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UMW Course Reviews

University of Mary Washington

CodeNameOverallEasinessInterestUsefulnessReviewssorted descending
DGST 201Tinkering, Hacking & Making00000
DGST 301CDigital Media Studio00000
DGST 301DDigital Design Workshop00000
DGST 395Applied digital Studies00000
DGST 101Intro to Digital Studies00000
DGST 301BSpecial Topic: Digital Journal00000
DGST 301EVirtual and Augmented Reality00000
DGST 301FDocumentary Film00000
DGST 303Digital Media Studio00000
DGST 491Individual Study00000
DGST 301HDocumentary Film Prod00000
DGST 301ASpecial Topic: Creative Coding00000
DGST 302Creative Coding00000
DGST 483Digital Proj Consulting Pract.00000