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UMW Course Reviews

University of Mary Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
ARTS 381KTop:Kiln & Firing00000
ARTS 281HHTopics: Drawing Methods00000
ARTS 281GGSpec Topics: In the Darkroom00000
ARTS 281FFSpecial Topics: The Ukulele00000
ARTS 281EETopics: Woodworking00000
ARTS 281KDigital Video Production00000
ARTS 311ACeramics II00000
ARTS 316Experimental Documentary00000
ARTS 331BSculpture II00000
ARTS 342Painting II00000
ARTS 242Painting I00000
ARTS 381VTopics: Animation00000
ARTS 381QTopics: The Human Body00000
ARTS 381STopics: Artist/Animal00000
ARTS 442The Human Body00000
ARTS 450HTop:Painting and History00000
ARTS 454Approaches to Video Art00000
ARTS 474Professnl Practices Studio Art00000
ARTS 491EInd Stdy:Sculpture00000
ARTS 499Internship00000
ARTS 450JTopics: Environmental Art00000
ARTS 219Digital Video Production00000
ARTS 224Printmaking I00000
ARTS 341Multiple Imaging00000
ARTS 381UTop: Historic Photo Processes00000
ARTS 381WTransforming Material and Idea00000
ARTS 381NTop: Experimental Documentary00000
ARTS 381XTopics: Clay and Glazes00000
ARTS 381TTopics: Ceramic Figure Sculptu00000
ARTS 450FTop:Hist & Practice:Ceramics00000
ARTS 105Design Principles00000
ARTS 470A1St:Wheel Throwing00000
ARTS 475Senior Thesis Seminar00000
ARTS 491DInd Stdy:Printmkng00000
ARTS 104Digital Approaches to Fine Art00000
ARTS 120Drawing I00000
ARTS 223Ceramics I00000
ARTS 226Animation00000
ARTS 231ASculpture I00000
ARTS 241APhotography I00000