MATH 1800
Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
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Prof: Emily Ross / Summer 2022
Aug 3, 2022
I loved this class- the material is fun, the "aha" moments when concepts click is super rewarding. It was a lot of work, but I took it as an 8 week session. I think it would have been moderate as a regular semester.
Velocity, related rates, volume of 3D solids, limits, integrals, antiderivates, etc Very useful
Emily Ross was a gem and I wish I could take all the math classes I'll need with her. Video lectures for this online class were thorough and she explains concepts clearly, gives lots of examples.Super kind, available for help, goes above and beyond to help you. Has great test review sessions where you can ask to see problems from the test review document solved. 11/10.
Make sure your algebra and trig skills are good beforehand, it'll make the class a lot easier!
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