy of Science00000
PHIL 3305Medical Ethics00000
PHIL 3302WMoral Problems of Contemporary Society00000
PHIL 3100Value Theory Practicum00000
PHIL 1916WWhat's So Great About Classical Music?00000
PHIL 1911WAmadeus: In Search of Mozart00000
PHIL 1431Introduction to Philosophy00000
PHIL 1026WPhilosophy and Cultural Diversity00000
PHIL 1005Scientific Reasoning00000
PHIL 3005WGeneral History of Western Philosophy: Modern Period00000
PHIL 1002WIntroduction to Philosophy00000
PHIL 4615Minds, Bodies, and Machines00000
PHIL 4510Philosophy of the Individual Arts00000
PHIL 4330Contemporary Moral Theories00000
PHIL 4320Intensive Study of a Historical Moral Theory00000
PHIL 4105WEpistemology00000
PHIL 4055Kant00000
PHIL 3993Directed Studies00000
PHIL 3605Disease, Diagnosis, and Intervention: Conceptual Issues in M...00000
PHIL 3502WIntroduction To Aesthetics00000
PHIL 3393Directed Study or Research in Philosophy00000
PHIL 3304Law and Morality00000
PHIL 3301Environmental Ethics00000
PHIL 3231Philosophy and Language00000
PHIL 5040Rationalists00000
PHIL 1918Comics as Art00000
PHIL 1915The Philosophy of Food: You Are What You Eat... Or Are You?00000
PHIL 1913Food Ethics00000
PHIL 1760Selected Topics in Philosophy00000
PHIL 1201Critical Reasoning00000
PHIL 1006WPhilosophy and Cultural Diversity00000
PHIL 1003WIntroduction to Ethics00000
PHIL 1001HHonors Course: Introduction to Logic00000
PHIL 8993Directed Study00000
PHIL 8710Seminar: Feminist Philosophy00000
PHIL 8602Scientific Representation and Explanation00000
PHIL 8500Workshop in Aesthetics00000
PHIL 8310Seminar: Moral Philosophy00000